Trump says boycott Fox???? Where would Republicans get their misinformation?

I'm sort of ashamed of my fellow Arizonans. Although I don't support Trump but I'd still like to see the vehicles blocking traffic to be looking like the Bonnie and Clyde car in which they were shot up.
Above post is irrelevant. Conservatives have one tv news media outlet. One. And we're losing that. You no-good pos leftist government leeches have 19. And you clowns still can't get the truth out. Fuckin idiots.
Don't cry. Perhaps America will finally wake up to all the damage right wing policies cause.

What policies would those be that the alleged controlled opposition could not change with a pen and a phone call? You are so full of shit. Neither party gives a flying fuck about you. Both are corrupted and compromised at the very top and they have hidden this very salient fact that Washington. D.C is not the head of the country but the head of a massive corporate entity known as USA..INC. It was incorporated in 1871 and has been more or less owned by foreign banking interests ever since. The last great leader we had was JFK that wanted to free us from this debt slavery system so they had him murdered in public in order to send a message to anyone else that might dare cross them. Watch "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick". It is the best documentary ever done on our REAL history...not the one the banking oligarchs had written. Let it be your wake up call. You are not stupid....just misguided and caught up in this "left versus right paradigm".....just remember, the body in the middle controls them both.
Looking at a country as complex as the United States and trying to boil it down to a few simple phrases is, well, simple. And we have an apt name for someone who with simple views. The name is "simpleton".

The first failure in policy is trying to find a blame when the entire problem is breaking down the structure and the attacks on different portions.
Left wingers, like Bernie Santa want to blame banks and big business.
Right wingers want to blame government.
The ignorant from both sides look at "the party" as if American political parties are third world and totalitarian. As if the people IN the party aren't voted in by the public but are shadowy figures that run everything from dark back rooms while wearing trench coats.. A public that doesn't seem to have much interest in the greatest and most interesting political country in the world.
See? Simplistic.

The truth is big business and banks are as American as Apple Pie and Baseball. Trade is as American as Native Americans and white men. And government is as American as the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

The country does best with a delicate balance of human rights, government, small business, big business and a free economy.
Human rights include safety and a clean environment and personal freedom.
Big business has the right to make a profit, to make money and do big things. But it doesn't have the right to screw over other Americans or ruin the environment or take away personal freedom. And that's why we rely on government THAT WE VOTE INTO OFFICE. To keep business from screwing over everyone else. To save us from to big to fail. From doing what we call business excess.
At the same time, government protects business from other business unfair practices. From being screwed over by foreign governments and from overzealous law suits.
And all that is why we have courts. But as we all know, courts cover all kinds of things. Not just business or lawsuits.

So to summarize. Government protects business, the middle class, helps move the country forward. Business supplies jobs and services that we buy and pay for. There is an important role for everything. Courts, schools, business and government.

Republicans hatred of government have screwed over the country in every way possible. And then they fall back on government when they want to push their social issues.
Democrats never really had the target the GOP has until Bernie Sanders came along with hate business and make everything free.

Trump was actually right when he said we need to negotiate better with other countries. The only thing he's been right about.

The entire mix between government, business and human rights is so complex there are areas I never even touched.

But I am sick sick sick of simpletons picking out a target and insisting "that's the problem". Republicans get the most scrutiny because they created most of the problems through their really damaging policies. And they still hold those positions after Bush and Reagan. They should have learned better.
Geez, guys, don't you knw that only leftards are the purveyors of truth? Don't even question them....for they know what is best.......said no one ever that had anyb sense.

Let me spell it out for you ....lest you might have any doubt. The demcrat party was taken over at a secret caucus in 1980 after the embarrasing lose that Carter suffered to Reagan. They adopted the 1930's socialist party model agenda and they carefully cultivated it while working in conjunction with the neocons. Totalitarism is the end game and it is something that the Fabian socialists are totally on board with and they will use any means neccessary to accomplish it...they will steal, beg or borrow to bring it about.....the end always justifies the means. All they want in return is a grateful "sheeple" that will never question their authority even though the Faqbians answer to the very banksters that they claimed to be against........the quintessential "catch 22"......
I talked about "real" stuff in the post above. You might as well be talking about birth certificates.
Geez, guys, don't you knw that only leftards are the purveyors of truth? Don't even question them....for they know what is best.......said no one ever that had anyb sense.

Let me spell it out for you ....lest you might have any doubt. The demcrat party was taken over at a secret caucus in 1980 after the embarrasing lose that Carter suffered to Reagan. They adopted the 1930's socialist party model agenda and they carefully cultivated it while working in conjunction with the neocons. Totalitarism is the end game and it is something that the Fabian socialists are totally on board with and they will use any means neccessary to accomplish it...they will steal, beg or borrow to bring it about.....the end always justifies the means. All they want in return is a grateful "sheeple" that will never question their authority even though the Faqbians answer to the very banksters that they claimed to be against........the quintessential "catch 22"......
I talked about "real" stuff in the post above. You might as well be talking about birth certificates.

Looking at a country as complex as the United States and trying to boil it down to a few simple phrases is, well, simple. And we have an apt name for someone who with simple views. The name is "simpleton".

And I am sure that only "liberals" are fit to address these alleged "complex issues", eh? It's not that complicated actually. We have a government that has totally lied to us where enough of our alleged leaders have been either corrupted or compromised. They have the power to end the control the foreign owned central bank has over the creation of our own currency but has failed to do so. They will not insist on a full top to bottom audit of the Fed bank and that is a huge part of the problem. How can you every pay off the debt when every Federal reserve note has usury attached to it? It is a perpetual debt machine and the more fiat currency put into circulation simply debases the currency and makes it worth less which causes inflation which is a hidden tax in and of it's self. Free trade agreements and the environmental movement has been instrumental in the loss of decent paying middle class jobs because the workers are no longer protected from competing with what amounts to slave labor. USA.INC has been skimming off the top and using that money to buy up hard assets and stocks to the point that this mass corporation and all their subsidiaries are the majority stockholders in every Fortune 500 company and their subsidiaries. It is a total conflict of interest because they then pass acts, statutes and codes that benefit these multi-national companies because it improves their bottom line at the expense of us serfs. The decline of the middle class is not an accident but purposely planned.

"The first failure in policy is trying to find a blame when the entire problem is breaking down the structure and the attacks on different portions.
Left wingers, like Bernie Santa want to blame banks and big business.
Right wingers want to blame government"
Actually Sanders, some leftwingers and rightwingers are 50 percent correct because it is actually all three.

"The ignorant from both sides look at "the party" as if American political parties are third world and totalitarian. As if the people IN the party aren't voted in by the public but are shadowy figures that run everything from dark back rooms while wearing trench coats.. A public that doesn't seem to have much interest in the greatest and most interesting political country in the world.
See? Simplistic."

Both parties are just different sides of the same coin and not a kunt hair's difference between them at the very top because they do what is best for USA.INC and not for us.. Shadowy figures? There is most definitely a government that we know as the three legislative branches and then one that works behind the scenes and has existed since 1913. There are 30 plus security clearances higher than the president of USA.INC so my question is who put these people in power and what oversight protections are in place or being followed? Eisenhower warned us of the military industrial complex. JFK warned us about a monolithic conspiracy and how we as a society were opposed to those that belonged to secret societies and took secret oathes. Do you think he was speaking of the communist threat? Not hardly....goes much deeper than that.

"The truth is big business and banks are as American as Apple Pie and Baseball. Trade is as American as Native Americans and white men. And government is as American as the Bill of Rights and the Constitution"

Big businesses are now owned and controlled by USA.INC and nearly all the banks are owned by the Federal Reserve....this is "American" to you? A government that passes acts, statutes and codes to restrict our rights while imposing large fines for those break them only enriches their bottom line. Under Common Law, if there is no victim, there is no crime. Under Admiralty law, you fall under the UCC and are subject to their jurisdiction therefor subject to their acts, statutes and codes. We no longer have a government that governs from the ground up but rather rules from on high. We do not have Allodial property rights anymore nor are we paid with real money that has an intrinsic value.

"The country does best with a delicate balance of human rights, government, small business, big business and a free economy"

Agreed and it has been disappearing since 1913 and it's only getting worse.

"Republicans hatred of government have screwed over the country in every way possible. And then they fall back on government when they want to push their social issues.
Democrats never really had the target the GOP has until Bernie Sanders came along with hate business and make everything free."

Girl, PUHLEEEEZE.....both parties are pawns of the banking oligarchs. You act like the country's problems would be solved with nothing but demcrats which proves that you are a partisan shill and nor part of the solution

"The entire mix between government, business and human rights is so complex there are areas I never even touched"

Isn't that complicated at all from where I am standing because I understand what it is that we are facing.

"But I am sick sick sick of simpletons picking out a target and insisting "that's the problem". Republicans get the most scrutiny because they created most of the problems through their really damaging policies. And they still hold those positions after Bush and Reagan. They should have learned better."

Throw LBJ, Clinton, Carter and Obama into the mix and I will concur.
Fox fires back at Trump's 'extreme, sick obsession' with Megyn Kelly

“Megyn is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America – we’re extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump’s endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable television, it’s especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job.”
(Imagine having a job being "Tokyo Rose" ------- while living IN America.)

Trump calls for boycott of Megyn Kelly’s show

A spokesperson for Fox News fired back at Trump

Trump's call for a boycott is just the latest escalation


I'm speechless. How will Republicans get their misinformation?
All they have to do is watch MSNBC and believe the opposite of everything they say

Fabian socialists at it again.....I would be beating the holy fuck out of one of these ass wipes for shutting down a whole highway over political bullshit. While I do not have any use for neocons, I have an utter hatred in my heart for the Fabian socialists and their little pawns. They are the biggest betrayers of mankind and a useful pawn when it comes to taking away the liberties and freedoms of the people.

actually they are radical fascists in action

every one of them

no excuse for that sort of bullshit

and should not be tolerated in the least
Fox fires back at Trump's 'extreme, sick obsession' with Megyn Kelly

“Megyn is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America – we’re extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump’s endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable television, it’s especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job.”
(Imagine having a job being "Tokyo Rose" ------- while living IN America.)

Trump calls for boycott of Megyn Kelly’s show

A spokesperson for Fox News fired back at Trump

Trump's call for a boycott is just the latest escalation


I'm speechless. How will Republicans get their misinformation?
easy trumps ... he's a good liar ... they can get it from trump ... man he keeps digging a bigger hole every day
Fox fires back at Trump's 'extreme, sick obsession' with Megyn Kelly

“Megyn is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America – we’re extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump’s endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable television, it’s especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job.”
(Imagine having a job being "Tokyo Rose" ------- while living IN America.)

Trump calls for boycott of Megyn Kelly’s show

A spokesperson for Fox News fired back at Trump

Trump's call for a boycott is just the latest escalation


I'm speechless. How will Republicans get their misinformation?
All they have to do is watch MSNBC and believe the opposite of everything they say
another trump follower ... it shows ... what about cnn, abc, cbs, all the news channel, even fox pointing out what he said, what he did ... are all of them liars too??? or are you just stupid for trump ????
Above post is irrelevant. Conservatives have one tv news media outlet. One. And we're losing that. You no-good pos leftist government leeches have 19. And you clowns still can't get the truth out. Fuckin idiots.
really so fox noise your one and only is a liar now too???? aren't you special ... you can tell the liars over the truthers
Conservatives have one tv news media outlet.

No. You mean to say that right wing shrills have one propaganda outlet. If you're watching NEWS stations because they cater to your preferred political bias, then you aren't looking for news, and you're not receiving news. You're looking for propaganda, and it's exactly what you're receiving.

True conservatives obtain news from a multiplicity of sources. We realize that no sources will ever be unbiased because bias often happens without the speaker intending to do so. We're smart enough to that by and large we can see through the bias, and instead of throwing a fit that some humans turned out to possess natural human imperfections, we chew on the meat and throw away the bone.

Too bad that you're not a true conservative. You're a cino with brain rot, caused by Obama obsession.
Fox fires back at Trump's 'extreme, sick obsession' with Megyn Kelly

“Megyn is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America – we’re extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump’s endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable television, it’s especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job.”
(Imagine having a job being "Tokyo Rose" ------- while living IN America.)

Trump calls for boycott of Megyn Kelly’s show

A spokesperson for Fox News fired back at Trump

Trump's call for a boycott is just the latest escalation


I'm speechless. How will Republicans get their misinformation?
We always have video tapes of Debbie Washerman Slutz to fall back on......yo.
Fox fires back at Trump's 'extreme, sick obsession' with Megyn Kelly

“Megyn is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America – we’re extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump’s endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable television, it’s especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job.”
(Imagine having a job being "Tokyo Rose" ------- while living IN America.)

Trump calls for boycott of Megyn Kelly’s show

A spokesperson for Fox News fired back at Trump

Trump's call for a boycott is just the latest escalation


I'm speechless. How will Republicans get their misinformation?
All they have to do is watch MSNBC and believe the opposite of everything they say
another trump follower ... it shows ... what about cnn, abc, cbs, all the news channel, even fox pointing out what he said, what he did ... are all of them liars too??? or are you just stupid for trump ????

90 percent of all media...print, radio and TV are owned by 6 conglomerates whose heads all have a seat on the CFR, Bilderburg Group and the Committee of 300. They are not rivals but rather belong to groups that believe in a single cause. The fact that these fraudulent "news" entities are attacking Trump simply proves that he is a threat to their goals. I haven't watched television except for the occasional football game in 4 years and I am infinitely more informed than those that watch the spin and whitewashed version of what passes for honest journalism on the networks.
Fox fires back at Trump's 'extreme, sick obsession' with Megyn Kelly

“Megyn is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America – we’re extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump’s endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable television, it’s especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job.”
(Imagine having a job being "Tokyo Rose" ------- while living IN America.)

Trump calls for boycott of Megyn Kelly’s show

A spokesperson for Fox News fired back at Trump

Trump's call for a boycott is just the latest escalation


I'm speechless. How will Republicans get their misinformation?
All they have to do is watch MSNBC and believe the opposite of everything they say
another trump follower ... it shows ... what about cnn, abc, cbs, all the news channel, even fox pointing out what he said, what he did ... are all of them liars too??? or are you just stupid for trump ????

FYI, Moron, I am not voting for Trump.

I never support any politician because our entire system is a fucking sham designed to make weak minded sheep like you think your vote actually means something
Fox isn't "news," it's entertainment for conservatives.

Otherwise, rightwing media are a joke.

Not any more of a joke than the leftwing media is which is also controlled by the same cabal that control rightwing media.
Seriously, you are easily one of THE dumbest motherfuckers on this message board. The programming is so deeply ingrained in you that you don't know your own ass from a hole in the ground. I am SOOO glad that I have gotten out of the matrix and can see things for what they really are.

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