Trump Robotics Drunkenness


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a commerce-centric propaganda eyebrow-raiser between two robots (Optimus Prime and Galvatron) regarding TrumpUSA inspired by the new film American Made.


OPTIMUS: TrumpUSA is commerce-centric and must be defended.
GALVATRON: Any overtly-consumer government requires 'advocacy,' Optimus.
OPTIMUS: Don't be so cynical, Galvatron, because you know a good knight must protect civilization.
GALVATRON: You think a knight should care about Starbucks?
OPTIMUS: Americans care about the FDA and the FBI and their consumerism comforts should be supported.
GALVATRON: Capitalism is a flawed system.
OPTIMUS: The purpose of political philosophy is to embrace the exchange.
GALVATRON: There will always be pirates, Optimus.
OPTIMUS: There will also always be chivalry, Galvatron.
GALVATRON: Don't scapegoat me for being Machiavellian!
OPTIMUS: Then don't demonize capitalism just because it's a competitive system!
GALVATRON: Show me pity in times of poverty, and I'll show you a miracle...
OPTIMUS: If the 'debate' surrounding collective bargaining never ends, we'll always have miracles.
GALVATRON: I hope President Trump is as optimistic as you are about global competition...


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