Trump right about Sweden - 55 'no go' zones and lots of violence


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
the Left does not want to acknowledge the growing violence and devastation caused by the Muslim migration to Sweden (and other countries in Europe)....hence they ignore the facts and create fake news......

we absolutely do not need Muslim immigrants/refugees like this brought to America....they go on welfare and become nothing but a problem.....they establish a Muslim state within a Western state (called 'no go' zones)....they do not assimilate but instead establish Sharia which is incompatible with our Constitution and our Western way of life......

Like clockwork... Trump causes an international incident by another one of his lies so the Deplorables think its their duty to denigrate the country he lied about.
Fucking incredible.
Like clockwork... Trump causes an international incident by another one of his lies so the Deplorables think its their duty to denigrate the country he lied about.
Fucking incredible.
the Swedes need to wake's like they got STOCKHOLM SYNDROME......:lmao:
Like clockwork... Trump causes an international incident by another one of his lies so the Deplorables think its their duty to denigrate the country he lied about.
Fucking incredible.
he was spot on. ooops.
Sweden's crime rate is stable even with them letting in refugees.
Swedish Crime Survey - Brottsförebyggande rådet

did you see the documentary? nough said. they don't have freedom of speech like we do. did you watch Tucker Carlson last night? if not, watch the dude who did the documentary and the two other ladies that followed. I just laughed it was so rich the obvious bs from Sweeden. ooops.
the Left does not want to acknowledge the growing violence and devastation caused by the Muslim migration to Sweden (and other countries in Europe)....hence they ignore the facts and create fake news......

we absolutely do not need Muslim immigrants/refugees like this brought to America....they go on welfare and become nothing but a problem.....they establish a Muslim state within a Western state (called 'no go' zones)....they do not assimilate but instead establish Sharia which is incompatible with our Constitution and our Western way of life......

It does not exist in Sweden. The country's crime rate has dropped and while there are high crime rate areas in Sweden not all of them are Muslim.

A number of muslim refugees have come into this country and are not a problem. Where in this country have they established Sharia law? Cite sources.Your pathetic attempts to justify Trump's comments slander innocent Americans because of their national origin are racist. Sit down and shut up.
As Horowitz noted, liberals love to pretend that Muslim no-go zones — Muslim neighborhoods to which even the authorities are afraid to venture and in which Sharia law is the rule and non-Muslims are attacked on sight — are little more than a figment of paranoid conservative imaginations. But as Horowitz would find out for himself, they are very much a horrifying reality.

Hundreds of Muslim ‘No-Go’ Zones Take Root in Europe
Like clockwork... Trump causes an international incident by another one of his lies so the Deplorables think its their duty to denigrate the country he lied about.
Fucking incredible.

Turn off MSNBC and put down the NYT. They have an agenda and they are lying to you. Otherwise, change your name to something realistic like gullible.
the Left does not want to acknowledge the growing violence and devastation caused by the Muslim migration to Sweden (and other countries in Europe)....hence they ignore the facts and create fake news......

we absolutely do not need Muslim immigrants/refugees like this brought to America....they go on welfare and become nothing but a problem.....they establish a Muslim state within a Western state (called 'no go' zones)....they do not assimilate but instead establish Sharia which is incompatible with our Constitution and our Western way of life......

It does not exist in Sweden. The country's crime rate has dropped and while there are high crime rate areas in Sweden not all of them are Muslim.

A number of muslim refugees have come into this country and are not a problem. Where in this country have they established Sharia law? Cite sources.Your pathetic attempts to justify Trump's comments slander innocent Americans because of their national origin are racist. Sit down and shut up.
Just read that France is planning to build a wall around the Eiffel Tower. They're that concerned there will be a catastrophic Terrorist attack carried out on it.

So how bout that massive unfettered Immigration? Yeah, just not seeing the big 'upside' for French Citizens. Their country is dying. But hey, WTG Leftists. Nice job. :(
Sweden's crime rate is stable even with them letting in refugees.
Swedish Crime Survey - Brottsförebyggande rådet

Sweden is the rape capitol of the world....
Immigrants rioting is an on-going problem in Sweden:

"The neighborhood, Rinkeby, was the scene of riots in 2010 and 2013, too. And in most ways, what happened Monday night was reminiscent of those earlier bouts of anger. Swedish police apparently made an arrest about 8 p.m. near the Rinkeby station. For reasons not yet disclosed by the police, word of the arrest prompted youths to gather."

Riots erupt in Sweden’s capital just days after Trump comments

"Rinkeby was one of several areas which saw violent unrest in 2013, with up to 30 fires a night and several police injured by stones. It is one of 15 areas listed by police as "particularly vulnerable" in a report from 2015, however they have denied any existence of "no go zones"."

Swedish press photographer assaulted in Rinkeby riots

Like clockwork... Trump causes an international incident by another one of his lies so the Deplorables think its their duty to denigrate the country he lied about.
Fucking incredible.

Turn off MSNBC and put down the NYT. They have an agenda and they are lying to you. Otherwise, change your name to something realistic like gullible.
Lying to me.. lol.
but your pathological liar isn't?
The Swedish prez ripped the chronic liar a new asshole. What is he smoking?
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