Trump Recieves a Warm and Loving Reception in London

Apparently the Trump family was upset that they were comparing this hat:


To a maxi pad:


It looks like trumps daughter went to England and presented her self to the queen wearing a maxi pad where you could see it, on her head.

It even has strings tied up in a little bow. Maybe that was the disguise. The outfit didn’t look finished without a little maxi pad hat
What if this is a violation of the Emoluments clause?
Maybe trumps daughter was getting paid to wear that hat By the company that makes maxipads.

How did he keep that promise? This should be good.
Who do you blame more trump or Obama? This should be good lol

Show me where Pres. Obama claimed he could fix Chicago in a week.
Technically it could be done. Drop Bio/Chemicals on affected areas and it would be clean pretty quickly. However Trump has been fought against tooth and nail by Progs. And even if they agreed and changed their agendas, it would be tough to clean up.

So he was just running his mouth for the Trump Humpers.
Right, but voters here will see this and understand how he has diminished America's standing in the world.

So a small crowd of far left protesters in a huge city like London means that Trump has diminished America's standing in the world? Those people hated America before Trump was even elected. They hate Trump even more than that because he's succeeding...something that they were PROMISED wouldn't happen!
Horseshit! They are not protesting America. They do not hate America. They are protesting the Orange Ogre. Nothing like this ever happened when Obama visited.

Activists project Trump vs. Obama approval ratings on Tower of London during state visit

Why would they hate Obama? He gave them what they wanted...a diminished America. He was the "leading from behind" President! The "red line in the sand" President! The "apology tour" President! The "you didn't build that" President! Trump is the polar opposite of Barry...which is why they hate him so much!
Why is it that whenever issues about T-Rump are raised, you fuckers have to make it about Obama? Or Clinton? I know why. Because you really don't have a defense for his fat orange ass. Obama diminished America? What a fucking idiotic joke.!

Because each president is as a matter of fact compared with others. It's how we learn to try not to make mistakes twice.

Of course, without a free press playing watchdog for all instead of lapdog to the Democrats, the learning curve becomes higher.
It was the press they got Trump elected. Playing his every moment and every spoken word endlessly on every single channel. Even people at MSNBC got really angry when people were pointing out all the free airtime he was getting. Market watch and university studies suggest that Donald Trump received 4. five to $5 billion in free air time.
With that much Free Press, a toaster could’ve won.
How did he keep that promise? This should be good.
Who do you blame more trump or Obama? This should be good lol

Show me where Pres. Obama claimed he could fix Chicago in a week.
Technically it could be done. Drop Bio/Chemicals on affected areas and it would be clean pretty quickly. However Trump has been fought against tooth and nail by Progs. And even if they agreed and changed their agendas, it would be tough to clean up.

So he was just running his mouth for the Trump Humpers.

Really, there is only one person Trump Humpers bow down to.
Who do you blame more trump or Obama? This should be good lol

Show me where Pres. Obama claimed he could fix Chicago in a week.
Obama wants this to happen.. he needs people to struggle

Obama isn't the POTUS, Trump is and he just runs his mouth to keep his Trump Humpers happy.
Wasn’t he a community organizer?? Is still very young.. why doesn’t he care about the people in his home town?
Community organizer is good. Because the United States is a community. And it needs to be organized.
So if it’s good why doesn’t obama help out? Take a young apprentice under his wing lol
God you libs voted for this idiot lol
Apparently the Trump family was upset that they were comparing this hat:


To a maxi pad:


It looks like trumps daughter went to England and presented her self to the queen wearing a maxi pad where you could see it, on her head.

It even has strings tied up in a little bow. Maybe that was the disguise. The outfit didn’t look finished without a little maxi pad hat
After Michelle there are no comparisons. Trump's wife has tried to not be political although it can be difficult. Unlike Michelle who was political all the time crying and living like a third world dictator queen. But that does not stop you. Michelle and Barack could have been something. Instead we saw it before.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


wow Miss fire island youre such a tool
it was a joke
5 to 7 thousand leftards showed up
its the same sad old pathetic crowds full of loser activists and useful idiots
the crowd looks 98% white
youre a racist parading around token ****** animal sand savages..... nazi fag:04:
was that picture feed to ya by the MSM?
why aren't you showing all the soviet flags? ...their was a lot of em comrade.
If you're going to be a useful idiot BE a proud useful idiot.
don't take it from me take it from a lefty with an actual functioning brain that was there .

unused signs:auiqs.jpg:
useful idiot signs.JPG

for a socialist future tee hee


the truth

Apparently the Trump family was upset that they were comparing this hat:


To a maxi pad:


It looks like trumps daughter went to England and presented her self to the queen wearing a maxi pad where you could see it, on her head.

It even has strings tied up in a little bow. Maybe that was the disguise. The outfit didn’t look finished without a little maxi pad hat

Not a one of them can vote here.
Right, but voters here will see this and understand how he has diminished America's standing in the world.

So a small crowd of far left protesters in a huge city like London means that Trump has diminished America's standing in the world? Those people hated America before Trump was even elected. They hate Trump even more than that because he's succeeding...something that they were PROMISED wouldn't happen!
Horseshit! They are not protesting America. They do not hate America. They are protesting the Orange Ogre. Nothing like this ever happened when Obama visited.

Activists project Trump vs. Obama approval ratings on Tower of London during state visit

And here I thought we declared our independence in 1776. Suddenly you care about what some out of touch Londoners say about our President. lol
"Our president":abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

That's right. He's YOUR President. Get over it, or not. I really don't care. LOL
What a lame OP. You mean to tell me the UK is filled with weirdo libs?

Who the fuck would of thought that?
Thanks liarintheWH
Well, if it's true the UK has been overrun with Muslim immigrants
and the liberals and media accommodating that movement, maybe
THAT IS all we're going to hear from their media and the people left representing the public.
Only a pathetic cretin would celebrate any President receiving such disrespect. But you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
Call me what you like.He earned every bit of it.

View attachment 263918

Thanks for this boedicca!

I had to look up NPC to get the reference, so I learned something new.

Ironically, if you "go the other way" UP the alphabet
from MOB -- you get LNA or Low-Noise Amplifier,
which amplifies a very low-power signal without adding noise.
This might describe the approach I believe in taking, which is
to organize consensus solutions among a few concentrated people from
diverse sides, then the combination of those voices amplifies a more
resonant substantial message "above the crowd" that is just shouting noise.

Just fascinating, thank you boedicca and also TheProgressivePatriot
I believe both sides have equal right to their representation, and not to be harassed,
suppressed or censored by any emotional driven objections or obstructions regarding their beliefs.

TheProgressivePatriot Setting up means to RECOGNIZE representation of ALL groups
REGARDLESS who is in office is what I mean by RECOGNIZING CREEDS equally as
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM protected by LAW from infringement by Govt.

You scoff and reject when I bring up this idea with "LGBT Beliefs" you hold as truth
and "not a choice."

But when boedicca and others tell you "Trump is your President and not a choice" you
DISAGREE, and exercise your beliefs that his positions, creed and expressions
DO NOT REPRESENT YOU. THAT is what I mean TPP by having religious freedom
NOT TO BE UNDER THE political BELIEFS of other people and groups.

I respect your freedom to represent yourself by whatever you choose and identify with.
I believe that is part of YOUR free expression and exercise of beliefs, and nothing in the
law authorizes govt to take that from you. It's part of your "religious free choice" which
no one in govt can dictate or regulate without violating the First Amendment.

I don't believe it is Constitutional to force anything against YOUR BELIEFS by abuse of
law or govt. I hope you understand why I argue for this, when it comes to defending you
and your rights and beliefs from infringement. Whoever gets elected to office should not
change your ability to express and exercise your beliefs, whether religious or political. Period.
Creeds are Creeds. And by the Civil Rights laws, nobody is supposed to SUFFER from
"Discrimination by Creed."

Anyone harassing you for your political beliefs isn't practicing what the law preaches.
We all have rights to "discriminate as individuals"
but NOT the right to ABUSE GOVT to DISCRIMINATE.

My apologies if you are getting harassed for your views.
I respect your right to petition for redress of grievances,
and all others like you who are NOT REPRESENTED by Trump
or any of that agenda in the White House and Government.

Thank you TheProgressivePatriot
May we finally win this battle for equal representation
that Progressive Greens have been trying to fight for as well.
Third Parties have always contributed where the two-party
system fails and deadlocks. Let's see what the Progressives,
Libertarians and Constitutionalists come up with this time
if we all work together to defend voices like yours, and beliefs
left out of govt by abuse of parties to establish only their beliefs,
in violation of Constitutional principles, ethics and process.
Absolutely! I already said that Americans will see that America's standing in the world is being diminished by this ignorant lout and all of those who claim to love their country should care.
Our global presence has deteriorated

Nah. Our military is stronger than ever. That’s all that matters
It matters if Trump thinks he can build a military alliance

Obama did

Obama did build up ISIS, that's true

ISIS was around long before Obama, they used to be called Al Qaeda.

But Obama gave ISIS all the real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad AFTER we secured a hard fought victory in Iraq. Obama surrendered Iraq to ISIS, or ISIL as he liked to call his favorite group
Right, but voters here will see this and understand how he has diminished America's standing in the world.

So a small crowd of far left protesters in a huge city like London means that Trump has diminished America's standing in the world? Those people hated America before Trump was even elected. They hate Trump even more than that because he's succeeding...something that they were PROMISED wouldn't happen!
Horseshit! They are not protesting America. They do not hate America. They are protesting the Orange Ogre. Nothing like this ever happened when Obama visited.

Activists project Trump vs. Obama approval ratings on Tower of London during state visit

Why would they hate Obama? He gave them what they wanted...a diminished America. He was the "leading from behind" President! The "red line in the sand" President! The "apology tour" President! The "you didn't build that" President! Trump is the polar opposite of Barry...which is why they hate him so much!
Why is it that whenever issues about T-Rump are raised, you fuckers have to make it about Obama? Or Clinton? I know why. Because you really don't have a defense for his fat orange ass. Obama diminished America? What a fucking idiotic joke.!

Because each president is as a matter of fact compared with others. It's how we learn to try not to make mistakes twice.

Of course, without a free press playing watchdog for all instead of lapdog to the Democrats, the learning curve becomes higher.
Its a diversion from the mistake that we are currently enduring
Absolutely! I already said that Americans will see that America's standing in the world is being diminished by this ignorant lout and all of those who claim to love their country should care.
Our global presence has deteriorated

Nah. Our military is stronger than ever. That’s all that matters
It matters if Trump thinks he can build a military alliance

Obama did

Obama did build up ISIS, that's true

ISIS was around long before Obama, they used to be called Al Qaeda.
Look up what ISIS means.
Why do we keep allowing Trump to continue his dopey buffoonery trips? Doesn't he get tired of being laughed at?
Our global presence has deteriorated

Nah. Our military is stronger than ever. That’s all that matters
It matters if Trump thinks he can build a military alliance

Obama did

Obama did build up ISIS, that's true

ISIS was around long before Obama, they used to be called Al Qaeda.

But Obama gave ISIS all the real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad AFTER we secured a hard fought victory in Iraq. Obama surrendered Iraq to ISIS, or ISIL as he liked to call his favorite group

Why are we still in Iraq if it was such a victory.
The OP and those like him dont give a wit about what's happening to blacks in Chicago. Fucks their whole narrative to engage the mind on that so its avoided at all costs.....ghey.

Come on Trump Humper, Trump said he could stop the violence in Chicago in a week. It's been 2.5yrs and nothing.
He offered they said no and called him racist.. now enjoy voting for democrats lol

I know Trump lies all the time, but do Trump Humpers really have to lie as well.

Donald J. Trump

If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!

10:25 PM - Jan 24, 2017

He didn't offer, he made an ultimatum. It hasn't stopped and what has he done? NOT A DAMN THING.
The OP and those like him dont give a wit about what's happening to blacks in Chicago. Fucks their whole narrative to engage the mind on that so its avoided at all costs.....ghey.

Come on Trump Humper, Trump said he could stop the violence in Chicago in a week. It's been 2.5yrs and nothing.
He offered they said no and called him racist.. now enjoy voting for democrats lol

I know Trump lies all the time, but do Trump Humpers really have to lie as well.

Donald J. Trump

If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!

10:25 PM - Jan 24, 2017

He didn't offer, he made an ultimatum. It hasn't stopped and what has he done? NOT A DAMN THING.

Yes he did he kept that promise.
Trump: 'I am sending in Federal help' to Chicago - CNNPolitics

How did he keep that promise? This should be good.

Short recap of events.
Trump said if Chicago didn't get their horrible crime that's been there for years under control he would send in the Feds.

Emmanuel and the activists took it as an insult rather than work on the problems with solutions that work.
Activists took to the streets and looked like fools.
Trump won by their own despicable behavior. Mooning trump tower in the freezing cold looked pretty dumb to most.

Both sides used inaccurate information given out by the press and politicians, which led to the fighting on both sides and nothing was resolved.

Nah. Our military is stronger than ever. That’s all that matters
It matters if Trump thinks he can build a military alliance

Obama did

Obama did build up ISIS, that's true

ISIS was around long before Obama, they used to be called Al Qaeda.

But Obama gave ISIS all the real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad AFTER we secured a hard fought victory in Iraq. Obama surrendered Iraq to ISIS, or ISIL as he liked to call his favorite group

Why are we still in Iraq if it was such a victory.

Why are we still in Germany and Japan?

Obama threw Iraq away and let his Jihadist brother come back in
Come on Trump Humper, Trump said he could stop the violence in Chicago in a week. It's been 2.5yrs and nothing.
He offered they said no and called him racist.. now enjoy voting for democrats lol

I know Trump lies all the time, but do Trump Humpers really have to lie as well.

Donald J. Trump

If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!

10:25 PM - Jan 24, 2017

He didn't offer, he made an ultimatum. It hasn't stopped and what has he done? NOT A DAMN THING.
Come on Trump Humper, Trump said he could stop the violence in Chicago in a week. It's been 2.5yrs and nothing.
He offered they said no and called him racist.. now enjoy voting for democrats lol

I know Trump lies all the time, but do Trump Humpers really have to lie as well.

Donald J. Trump

If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!

10:25 PM - Jan 24, 2017

He didn't offer, he made an ultimatum. It hasn't stopped and what has he done? NOT A DAMN THING.

Yes he did he kept that promise.
Trump: 'I am sending in Federal help' to Chicago - CNNPolitics

How did he keep that promise? This should be good.

Short recap of events.
Trump said if Chicago didn't get their horrible crime that's been there for years under control he would send in the Feds.

Emmanuel and the activists took it as an insult rather than work on the problems with solutions that work.
Activists took to the streets and looked like fools.
Trump won by their own despicable behavior. Mooning trump tower in the freezing cold looked pretty dumb to most.

Both sides used inaccurate information given out by the press and politicians, which led to the fighting on both sides and nothing was resolved.

Republicans are to blame how?

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