Trump says coronavirus worse 'attack' than Pearl Harbor or 911

Just as an attack on the USA - no. On the world - YES. Why else would China have hid it for as long as they did?

They didn’t hide it. Trump ignored it while the rest of the world prepared. They weren’t very forthcoming but everyone in the world knew about this in early December.

Trump received the warnings and ignored them. Now he blames the Chinese for his arrogance and stupidity in trying to wish this away.

We need a GFY button
Just as an attack on the USA - no. On the world - YES. Why else would China have hid it for as long as they did?

They didn’t hide it. Trump ignored it while the rest of the world prepared. They weren’t very forthcoming but everyone in the world knew about this in early December.

Trump received the warnings and ignored them. Now he blames the Chinese for his arrogance and stupidity in trying to wish this away.

I suggest you open your eyes and start looking for news outside of the USA.
Just as an attack on the USA - no. On the world - YES. Why else would China have hid it for as long as they did?

They didn’t hide it. Trump ignored it while the rest of the world prepared. They weren’t very forthcoming but everyone in the world knew about this in early December.

Trump received the warnings and ignored them. Now he blames the Chinese for his arrogance and stupidity in trying to wish this away.
Dumbassed Canadian.
Just as an attack on the USA - no. On the world - YES. Why else would China have hid it for as long as they did?

They didn’t hide it. Trump ignored it while the rest of the world prepared. They weren’t very forthcoming but everyone in the world knew about this in early December.

Trump received the warnings and ignored them. Now he blames the Chinese for his arrogance and stupidity in trying to wish this away.

We need a GFY button
We sure do.
Why did they lie to the world about the numbers until it was too late?

Communist governments lie. The lies don't even have to have a purpose, they just do it to stay in practice.

You may as well claim the dog is up to something sinister every time he licks his genitals.
I noticed you ignored the first half of my question.
I don't think this was a deliberate attack on the US by China. If it was, it was a damn sloppy one.

On the other hand, this kind of rhetoric is really good at getting out the electorate.
Should have just stopped with "I don't think" because you have no basis in fact for your claim. We will NEVER know what happened or why.

I'm guessing that a deliberate outbreak targeting the US, and the rest of the world, would have consisted of infected agents traveling via commercial airlines to world capitols BEFORE spreading to the general local population.

The only reason to infect a huge portion of your own population first would be to establish plausible deniability.

Also, you don't release a biological infection in the general population unless you have a treatment for your own population. The Chinese don't have a vaccine or a viable late stage treatment. Of course, the mortality rate is so low, they may not have given a damn.

Also, because the virus isn't particularly deadly, the Chinese government would have had to be sure our economic overreaction would have been as over-the-top as it was. There is no historical reason to believe that. The world didn't panic like this for Bird Flu, Swine Flu, or SARS.

I still have a really gut feeling that this is just a huge frak up ... exacerbated by Chinese Communist state secrecy.
Guess all you like, unfortunately I have given up, don't care, we will NEVER know what really happened, but the only thing really apparent, and again no proof other than watching them, is that fascist scum in postitions of power are showing just what true tyrants they are.
It behooves the USA to know and to act accordingly and to make note of any country who sides with China!
three fourths of the American public look unfavorably on China. The ones taking up for China are Democrats and dumbassed Canadians.
Why did they lie to the world about the numbers until it was too late?

Communist governments lie. The lies don't even have to have a purpose, they just do it to stay in practice.

You may as well claim the dog is up to something sinister every time he licks his genitals.

They are. They'll immediately wander over all waggy and lick your face.
Explain why China locked down traffic in Wuhan?. No one could come in but they allowed flights out to all over the world.

We have every reason to believe the outbreak started among the Wuhan general population. Locking down the Wuhan region and spreading the cordon as the outbreak spread was a good plan and it seemed to work for them.

Since is was a local outbreak, it wouldn't have made sense to them to stop inbound flights (sick people weren't coming into China) and it could be argued that it's the responsibility of individual countries to limit flights FROM China.
Why did they lie to the world about the numbers until it was too late?

Communist governments lie. The lies don't even have to have a purpose, they just do it to stay in practice.

You may as well claim the dog is up to something sinister every time he licks his genitals.

They are. They'll immediately wander over all waggy and lick your face.

Unhygienic, absolutely... sinister? I think not. Dogs are completely lacking in guile.

Now, if we're talking cats ... those jerks are ALWAYS up to something.

If the world ever dies in a nuclear holocaust of missiles, it will be because some cat got his paws on the launch codes.
There are increasing numbers who suspect this was an intentional test run.
Seems like preposterous bullshit. Its one thing to wish ill on your neighbors, it's entirely different when you suggest killing your own family to spite your neighbors.

They did not follow proper protocols in the lab and the virus was released as a result.

There are increasing numbers who suspect this was an intentional test run.
We never seem to run out of stupid people who believe hair-brained conspiracies.
Just as an attack on the USA - no. On the world - YES. Why else would China have hid it for as long as they did?

They didn’t hide it. Trump ignored it while the rest of the world prepared. They weren’t very forthcoming but everyone in the world knew about this in early December.

Trump received the warnings and ignored them. Now he blames the Chinese for his arrogance and stupidity in trying to wish this away.

Seek mental health assistance.

You’re the one who is stupidly following a clueless idiot while he destroys your country and blames others for his incompetence.

How many times do Republicans get to crash the economy and bail out the wealthy before you smarten up and realize that every time this happens, guys like Trump transfer more wealth to themselves, and leave you with nothing trying to claw your way back solvency.
Just as an attack on the USA - no. On the world - YES. Why else would China have hid it for as long as they did?

They didn’t hide it. Trump ignored it while the rest of the world prepared. They weren’t very forthcoming but everyone in the world knew about this in early December.

Trump received the warnings and ignored them. Now he blames the Chinese for his arrogance and stupidity in trying to wish this away.
You mean like them saying it was not human to human transferable. That the numbers that had it was extremely low. That they had it under control.
Explain why China locked down traffic in Wuhan?. No one could come in but they allowed flights out to all over the world.

We have every reason to believe the outbreak started among the Wuhan general population. Locking down the Wuhan region and spreading the cordon as the outbreak spread was a good plan and it seemed to work for them.

Since is was a local outbreak, it wouldn't have made sense to them to stop inbound flights (sick people weren't coming into China) and it could be argued that it's the responsibility of individual countries to limit flights FROM China.
Now hear this: the Chinese let planes full of people leave Wuhan and fly around the world.
Explain why China locked down traffic in Wuhan?. No one could come in but they allowed flights out to all over the world. Why did they lie to the world about the numbers until it was too late? Yes, it was purposeful.
Is WillowTree implying that China allowed international flights out of Wuhan after stopping domestic flights out of that city? The lockdown of Wuhan applied to ALL commercial flights from that city, and soon nearby cities too. Of course it effected trains, busses, cars, everything. It did not, however, effect all cities in China. It might be worth pointing out that the U.S., today the most infected country in the world, still offers limited commercial flights to China even from NYC, and China itself must take precautions that new infections do not arrive in this way.

In late January and February there was great need for emergency aid to be flown into Wuhan, often by military planes, plus there were special cases like the thousands of Americans and other Westerners trapped in the city. Special flights were arranged by the U.S. embassy and facilitated by Chinese authorities to safely evacuate Westerners from Wuhan and nearby cities. It was all covered in the newspapers. Just two days ago a Republican Congressman repeated the propaganda slander that commercial international flights from Wuhan were allowed out after domestic flights out were canceled.
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Just as an attack on the USA - no. On the world - YES. Why else would China have hid it for as long as they did?

They didn’t hide it. Trump ignored it while the rest of the world prepared. They weren’t very forthcoming but everyone in the world knew about this in early December.

Trump received the warnings and ignored them. Now he blames the Chinese for his arrogance and stupidity in trying to wish this away.

Seek mental health assistance.

You’re the one who is stupidly following a clueless idiot while he destroys your country and blames others for his incompetence.

How many times do Republicans get to crash the economy and bail out the wealthy before you smarten up and realize that every time this happens, guys like Trump transfer more wealth to themselves, and leave you with nothing trying to claw your way back solvency.
It’s none of your goddamned Canadian business!
I don't think this was a deliberate attack on the US by China. If it was, it was a damn sloppy one.

On the other hand, this kind of rhetoric is really good at getting out the electorate.
Should have just stopped with "I don't think" because you have no basis in fact for your claim. We will NEVER know what happened or why.

I'm guessing that a deliberate outbreak targeting the US, and the rest of the world, would have consisted of infected agents traveling via commercial airlines to world capitols BEFORE spreading to the general local population.

The only reason to infect a huge portion of your own population first would be to establish plausible deniability.

Also, you don't release a biological infection in the general population unless you have a treatment for your own population. The Chinese don't have a vaccine or a viable late stage treatment. Of course, the mortality rate is so low, they may not have given a damn.

Also, because the virus isn't particularly deadly, the Chinese government would have had to be sure our economic overreaction would have been as over-the-top as it was. There is no historical reason to believe that. The world didn't panic like this for Bird Flu, Swine Flu, or SARS.

I still have a really gut feeling that this is just a huge frak up ... exacerbated by Chinese Communist state secrecy.

How dare you post
Just as an attack on the USA - no. On the world - YES. Why else would China have hid it for as long as they did?

They didn’t hide it. Trump ignored it while the rest of the world prepared. They weren’t very forthcoming but everyone in the world knew about this in early December.

Trump received the warnings and ignored them. Now he blames the Chinese for his arrogance and stupidity in trying to wish this away.

We need a GFY button

Yes. Your response to anyone who points out what a total clusterfuck the President has brought to the American people is immediately derided by the cultists.

75,000 dead. 975,000 sick. And fewer than 300,000 closed cases. That more than a 25% mortality rate. And while the rate of death is down from 37%, which is great, 25% of the nearly 1 million cases is another 250,000 dead.

Canada had its first case the same day as the USA. But we had testing, PPE’s and a government that put saving lives ahead of the economy.

As a result, we have half the cases of the USA per capita, and a death rate of 13%. We have more closed cases than open and we reopening some businesses with the blessing of our medical professionals.

Our businesses aren't going bankrupt and people aren’t demonstrating except the loopy conservatives in Alberta. They want Alberta to be more like the USA.

But keep telling yourself that Trump has done a great job.
There are increasing numbers who suspect this was an intentional test run.
Seems like preposterous bullshit. Its one thing to wish ill on your neighbors, it's entirely different when you suggest killing your own family to spite your neighbors.

It does. But then, the Chinese Communists have murdered 50 million of their own people just because.

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