Trump right about Sweden - 55 'no go' zones and lots of violence

Like clockwork... Trump causes an international incident by another one of his lies so the Deplorables think its their duty to denigrate the country he lied about.
Fucking incredible.

Turn off MSNBC and put down the NYT. They have an agenda and they are lying to you. Otherwise, change your name to something realistic like gullible.
Lying to me.. lol.
but your pathological liar isn't?
The Swedish prez ripped the chronic liar a new asshole. What is he smoking?
did you watch the documentary or not? if not you have no idea what Trump was referencing.
Sweden's crime rate is stable even with them letting in refugees.
Swedish Crime Survey - Brottsförebyggande rådet

did you see the documentary? nough said. they don't have freedom of speech like we do. did you watch Tucker Carlson last night? if not, watch the dude who did the documentary and the two other ladies that followed. I just laughed it was so rich the obvious bs from Sweeden. ooops.

The documentary was fake news. The police officers who were in the video says they were asked about high crime areas not immigrants or migrants. Tucker Carlson is a Trump toady just like O'Reilly and Hannity. The only 2 honest journalists they have seem to be Shep Smith and Chris Wallace.
Sweden is safer than Florida is

Not many muslims in Florida
Sweden's crime rate is stable even with them letting in refugees.
Swedish Crime Survey - Brottsförebyggande rådet

did you see the documentary? nough said. they don't have freedom of speech like we do. did you watch Tucker Carlson last night? if not, watch the dude who did the documentary and the two other ladies that followed. I just laughed it was so rich the obvious bs from Sweeden. ooops.

The documentary was fake news. The police officers who were in the video says they were asked about high crime areas not immigrants or migrants. Tucker Carlson is a Trump toady just like O'Reilly and Hannity. The only 2 honest journalists they have seem to be Shep Smith and Chris Wallace.
then you didn't watch it. why did they shut up and say they didn't want to be seen as racist? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
As Horowitz noted, liberals love to pretend that Muslim no-go zones — Muslim neighborhoods to which even the authorities are afraid to venture and in which Sharia law is the rule and non-Muslims are attacked on sight — are little more than a figment of paranoid conservative imaginations. But as Horowitz would find out for himself, they are very much a horrifying reality.

Hundreds of Muslim ‘No-Go’ Zones Take Root in Europe

Like here in America there is no place the authorities are afraid to venture in. The troubled areas are more than figments however the danger is exaggerated to an extreme hyperbole.
BlindBoo said: Like here in America there is no place the authorities are afraid to venture in. The troubled areas are more than figments however the danger is exaggerated to an extreme hyperbole.

Remember this?
Like clockwork... Trump causes an international incident by another one of his lies so the Deplorables think its their duty to denigrate the country he lied about.
Fucking incredible.

What are you babbling about? Swede's are lying their asses off. They've had riots for years now in the Muslim ghettos. This is on record.
Sweden's crime rate is stable even with them letting in refugees.
Swedish Crime Survey - Brottsförebyggande rådet

did you see the documentary? nough said. they don't have freedom of speech like we do. did you watch Tucker Carlson last night? if not, watch the dude who did the documentary and the two other ladies that followed. I just laughed it was so rich the obvious bs from Sweeden. ooops.

The documentary was fake news. The police officers who were in the video says they were asked about high crime areas not immigrants or migrants. Tucker Carlson is a Trump toady just like O'Reilly and Hannity. The only 2 honest journalists they have seem to be Shep Smith and Chris Wallace.
just because they agree with you?
Sweden's crime rate is stable even with them letting in refugees.
Swedish Crime Survey - Brottsförebyggande rådet


Not really. Know what's REALLY dopey? Posting statistics that you have not vetted or that you don't completely understand. IN FACT -- On that SAME SITE -- you get some strangely VERY contradicting info.

The DETAILS are in how folks "lie" with statistics to make a claim. You need to CAREFULLY read what that data represents. Because on the SAME SITE -- there are some OTHER graphs that "lie" in different ways.



You'll find the explanation of these Sweden Sex Crime statistics at:

Rape and sex offences - Brottsförebyggande rådet

Any one in the Sciences knows you can't just post ONE GRAPH and declare victory unless you've fought over the meaning and the value of the data measured. Same Swedish Govt site. Different answers. Depending on HOW the question is asked..
Sweden's crime rate is stable even with them letting in refugees.
Swedish Crime Survey - Brottsförebyggande rådet


Not really. Know what's REALLY dopey? Posting statistics that you have not vetted or that you don't completely understand. IN FACT -- On that SAME SITE -- you get some strangely VERY contradicting info.

The DETAILS are in how folks "lie" with statistics to make a claim. You need to CAREFULLY read what that data represents. Because on the SAME SITE -- there are some OTHER graphs that "lie" in different ways.



You'll find the explanation of these Sweden Sex Crime statistics at:

Rape and sex offences - Brottsförebyggande rådet

Any one in the Sciences knows you can't just post ONE GRAPH and declare victory unless you've fought over the meaning and the value of the data measured. Same Swedish Govt site. Different answers. Depending on HOW the question is asked..

Since the numbers start out so naturally low (It's Sweden for Pete's sake) --- it makes a huge difference whether you ask "what percentage of the population" or "how many reported". Because these refugee problems are very LOCALIZED. and they will not show in national statistics as well. LARGELY -- you get the results I posted above when you ask "how many reported" --- because apparently, women living in the affected areas could have harassed MULTIPLE TIMES... Don't toss shit. Don't consume shit. QUESTION it until you you're sure it's safe.

The first set of statistics that Reasonable presented didn't even separate sex crimes against men or women. Making the result look HALF AS BIG as it really is. Beware, Be warned, dont drink the colored liquid until you know what's in it...
Look what Swedes busted for last year. The lie their asses off.

"Wednesday 13 January 2016 12.47 GMT Last modified on Thursday 9 February 2017 12.43 GMT

The news that the Swedish authorities covered up widespread sexual assaults by immigrant gangs on teenage girls at a Stockholm music festival, and possibly other incidents too, is immensely damaging for race relations in Sweden because it conforms so precisely to two stereotypes.

The first, widely believed in nationalist circles, is that immigrants to Sweden are responsible for the huge rise in reported rapes in recent years. The second, more true, and much more widely believed, is that you cannot trust respectable Swedish opinion to be honest about the bad effects of immigration.

It has been quite clearly established that there has been an increase in violent crime, and in reported rape, over the last 40 years in Sweden. In 1995, the first year for which statistics are easily available on the Crime Agency’s website, there were 179 murders in Sweden, of which 29 involved guns; in 2014 there were 317, of which 74 involved guns.

Some of the violence is closely linked to the appearance of gangs of Balkan and Middle Eastern origin among refugee groupings who fight for control of the drugs trade, among other things. There were around 40 unsolved gang murders on police files at the end of last year."
BlindBoo said: Like here in America there is no place the authorities are afraid to venture in. The troubled areas are more than figments however the danger is exaggerated to an extreme hyperbole.

Remember this?

Sure, and I was thinking to myself why would they do that, it looked like a carnival or festival or something......Then of course I remembered!

"Wretched TV had deceptively edited footage of some Christian street preachers at the Arabfest in Dearborn, Michigan, in order to portray the Muslims in attendance as violent, bloodthirsty foreigners. I pointed out that the “Christian” preachers were led by Ruban Israel, a notorious street preacher (who was and is not supported by or connected to Wretched TV) who went to the festival specifically to agitate and incite the Muslims. If you look at unedited footage of the event, it’s clear that the “Christians” were inciting Muslims to hate, which, of course, never justifies violence, but it does explain why it happens."

Muslims Stoning Christians in Michigan? Not quite… (Updated) - Christ and Pop Culture

Beyond Wretched: Wretched TV, Deception, and "Violent" Muslims - Christ and Pop Culture
Like clockwork... Trump causes an international incident by another one of his lies so the Deplorables think its their duty to denigrate the country he lied about.
Fucking incredible.

Turn off MSNBC and put down the NYT. They have an agenda and they are lying to you. Otherwise, change your name to something realistic like gullible.
Lying to me.. lol.
but your pathological liar isn't?
The Swedish prez ripped the chronic liar a new asshole. What is he smoking?

Well of course he did. Liberals can't admit when their policies fail. When you do no vetting and allow anyone to come into your country without an expectation of assimilating to the culture, you get the kind of chaos Sweden is seeing but their politicians are denying. Trump wasn't wrong as proven by all of the media reports showing the rioting and car burning going on there. Open your eyes.

Oh and as for chronic liars......if you like your know the rest. You bought it hook, line and sinker. You just don't like that the liar in chief is a liar you don't like this time.
Sweden's crime rate is stable even with them letting in refugees.
Swedish Crime Survey - Brottsförebyggande rådet

did you see the documentary? nough said. they don't have freedom of speech like we do. did you watch Tucker Carlson last night? if not, watch the dude who did the documentary and the two other ladies that followed. I just laughed it was so rich the obvious bs from Sweeden. ooops.

The documentary was fake news. The police officers who were in the video says they were asked about high crime areas not immigrants or migrants. Tucker Carlson is a Trump toady just like O'Reilly and Hannity. The only 2 honest journalists they have seem to be Shep Smith and Chris Wallace.

Oh my! A liberal complaining about fake news. LOL
Like clockwork... Trump causes an international incident by another one of his lies so the Deplorables think its their duty to denigrate the country he lied about.
Fucking incredible.
It is a pity that the so-called president of the United States get his news from FOX News instead of briefings from the intelligence services.
Like clockwork... Trump causes an international incident by another one of his lies so the Deplorables think its their duty to denigrate the country he lied about.
Fucking incredible.
It is a pity that the so-called president of the United States get his news from FOX News instead of briefings from the intelligence services.
he isn't allowed to?
Now here's the key part that confirms Swedes are bloody liars about their "migrant issues".

The police didn't report the massive sexual assaults on teenage girls for three reasons. And they are all absolutely appalling reasons.

#1 The police didn't want to provoke ethnic tensions.

#2 current government wanted to give no fodder to their opposition.

#3 the festival organizers didn't want a bad reputation as young teenage girls are the target audience.

Un freaking real. That squeaky clean image of Sweden is only a facade. You pull back that scab called coverups and the real pus of that country comes flowing out.

"It is absolutely clear – with the publication of internal memos by the newspaper Dagens Nyheter – that the Stockholm police failed to report the sex assaults at the festival for fear of worsening ethnic tensions.

And it was understood by all parties that this would lead to an electoral advantage for the Sweden Democrats.

The organisers, who also allegedly knew what was going on, were concerned for the success of the festival and did not want to frighten away the teenagers who were its target audience.

"So teenage girls were systematically assaulted and robbed by gangs of young foreign men because too many powerful people found their suffering was inconvenient.

The result of this cover-up will be far more damaging than the truth could have been."

This cover-up of sex assaults in Sweden is a gift for xenophobes | Andrew Brown

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