Trump reverses himself on NATO. Now you guys have to stop hating NATO

Trump shuns NATO and RWs are humping each other ... part of the platform that got his sorry ass nominated..

he walks it back and the idiots hand him a free pass ...


Trump is now fully owned and operated by the GOP establishment.

All you Trumptards can now stop pretending you were rebelling against your good ole GOP by supporting Trump.
Trump was never against NATO, so you can drop your horse shit now.
no, he didn't hate it, he was just going to abandon its core reason for existing

You mean the Soviet Union? That core reason for existing?
the thing about nato... sheesh, are you guys really understanding, or is it all just a matter of being contrarian for the sake of the controversy itself? lately it's as though the democrats are pushing ideas about how russia is a threat and we need a cold war stance against them simply because trump said he wants to cooperate with russia to fight the isis. i mean, since when have the democrats been such neocons?
Trump shuns NATO and RWs are humping each other ... part of the platform that got his sorry ass nominated..

he walks it back and the idiots hand him a free pass ...


Trump is now fully owned and operated by the GOP establishment.

All you Trumptards can now stop pretending you were rebelling against your good ole GOP by supporting Trump.
Trump was never against NATO, so you can drop your horse shit now.
no, he didn't hate it, he was just going to abandon its core reason for existing

You mean the Soviet Union? That core reason for existing?
mutual defense pact
Did I miss where I aligned my opinion to Trumps? When did I start hating NATO to begin with?

As for trump changing his mind, its going to happen. 1) he is still learning. 2) he panders and lies. Big deal. Despite that he is still the more honest of the two candidates which is scary

This guy is more honest?

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When up against Hillary, yes. But for some reason it's okay when she lies.
Did I miss where I aligned my opinion to Trumps? When did I start hating NATO to begin with?

As for trump changing his mind, its going to happen. 1) he is still learning. 2) he panders and lies. Big deal. Despite that he is still the more honest of the two candidates which is scary

This guy is more honest?

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When up against Hillary, yes. But for some reason it's okay when she lies.

How many Trump supporters on this board have you heard say it's not okay when he lies?
Trump has backpeddled his hate. Now you can stop defending him and start saying how NATO is valuable again

Most likely, someone on Trump's staff (maybe Melania) must have shown him a map of Europe and Russia (probably the first time that Trump ever saw one) and the Cheetoe's clown decided that it'd be a good idea to reverse himself....once again.

Now the Trumpster is wondering if there's anyone else on this planet he can piss off..
Trump has backpeddled his hate. Now you can stop defending him and start saying how NATO is valuable again

Depends on what actual teeth NATO carries in actually backing up their authoritative position. Are they like the United Nations, debating and passing one resolution after another without backing up that authority when it's challenged? The United Nations after 8 years could not complete its mission of weapon inspectors to effectively and accurately determine the existence of WMDs, because (as the oil for food scandal later revealed) certain nations were making too much money off Saddam and looked the other way rather than see the enforcement of a prior resolution. If NATO as an organization is incapable of backing up the threats they impose on those leaders who don't abide by their warnings, then they have no real authority in the first place.

See that kind of attitude just lacks discernment. I mean is NATO hott? Is she kind? Is she a hard worker? Is she someone you can take home to your parents? Lots of questions to ask before you think about taking her to bed.
NATO has to go. It's an obsolete bureaucracy. They only purpose it's serving now, is to create conflict around the world. The Globalist Elites are now even starting another Cold War with Russia to ensure its survival. Close ties with Russia would likely spell the end for NATO.

Without their new war, the People might just stand up and demand its end. The NATO Globalist Elites are getting very nervous about that. They need to hurry up and start that new Cold War. I really do think it's time to disband NATO. And i feel that way no matter how any Politician feels about it.

NATO needed to go back during the Balkan Crisis n the 90s. They couldn't even figure out how to deal with a small regional conflict without having the US do the heavy lifting. What's the point of having countries like Italy and Greece and Turkey be in the club when they really can't do anything at all?
Trump shuns NATO and RWs are humping each other ... part of the platform that got his sorry ass nominated..

he walks it back and the idiots hand him a free pass ...


Trump is now fully owned and operated by the GOP establishment.

All you Trumptards can now stop pretending you were rebelling against your good ole GOP by supporting Trump.
Trump was never against NATO, so you can drop your horse shit now.
no, he didn't hate it, he was just going to abandon its core reason for existing

You mean the Soviet Union? That core reason for existing?
mutual defense pact

Against a nation that no longer exists
Did I miss where I aligned my opinion to Trumps? When did I start hating NATO to begin with?

As for trump changing his mind, its going to happen. 1) he is still learning. 2) he panders and lies. Big deal. Despite that he is still the more honest of the two candidates which is scary

This guy is more honest?

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When up against Hillary, yes. But for some reason it's okay when she lies.

How many Trump supporters on this board have you heard say it's not okay when he lies?

No idea. Doesn't matter. If you want an honest nation you need to start being honest yourself. And you need to police your side. I'm taking crap from both sides by calling these guys out on their lies. When are you going to stand up for what's right?
Did I miss where I aligned my opinion to Trumps? When did I start hating NATO to begin with?

As for trump changing his mind, its going to happen. 1) he is still learning. 2) he panders and lies. Big deal. Despite that he is still the more honest of the two candidates which is scary

This guy is more honest?

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Deflections don't count.

This show who the fucking liar is.

“we should pull out of NATO,” as Clinton claims Trump said.

Trump, April 27: They look at the United States as weak and forgiving and feel no obligation to honor their agreements with us. In NATO, for instance, only four of 28 other member countries besides America, are spending the minimum required 2 percent of GDP on defense. We have spent trillions of dollars over time on planes, missiles, ships, equipment, building up our military to provide a strong defense for Europe and Asia. The countries we are defending must pay for the cost of this defense, and if not, the U.S. must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves. We have no choice.

So, Trump has clearly outlined changes he would like to see made to NATO. And he has said that, under a Trump administration, the U.S. might no longer be a part of the alliance if it isn’t restructured and other nations don’t start to pick up more of the costs. But even that isn’t the same thing as saying that “we should pull out of NATO,” as Clinton claims Trump said.

What’s Trump’s Position on NATO?

How many Trump lies did I cite? How many can you show weren't lies?
Did I miss where I aligned my opinion to Trumps? When did I start hating NATO to begin with?

As for trump changing his mind, its going to happen. 1) he is still learning. 2) he panders and lies. Big deal. Despite that he is still the more honest of the two candidates which is scary

Actually the evidence is that Trump is one of the most dishonest candidates ever.
Did I miss where I aligned my opinion to Trumps? When did I start hating NATO to begin with?

As for trump changing his mind, its going to happen. 1) he is still learning. 2) he panders and lies. Big deal. Despite that he is still the more honest of the two candidates which is scary

This guy is more honest?

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When up against Hillary, yes. But for some reason it's okay when she lies.

How many Trump supporters on this board have you heard say it's not okay when he lies?

No idea. Doesn't matter. If you want an honest nation you need to start being honest yourself. And you need to police your side. I'm taking crap from both sides by calling these guys out on their lies. When are you going to stand up for what's right?

I am not my brother's keeper.
Did I miss where I aligned my opinion to Trumps? When did I start hating NATO to begin with?

As for trump changing his mind, its going to happen. 1) he is still learning. 2) he panders and lies. Big deal. Despite that he is still the more honest of the two candidates which is scary

This guy is more honest?

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When up against Hillary, yes. But for some reason it's okay when she lies.

How many Trump supporters on this board have you heard say it's not okay when he lies?

Clinton lies ... put the bitch in jail

Trump lies ... Trumpbots fight for the peanuts in his shit.

wait until he walks back the Monster WALL ... Trumpbots will be lined up for miles on their knees, hands behind their head, eyes closed, and mouths open begging for the first load.

the most pathetically amazing political scenario I've ever seen, bar none.
the thing about nato... sheesh, are you guys really understanding, or is it all just a matter of being contrarian for the sake of the controversy itself? lately it's as though the democrats are pushing ideas about how russia is a threat and we need a cold war stance against them simply because trump said he wants to cooperate with russia to fight the isis. i mean, since when have the democrats been such neocons?
Conservative Democrats, the same ones the retards like to associate with the KKK while forgetting those Democrats were right wingers, always had a Cold War stance against the USSR.

And just because the USSR has collapsed doesn't mean Russia, which is still being run by a KGB thug, isn't a threat to the West any more.

As far as "cooperating" with Russia to fight ISIS, don't make me laugh. Russia's part in the war on ISIS is negligible. All Putin cares about is keeping Assad in power, and nothing more.
Did I miss where I aligned my opinion to Trumps? When did I start hating NATO to begin with?

As for trump changing his mind, its going to happen. 1) he is still learning. 2) he panders and lies. Big deal. Despite that he is still the more honest of the two candidates which is scary

This guy is more honest?

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Deflections don't count.

This show who the fucking liar is.

“we should pull out of NATO,” as Clinton claims Trump said.

Trump, April 27: They look at the United States as weak and forgiving and feel no obligation to honor their agreements with us. In NATO, for instance, only four of 28 other member countries besides America, are spending the minimum required 2 percent of GDP on defense. We have spent trillions of dollars over time on planes, missiles, ships, equipment, building up our military to provide a strong defense for Europe and Asia. The countries we are defending must pay for the cost of this defense, and if not, the U.S. must be prepared to let these countries defend themselves. We have no choice.

So, Trump has clearly outlined changes he would like to see made to NATO. And he has said that, under a Trump administration, the U.S. might no longer be a part of the alliance if it isn’t restructured and other nations don’t start to pick up more of the costs. But even that isn’t the same thing as saying that “we should pull out of NATO,” as Clinton claims Trump said.

What’s Trump’s Position on NATO?

How many Trump lies did I cite? How many can you show weren't lies?

The thread is about NATO, dipshit. Hillary lied about what Trump said and you believed her.
Trump has been a liberal Democrat most of his life. That's why he comes across as a retard whenever he tries to talk like a conservative.

I have been saying for years, long before this impostor came around, that Europe has not been paying its fair share for its defense. And I have asked how likely it would be that Europe could continue to maintain its massive social safety net it mocks us for not having if they did start having to pay their fair share of their defense.

Not very. That's the answer to that question.

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