Trump says boxing results ‘could be rigged like elections’ during bizarre turn as sports commentator

Threads about Trump are perfectly appropriate.

He’s the de facto head of the GOP.

He involves himself in local elections and endorses candidates.

He continues to suggest he’s running again in 2024.

But your dislike of threads about Trump are understandable, given he’s a source of endless embarrassment for conservatives.
No...ask the GOP who their head is...they didn't even support Trump when he WAS.

Keep following your fantasies.

Never forget leftard....the state loves you almost as much as you love it.

Now go get some more experimental puss injected into you.
Wrestling is rigged. Thats why you cant bet on it.
They used to be able to. I remember years ago, a (I believe) British company took bets on who would be WWF (now WWE) champion at year’s end in 2001. The booking committee members, knowing the plans for the title, put all their money on Chris Jericho (who had long odds against him). They wound up cleaning out the company.

Has Trump got to the age of nearly 80 and just realised that boxing might not be on the level ? It a shame that ,once again, he offers no proof of this.
Holyfield should never have taken this fight and I hope that it doesnt mean he is broke. It was just a circus but this time the clown was on the mic and not in the ring.

Trump just needs another headline to stay in the news cycle.. so he shoots off his mouth. That's what he does.
if they can do it in pro wrestling and fool people, they can do it anywhere

not bizarre, he's onto something

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