Trump said Kim Jong Un’s letter was ‘interesting.’ Then he said, ‘I haven’t opened it.’

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Will cons ever give up on this moron?

Analysis | Watch: Trump said Kim Jong Un’s letter was ‘interesting.’ Then he said, ‘I haven’t opened it.’

When a journalist asked whether the president could “just give us the flavor of what the letter said,” Trump said, “It was a very interesting letter. At some point, it may be appropriate and maybe I'll be able to give it to you, maybe.”

A few minutes later, however, Trump said he hadn't even opened the letter, which was delivered by Kim Yong Chol, a high-ranking North Korean official who previously directed that country's spy agency.

“I haven't seen the letter yet,” the president said. “I purposely didn't open the letter. I haven't opened it. I didn't open it in front of the director. I said, ‘Would you want me to open it?’ He said, ‘You can read it later.’ ”
President Trump was referring to the comically large size of the envelope and letter, you moron. Everyone noticed its absurdity.
It is amazing to watch the lengths the Left will go to denigrate Trump. Is it any wonder no thinking person takes them seriously?

They have lost their F-ing minds.
President Trump was referring to the comically large size of the envelope and letter, you moron. Everyone noticed its absurdity.

And "interesting" is the word you'd use to describe an unopened letter?

I think not.
And "interesting" is the word you'd use to describe an unopened letter?
They could give Fred lessons...

Jesus. It's true.

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,"
It's hilarious how the left will get their panties all in a wad over the most ridiculous things.

When Trump said: "That letter was a very nice letter,” and “It was a very interesting letter"

Maybe he was simply thinking about how huge an envelope it came in, which has been reported as being as big as a newspaper.

Seriously though, who the fuck cares.
It's hilarious how the left will get their panties all in a wad over the most ridiculous things.

When Trump said: "That letter was a very nice letter,” and “It was a very interesting letter"

Maybe he was simply thinking about how huge an envelope it came in, which has been reported as being as big as a newspaper.

Seriously though, who the fuck cares.
I care that the President of the United States is such a fraud & liar.
It's hilarious how the left will get their panties all in a wad over the most ridiculous things.

When Trump said: "That letter was a very nice letter,” and “It was a very interesting letter"

Maybe he was simply thinking about how huge an envelope it came in, which has been reported as being as big as a newspaper.

Seriously though, who the fuck cares.
I care that the President of the United States is such a fraud & liar.
You didn't care under Obama.

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