Trump still has his manufactoring in China?

Listen, his hypocrisy is in the details....all this guy does is talk a good game, yet he does nothing in explaining his tatics on how he's gonna convince Wall Street who make trillions manufactoring goods overseas is gonna give up that profit to come back here.

Wanna see a trade war?
China could also respond by closing its increasingly important market to U.S. exporters, which would be a major blow to American jobs and manufacturing. China has become the No. 3 market for U.S. exporters, with sales jumping 31% from the previous year.

And that doesn't even count the goods being made in China by U.S. companies. General Motors sells more cars in China today than it does in the United States, for example.

"The sad story is we don't have much leverage," said Lardy. "But a tariff certainly would not advance our interests."

Trump is blowing smoke up your ass, get with reality, fool!!

So in other words, you don't want anything to change, and you're really not upset at all about jobs in China. And by the way, it isn't really jobs moving to China, it's the Chinese using what amounts to slave labor to make ultra cheap manufacturing.

We have all the leverage, China needs us a hell of a lot more than we need them.

Now I know your insane.....China needs us??? Uh, last I heard, they hold most of our debt, they make everything we use and they're the only country that North Korea and Iran listens too and they need us for what?

Listen, you and the rest of these neo nuts can vote for Chump and put his ass in the white house, but please don't come crawling back to the dems, like you always do, when they let you down, like they always do...just sayin

The last time everyone went back to the Dems they did nothing.
They were shell shocked that anyone would vote for them.

(sigh), I'm too tired to go there with you on this one, but do tell me, exactly what has this 2014 congressional and senate sweep you nuts got, what has it gotten ya?
I hate both parties as their end result is always the same.
I have been waiting over 20 years for someone who doesn't need contributions to run.

20 years? Damn. I got a good idea, forget about the money and listen to what the looons have to say. Novel isn't it.
All of the Trumps, including his ex wives, and daughter, all their clothing lines are manufactured in China and Honduras. Why do the gulLable saps that support this nut, keep believing he's gonna bring jobs from overseas back to this country, when he himself refuses to do it????

His companies make products in China because it makes fiscal sense.
We need a President who will change that so it no longer makes fiscal sense to make products offshore.
We don't need a President who will do stupid shit that doesn't make fiscal sense in the name of patriotism.

You morons are just too sad for words. Really you are and I can't help you. I can't, I want to, but I can't. Just as you morons voted in this last crop of shit, and got nothing for it, so must the lesson continue...good luck fools. Snake Oil is obviously your fortay in life......
I now know how Hitler got sooo many to follow his bullshit, he looked at the color of the skin, white and realized, brain cells don't stay put for long in their I get it.

Now I know your insane.....China needs us??? Uh, last I heard, they hold most of our debt, they make everything we use and they're the only country that North Korea and Iran listens too and they need us for what?....

Just how stupid are you?

(sigh), the local stalker is's your day going so far, stalker?
All of the Trumps, including his ex wives, and daughter, all their clothing lines are manufactured in China and Honduras. Why do the gulLable saps that support this nut, keep believing he's gonna bring jobs from overseas back to this country, when he himself refuses to do it????

His companies make products in China because it makes fiscal sense.
We need a President who will change that so it no longer makes fiscal sense to make products offshore.
We don't need a President who will do stupid shit that doesn't make fiscal sense in the name of patriotism.

You morons are just too sad for words............

YOU, of all people, are in no position to call anyone a moron.
All of the Trumps, including his ex wives, and daughter, all their clothing lines are manufactured in China and Honduras. Why do the gulLable saps that support this nut, keep believing he's gonna bring jobs from overseas back to this country, when he himself refuses to do it????

Trump has no manufacturing. There isn't a single Trump factory. You sound really stupid.

Trump Manufactures His Clothing Line in China and Mexico While Bashing Them for "Stealing" US Job

In the future don't send for me, unless you have facts.....moron!!

Tiger... you don't understand what you are saying, or what Trump is saying. The only one being a hypocrite here is you.

First.... Trump does not own any clothing manufacturing plant. There is no "Trump Clothing Plant" that he would move here.

Trump hires contract manufacturers, that produce his limited line of clothing, which he then BUYS from the manufacture, and resells.

Trump is a real-estate tycoon. He own property and buildings, and casinos, and resorts and so on. His line of clothing is simply a side deal. It's pennies in his pocket, compared to the millions he makes on property.

Now here's the deal dude...... Trump does not buy American made clothing to resell, because it's horribly expensive. What Trump has said, and I agree with, is that he wants to change the policies and regulations, that make it unprofitable, and noncompetitive, to make manufactured goods in the US.

That way, he can buy US made goods.

But the only hypocrites here, are you people on the left. Because you expect Trump to buy US manufactured goods for horribly expensive prices, when *YOU* do not do that yourself. No one does. Do you buy Jeans for $100, "made in the USA", when you can buy the exact same pair of jeans with the same quality, for $25 imported? No? Why do you expect Trump to do, what you yourself do not do?

Trump may even buy his own talored suits from American manufactures, like some wealthy do, simply because they can afford it.

But Trump isn't buying these shirts to ware himself. He's buying them to sell. Are you going to buy a Plain Dress Shirt, for $100, because it says "Donald Trump" on it? No? How about $30? Some people would pay $30.

However if you look at domestic manufactured Dress Shirts of similar quality, they are upward of $100 per shirt.

So basically you are complaining that Donald Trump isn't doing something that would wipe out his business. Would you change to an American manufacturer, knowing it would wipe *YOU* out of business? No you would not, hypocrite. You wouldn't, and you know you wouldn't.

So stop being a hypocrite. And stop complaining at the rest of us, because we really don't care what you think.

Listen gotdamit, I'm not hating on Trump for taking his clothing line, along with his family's shoe and clothing lines business offshore, but for this lying motherfucker to keep talking about China, Mexico, Canada, all these countries who are gonna LOSE AMERICA'S MANUFACTORING BUSINESS SHOULD HE BECOME PRESIDENT CAUSE HE'S BRINGING EM BACK TO THIS COUNTRY??? IS A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT AND FOR MORONS LIKE YOU TO CO SIGN ONTO THAT BULLSHIT, REALLY???

And just for the record, everything, every item of clothing, every pair of motherfuckin shoes you buy, everything is made over there,, cheap and would I pay more for quality shit made here, you bet your gotdamn life I would. Stop being a motherfuckin sucker, you idiot!!

Um... no, that's not true. I have many clothes, shoes, pants, shirts, jeans, socks, all imported. And they are absolutely just as good as domestically made clothes.

You are simply not correct about that.

And if you personally would pay $100, for a $20 pair of jeans.... um.. Well. Fine I guess. That's really idiotic in my book. I'm not going to bankrupt myself, just so I can put on a pair of jeans that says "made in the USA". That's really dumb.

Although it would explain why people are so poor. You can't complain at the Rich, for you being poor, when you are being so stupid, as to blow all your money on $60 shirts, and then whine you don't have any savings.
All of the Trumps, including his ex wives, and daughter, all their clothing lines are manufactured in China and Honduras. Why do the gulLable saps that support this nut, keep believing he's gonna bring jobs from overseas back to this country, when he himself refuses to do it????

No one makes cloths in the U.S. anymore, moron.

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You do realize that screaming false claims with bold and all caps, doesn't make it magically more true.... right?
Drump would fit right in with the Repub congress.

All of these senators have a financial stake in keeping our jobs over there, all of em do

If that's true... if you really believe that, then you have defeated the only point to your whole thread.

If they are all the same, and Trump is no different, then there is no reason to choose any other over Trump, and you sir, are dismissed.
Trump, just like any other business person who sells goods, will likely have to get their products made overseas. If they don't, they will most likely go out of business. That isn't the fault of the business people, it's the way the laws and trade agreements are we have with other nations. Trump understands that. He's already stated he would like to see taxes/tariffs on imported goods. This would make it a level playing field for US manufacturing. He isn't a hypocrite because some of things he sold were made in China, we wants to do something about it. Changing trade laws is the only way we can do that. If we elect a Dem or even any other republican won't get any change.

It's funny how you progressives complain about jobs overseas, and Trump is the only candidate that is serious about bringing them back. And yet they continue to attack and dismiss him. Now that's hypocrisy.

Listen, his hypocrisy is in the details....all this guy does is talk a good game, yet he does nothing in explaining his tatics on how he's gonna convince Wall Street who make trillions manufactoring goods overseas is gonna give up that profit to come back here.

Wanna see a trade war?
China could also respond by closing its increasingly important market to U.S. exporters, which would be a major blow to American jobs and manufacturing. China has become the No. 3 market for U.S. exporters, with sales jumping 31% from the previous year.

And that doesn't even count the goods being made in China by U.S. companies. General Motors sells more cars in China today than it does in the United States, for example.

"The sad story is we don't have much leverage," said Lardy. "But a tariff certainly would not advance our interests."

Trump is blowing smoke up your ass, get with reality, fool!!

So in other words, you don't want anything to change, and you're really not upset at all about jobs in China. And by the way, it isn't really jobs moving to China, it's the Chinese using what amounts to slave labor to make ultra cheap manufacturing.

We have all the leverage, China needs us a hell of a lot more than we need them.

Now I know your insane.....China needs us??? Uh, last I heard, they hold most of our debt, they make everything we use and they're the only country that North Korea and Iran listens too and they need us for what?

Listen, you and the rest of these neo nuts can vote for Chump and put his ass in the white house, but please don't come crawling back to the dems, like you always do, when they let you down, like they always do...just sayin

They need the US, and EU for that matter, to pay for everything. Virtually all of their exports go to the US, and EU.

The debt has nothing to do with it. They have a vested interest in the US's economy just so we can pay it back. It doesn't mean we have to let them manufacture our shit for us, or that we have to buy more of their shit.

Don't worry, I've never once went "crawling back to the Dems" for anything in my life.

Put it this way, without China, your pension and 401K would be DOA....end of subject.

Um.... That is the dumbest thing you have written thus far.

First, anyone that relies on a Pension, is an idiot. Do not put your retirement in some other person's hands. Take control of your own life, and put money in your own IRA like I do. Everyone should.

It's these people, who end up crying because the companies close, and the pension is gone, and think they've been wronged. You didn't get money, that was never given to you, and you think you've been wronged? Put your own freakin money, in your own freakin investments. Stop being a victim.

Second, my IRA is invested in domestic and international.
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Now you are telling me, that if China disappears.... that Bayer stock will be worthless? Or Barclays? Novartis? Comcast? Oracle? Microsoft? Home Depot? Amazon?

There is only one way stock has no value, and that is if the company makes zero profit. If the company makes zero profit, they go out of business. Lot of people don't realize this, but GM only operated at a loss, for just 2 years. 24 months, and the company was bankrupt.

So the only way my retirement is going to be worth zero, is if all of those companies, and dozens more not listed, all go bankrupt, all of them? You really think that's going to happen, if China disappears?

You are wrong sir. That's crazy talk.

Even if they did.... These are managed funds. They are not index funds, where a computer is buying stock automatically. There are professionals who make it their business to sell off stocks they think are risky, and buy stocks they think are less risky.

As those companies fail, they will sell off those stocks, and buy stocks in companies that are better.

Meaning, that even if all those companies up there go bad, they would be buying stock in other companies.... which would also have to go bad.

In other words, in order for my investments to end up being worth zero, every publicly traded company in the world would have to fail.

And as impossible as that is.... if it happened, the loss of my retirement fund, would be the least of my problems. The entire world would fall into chaos and anarchy. I'd be more worried about getting clean water, and food, plus shot gun shells.

Again, you are bonkers if you are worried about your IRA, or 401K being worthless. The only people who need to be worried, are those who put all of their investments into one single thing, like one company, or in government bonds. If you put your money in Detroit Municipal Bonds, then you are a moron, and yeah, you might lose everything.

Simple solution... don't buy government bonds to begin with... but otherwise, the key word is "diversify".

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