Trump swoons over letters from North Korea's Kim, 'We fell in love'


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018

'We fell in love:' Trump swoons over letters from North Korea's Kim

Roberta Rampton

WHEELING, WVa. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump took his enthusiasm for his detente with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to new heights on Saturday, declaring at a rally with supporters that “we fell in love” after exchanging letters.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up to supporters as he arrives at WesBanco Arena during a Make America Great Again rally in Wheeling, West Virginia, U.S., September 29, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Theiler
Trump and Kim have said they want to work toward denuclearizing the Korean peninsula, holding an unprecedented meeting earlier this year in Singapore to discuss the idea.

Before they turned the page on decades of public acrimony, the leaders regularly traded threats and insults as North Korea pushed to develop a nuclear missile capable of hitting the United States.

President Donald Trump makes remarks at WesBanco Arena during a Make America Great Again rally in Wheeling, West Virginia, September 29, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Theiler
“I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia.

“And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.

'We fell in love:' Trump swoons over letters from North Korea's Kim | Reuters

No seriously. I think it’s hilarious.
Do I see a ménage a trois with Kim, Trump and Putin? I hope they wear protection. After all this is the beginning of disease fest I.
I see all the above ABNORMALS would love nothing better then a full on nuke war with N.K.....They have such low IQ'S that they don't understand the SYMBOLISM of what was said...they would rather have have a LEAD FROM BEHIND, Kenyan President that did nothing, kicking the can down the road, for the next president to handle. then a true leader that is defusing what had been one of our most terrifying sum of the left truly need to either be dispatched, or deported for subversion!
I see all the above ABNORMALS would love nothing better then a full on nuke war with N.K.....They have such low IQ'S that they don't understand the SYMBOLISM of what was said...they would rather have have a LEAD FROM BEHIND, Kenyan President that did nothing, kicking the can down the road, for the next president to handle. then a true leader that is defusing what had been one of our most terrifying sum of the left truly need to either be dispatched, or deported for subversion!

I would expect such post from a damn Commie Trumpist.
I see all the above ABNORMALS would love nothing better then a full on nuke war with N.K.....They have such low IQ'S that they don't understand the SYMBOLISM of what was said...they would rather have have a LEAD FROM BEHIND, Kenyan President that did nothing, kicking the can down the road, for the next president to handle. then a true leader that is defusing what had been one of our most terrifying sum of the left truly need to either be dispatched, or deported for subversion!

I would expect such post from a damn Commie Trumpist.
Look who is calling who a commie, war monger, and shit for brains ABNORMAL!
I see all the above ABNORMALS would love nothing better then a full on nuke war with N.K.....They have such low IQ'S that they don't understand the SYMBOLISM of what was said...they would rather have have a LEAD FROM BEHIND, Kenyan President that did nothing, kicking the can down the road, for the next president to handle. then a true leader that is defusing what had been one of our most terrifying sum of the left truly need to either be dispatched, or deported for subversion!

I would expect such post from a damn Commie Trumpist.
Look who is calling who a commie, war monger, and shit for brains ABNORMAL!
Go back to Russia or NK, Red. We don't need your type in the USA.
I see all the above ABNORMALS would love nothing better then a full on nuke war with N.K.....They have such low IQ'S that they don't understand the SYMBOLISM of what was said...they would rather have have a LEAD FROM BEHIND, Kenyan President that did nothing, kicking the can down the road, for the next president to handle. then a true leader that is defusing what had been one of our most terrifying sum of the left truly need to either be dispatched, or deported for subversion!

I would expect such post from a damn Commie Trumpist.
Look who is calling who a commie, war monger, and shit for brains ABNORMAL!
Go back to Russia or NK, Red. We don't need your type in the USA.
And talk about commie loving commies, you piece of human debris...

I see all the above ABNORMALS would love nothing better then a full on nuke war with N.K.....They have such low IQ'S that they don't understand the SYMBOLISM of what was said...they would rather have have a LEAD FROM BEHIND, Kenyan President that did nothing, kicking the can down the road, for the next president to handle. then a true leader that is defusing what had been one of our most terrifying sum of the left truly need to either be dispatched, or deported for subversion!

I would expect such post from a damn Commie Trumpist.
Look who is calling who a commie, war monger, and shit for brains ABNORMAL!
Go back to Russia or NK, Red. We don't need your type in the USA.
And talk about commie loving commies, you piece of human debris...

Listen Red, you and your commie lovin' brethren can post all these cartoons you want, but we know where your true love lies. Trump has made that clear and you all agree.
I see all the above ABNORMALS would love nothing better then a full on nuke war with N.K.....They have such low IQ'S that they don't understand the SYMBOLISM of what was said...they would rather have have a LEAD FROM BEHIND, Kenyan President that did nothing, kicking the can down the road, for the next president to handle. then a true leader that is defusing what had been one of our most terrifying sum of the left truly need to either be dispatched, or deported for subversion!

I would expect such post from a damn Commie Trumpist.
Look who is calling who a commie, war monger, and shit for brains ABNORMAL!
Go back to Russia or NK, Red. We don't need your type in the USA.
And talk about commie loving commies, you piece of human debris...

Listen Red, you and your commie lovin' brethren can post all these cartoons you want, but we know where your true love lies. Trump has made that clear and you all agree.
You had your chance with the mulatto communist, it didn't work, change your name to Stalin!
I see all the above ABNORMALS would love nothing better then a full on nuke war with N.K.....They have such low IQ'S that they don't understand the SYMBOLISM of what was said...they would rather have have a LEAD FROM BEHIND, Kenyan President that did nothing, kicking the can down the road, for the next president to handle. then a true leader that is defusing what had been one of our most terrifying sum of the left truly need to either be dispatched, or deported for subversion!
The president of South Korea is trying to defuse the situation. I`m sure that`s what you meant to say.
Did I spoil the ABNORMALS circle jerk? Even some of you with lower IQ'S than a goldfish, are starting to get it!
I see all the above ABNORMALS would love nothing better then a full on nuke war with N.K.....They have such low IQ'S that they don't understand the SYMBOLISM of what was said...they would rather have have a LEAD FROM BEHIND, Kenyan President that did nothing, kicking the can down the road, for the next president to handle. then a true leader that is defusing what had been one of our most terrifying sum of the left truly need to either be dispatched, or deported for subversion!
The president of South Korea is trying to defuse the situation. I`m sure that`s what you meant to say.
No, he helps, but without Trump, NOTHING would have been accomplished!
I see all the above ABNORMALS would love nothing better then a full on nuke war with N.K.....They have such low IQ'S that they don't understand the SYMBOLISM of what was said...they would rather have have a LEAD FROM BEHIND, Kenyan President that did nothing, kicking the can down the road, for the next president to handle. then a true leader that is defusing what had been one of our most terrifying sum of the left truly need to either be dispatched, or deported for subversion!

I would expect such post from a damn Commie Trumpist.
Look who is calling who a commie, war monger, and shit for brains ABNORMAL!
Go back to Russia or NK, Red. We don't need your type in the USA.
And talk about commie loving commies, you piece of human debris...

Listen Red, you and your commie lovin' brethren can post all these cartoons you want, but we know where your true love lies. Trump has made that clear and you all agree.
Trump is making america great again, and you hate it. Think about that one, but we know you supported the transformation of america. Go fuck off.
Trump: Kim Jong Un And I ‘Fell In Love’
“No, really. He wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” the president said.
Can somebody please rush this moron to a quick cold shower and wake this bitch up? Nobody can be this fuckin stupid, Kim understands like the rest of the planet, that swooning over an idiot, ie you, Mr. Trump, can pretty much get you the secret codes to our nuclear arsenal or better. They like the rest of us, know your permanently stuck on pathetic and they know how to use your stupid white ass.
I would expect such post from a damn Commie Trumpist.
Look who is calling who a commie, war monger, and shit for brains ABNORMAL!
Go back to Russia or NK, Red. We don't need your type in the USA.
And talk about commie loving commies, you piece of human debris...

Listen Red, you and your commie lovin' brethren can post all these cartoons you want, but we know where your true love lies. Trump has made that clear and you all agree.
Trump is making america great again, and you hate it. Think about that one, but we know you supported the transformation of america. Go fuck off.

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