Trump same as every president since LBJ,kissing war mongrel Israels ass.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees
I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees

It's stupid to continue "enabling" these "refugees" for 70 years now. Didn't Tom Petty sing, "You don't have to live like a Refugee"? I mean, it's three-quarters of a century already! My parents were refugees from WW2--for about 5 years or so, until my dad got a job and built himself up. Israel absorbed 850,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries and not one of them is left. The U.S. should've cut aid to them long ago. (BTW, the U.S. should cut aid to Israel too.)
I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees

I see EVEN Sunniman is awake on this on what a traiter trump is.:thup:
America is just a vassal state of Israel, and its citizens are unwitting serfs of the zionist rulers in Tel Aviv.

American presidential candidates must swear fidelity to the state Israel, and vow to protect it to the last drop of U.S. soldiers blood, in order to have a chance of winning the election. .... :cool:
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I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees

I see EVEN Sunniman is awake on this on what a traiter trump is.:thup:

Traitor to whom? The Arabs?
I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees

It's stupid to continue "enabling" these "refugees" for 70 years now. Didn't Tom Petty sing, "You don't have to live like a Refugee"? I mean, it's three-quarters of a century already! My parents were refugees from WW2--for about 5 years or so, until my dad got a job and built himself up. Israel absorbed 850,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries and not one of them is left. The U.S. should've cut aid to them long ago. (BTW, the U.S. should cut aid to Israel too.)

I would have no problem with them cutting off aide to them HOWEVER like you said,the US should and NEEDS to cut off aide to Israel as well and should have done that FIRST but trump of course wont do that because he is the latest line of zionists stooge presidents dating back to LBJ to serve their interests instead of the american people. fucking traiter.:mad:
I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees

I see EVEN Sunniman is awake on this on what a traiter trump is.:thup:

Traitor to whom? The Arabs?

err no the american people kissing Israels ass.:mad:
I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees
I guess the celebrities can send money to pay the Palestinians(Islamic terrorists) that killed Israeli citizens as young as two.
I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees
I guess the celebrities can send money to pay the Palestinians(Islamic terrorists) that killed Israeli citizens as young as two.

sure ,what a trolling post trolling here ignoring how ISRAEL murders innocent women and children all the time and when cornered with those facts just like your handlers instruct,evade them and then start in with that anti semitic bullshit knowing you are backed against the wall.

my ignore list grow bigger.

sure are a lot of paid shills of Israel that have penetrated this site.
I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees
I guess the celebrities can send money to pay the Palestinians(Islamic terrorists) that killed Israeli citizens as young as two.

sure ,what a trolling post trolling here ignoring how ISRAEL murders innocent women and children all the time and when cornered with those facts just like your handlers instruct,evade them and then start in with that anti semitic bullshit knowing you are backed against the wall.

my ignore list grow bigger.

sure are a lot of paid shills of Israel that have penetrated this site.
No one cares about who you ignore. It only shows a lack of tolerance. Bye.
I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees
I guess the celebrities can send money to pay the Palestinians(Islamic terrorists) that killed Israeli citizens as young as two.

sure ,what a trolling post trolling here ignoring how ISRAEL murders innocent women and children all the time and when cornered with those facts just like your handlers instruct,evade them and then start in with that anti semitic bullshit knowing you are backed against the wall.

my ignore list grow bigger.

sure are a lot of paid shills of Israel that have penetrated this site.
the Pals are the ones who directly target innocent civilians--not Israel
the attacked the world and world peace in 1972
they murder invalids in WHEELCHAIRS
I had hopes that he would be our first REAL president since JFK to stand up to Israel but same as every president since LBJ,he is just an ass kisser of Israel and there to do their bidding for them. No surprise,I exposed his zionists ties to them before he got elected but i still held out hope he was different than Bush and Obama. Not the case though.:mad:

Celebrities criticize Trump cuts to Palestinian refugees
He's just carrying out the will of the American people, who support Israel overwhelmingly. Deal with it.
America is just a vassal state of Israel, and its citizens are unwitting serfs of the zionist rulers in Tel Aviv.

American presidential candidates must swear fidelity to the state Israel, and vow to protect it to the last drop of U.S. soldiers blood, in order to have a chance of winning the election. .... :cool:
Correct, because American people have always stood shoulder to shoulder with Israel. It's probably the ONLY issue that both the left and right are in agreement on, even in today's toxic political environment. To be even slightly anti Israel in the US is akin to political suicide. One of the reasons that Hillary did not get elected was because Obama betrayed and disrespected our close ally Israel, which was infuriating to most Americans.
Sadly, the majority of American citizens have been brainwashed by the jew controlled media into thinking that Israel is in de facto our 51st state. ... :cuckoo:
It would be delusional to even think that Americans would throw Israel under the bus in favor of Islam and Muslim ideology.
The way American politicians kowtow to the Israeli lobby's demands borders on treason. They act like defending Israel is written into the US Constitution. ..... :cuckoo:
America is just a vassal state of Israel, and its citizens are unwitting serfs of the zionist rulers in Tel Aviv.

American presidential candidates must swear fidelity to the state Israel, and vow to protect it to the last drop of U.S. soldiers blood, in order to have a chance of winning the election. .... :cool:
Correct, because American people have always stood shoulder to shoulder with Israel. It's probably the ONLY issue that both the left and right are in agreement on, even in today's toxic political environment. To be even slightly anti Israel in the US is akin to political suicide. One of the reasons that Hillary did not get elected was because Obama betrayed and disrespected our close ally Israel, which was infuriating to most Americans.

Because of AIPAC, and the stupidity of the American masses, truth be told between the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty Bombing, and Jonathan Pollard there's much reason for Americans to be wary of Israeli intentions.
America is just a vassal state of Israel, and its citizens are unwitting serfs of the zionist rulers in Tel Aviv.

American presidential candidates must swear fidelity to the state Israel, and vow to protect it to the last drop of U.S. soldiers blood, in order to have a chance of winning the election. .... :cool:
Correct, because American people have always stood shoulder to shoulder with Israel. It's probably the ONLY issue that both the left and right are in agreement on, even in today's toxic political environment. To be even slightly anti Israel in the US is akin to political suicide. One of the reasons that Hillary did not get elected was because Obama betrayed and disrespected our close ally Israel, which was infuriating to most Americans.

Because of AIPAC, and the stupidity of the American masses, truth be told between the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty Bombing, and Jonathan Pollard there's much reason for Americans to be wary of Israeli intentions.
Way to go touching on the most common hit parade of themes found on all the antisemtic neo Nazi sites for ignorant, undereducated morons.

By the way, you left out a few of the greatest hits, such as the Joooos did 9-11.

Can you Jew hating dirtbags try to be original, for once at least?
The way American politicians kowtow to the Israeli lobby's demands borders on treason. They act like defending Israel is written into the US Constitution. ..... :cuckoo:
Again, they are following the will of the people. Who in their sane mind would kowtow to the Muslim lobby? Or should I say...who in their right mind would be for national suicide?

Newsflash: Hussein Obama is no longer president.
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