Trump reverses himself on NATO. Now you guys have to stop hating NATO

Trump has been a liberal Democrat most of his life. That's why he comes across as a retard whenever he tries to talk like a conservative.

I have been saying for years, long before this impostor came around, that Europe has not been paying its fair share for its defense. And I have asked how likely it would be that Europe could continue to maintain its massive social safety net it mocks us for not having if they did start having to pay their fair share of their defense.

Not very. That's the answer to that question.

It is your contention that Trump is a retard for taking the same position as you do on NATO. Aren't you glad you said that?
Did I miss where I aligned my opinion to Trumps? When did I start hating NATO to begin with?

As for trump changing his mind, its going to happen. 1) he is still learning. 2) he panders and lies. Big deal. Despite that he is still the more honest of the two candidates which is scary

This guy is more honest?

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When up against Hillary, yes. But for some reason it's okay when she lies.

How many Trump supporters on this board have you heard say it's not okay when he lies?

No idea. Doesn't matter. If you want an honest nation you need to start being honest yourself. And you need to police your side. I'm taking crap from both sides by calling these guys out on their lies. When are you going to stand up for what's right?

I am not my brother's keeper.

So you aren't responsible for the politicians you vote for but we are all responsible for those who can't take care of themselves by providing government programs that dont work?

And you very much dont have any obligation to support lies that at told by a democrat
Did I miss where I aligned my opinion to Trumps? When did I start hating NATO to begin with?

As for trump changing his mind, its going to happen. 1) he is still learning. 2) he panders and lies. Big deal. Despite that he is still the more honest of the two candidates which is scary

This guy is more honest?

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When up against Hillary, yes. But for some reason it's okay when she lies.

How many Trump supporters on this board have you heard say it's not okay when he lies?

Clinton lies ... put the bitch in jail

Trump lies ... Trumpbots fight for the peanuts in his shit.

wait until he walks back the Monster WALL ... Trumpbots will be lined up for miles on their knees, hands behind their head, eyes closed, and mouths open begging for the first load.

the most pathetically amazing political scenario I've ever seen, bar none.

Clinton's lies involved committing crimes involving classified information. While Trump lies, it's unclear that he has committed a crime with them. Probably has done something illegal but nothing I've seen that's clearly proven
The military industry donors to the politicians would never want the US to pull out of NATO.
Apart from its purpose as a defence organisation, it's a great government make-work scheme for defence contractors.
Dios mio, a politician who changes his stance on something instead of being rigidly hidebound to a position for all time. Whatever shall we do with people who modify their outlook when events demand they do so instead of being closed minded?
It used to be that if it was on the right, you would call them rinos and throw them under the bus if they stray too far from the orthodox positions. But now that Trump is the nominee, it doesn't matter that he changes his mind on issues on a daily basis or holds positions antithetical to orthodox conservatism. I guess a little consistency is too much to ask.
I've all but stopped paying attention to what the fool says... he's already lost.
the tell all books and the following law suits will be an awesome extension of this farce of a campaign.
NATO has to go. It's an obsolete bureaucracy. They only purpose it's serving now, is to create conflict around the world. The Globalist Elites are now even starting another Cold War with Russia to ensure its survival. Close ties with Russia would likely spell the end for NATO.

Without their new war, the People might just stand up and demand its end. The NATO Globalist Elites are getting very nervous about that. They need to hurry up and start that new Cold War. I really do think it's time to disband NATO. And i feel that way no matter how any Politician feels about it.

NATO needed to go back during the Balkan Crisis n the 90s. They couldn't even figure out how to deal with a small regional conflict without having the US do the heavy lifting. What's the point of having countries like Italy and Greece and Turkey be in the club when they really can't do anything at all?

We spend most of the money too. NATO's outlived its usefulness. Europe can defend itself just fine. The U.S. can move on. But some don't want that to happen. NATO is no longer defending anything. It's actually an aggressor that's seeking conflict all around the world. It wants a new Cold War with Russia. It wants to show that it still needs to exist.

No conflict with Russia, and many might start wondering why we're spending so much money on such an outdated bloated bureaucracy. So they've made Putin and Russia their new Boogeyman. You gotta have those Boogeymen to get the Sheeple on board supporting more wars. Personally, i feel if there's no NATO, we'll have less wars. Let's ditch it.
Trump has backpeddled his hate. Now you can stop defending him and start saying how NATO is valuable again

Never did hate NATO. Just want all of the members to pay their share of the cost. It always did make me wonder why we should pay the lions share of cost, equipment and troops to protect European countries.
Because if we didn't, they couldn't afford the massive Nanny states they maintain.
Trump shuns NATO and RWs are humping each other ... part of the platform that got his sorry ass nominated..

he walks it back and the idiots hand him a free pass ...


Wow you're a fucking dumb poster.....I still don't see the reversal

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