Trump team knew all along that the "steal" narrative was untrue



That is not a denial, or is it....
Who cares if he ripped Trump. His rippings proved to be spot on.

Still he thoroughly debunked Trump's lie about suitcases of ballots.
Do you know what he said? He did no such thig. People tend to believe their own eyes. I guess the view from your asshole is not too good.

And yet they continue to peddle the big lie till this day. I hope my trumper friends on here will take this opportunity to slide away very quiely.
A former girlfriend of mine, her husband owns Dominion Voting Machines. Looks like they are going to be billionaires.
So no doubt Dominion is going to win their billion dollar lawsuit.

That is not evidence of anything. Try again.
As long as the free stuff comes in and we lower our IQ's more and more to achieve your goals this is freedom with the KGB agents growing everywhere in numbers in this alternate universe constitution for the purveyors of destruction.
“A core bedrock principle of our legal system is you can’t just sue because you don’t like something that’s happening in the world. You have to actually have been injured and you need to show that you are injured,” said Paul Berman, professor of law at George Washington University.

That constitutionally-based requirement is called “standing.” Some Trump supporters argue the cases were dismissed on technicalities and the allegations were never examined in court. But Berman said standing is the heart of the claim.

“If you can’t show that you have been injured by whatever it is the defendant supposedly has done — you don’t have a claim, and that’s not a technicality,” he said.

“Having election litigation is not the problem,” Berman said. “The problem is filing litigation with no basis in fact or law. That is what corrodes respect for the judicial system and ultimately is really just about sowing chaos.”

American courts were designed to be a plaintiff-forward system. Berman said when a plaintiff files a claim, they are not expected to have all the evidence needed to prove their case. He says plaintiffs can have access to discovery and other sources that may have the evidence they seek.

“But on the other hand, we don’t want to just allow every case to go forward because then government, police forces, corporate defendants, and so on would be tied up in litigation all the time. And it would impose undue costs. So this is a difficult balance that has to be struck,” he said.

Yet legal fees stacked up because lawyers had to respond to the claims. The Department of State spent $3.4 million. And counties’ combined total was more than $1 million.

The institutions held … but were left battered and bruised​

Trump’s election-fraud lie and extensive litigation helped sow doubt in many voters’ minds about the legitimacy of the election and their faith in the legal system.

No widespread fraud was uncovered after over 60 lawsuits, some adjudicated by Trump appointees. Pennsylvania counties conducted a standard recount of votes before they were certified in November and found no evidence of malpractice. And, federal, state and local officials from both parties have said the election was secure.

And yet, about two-thirds of Republican voters believe the election was stolen.

Elaine Kamarck, founding director of the Center for Effective Public Management at the Brookings Institute, said the post-election lawsuits abused the system, especially given the fact that none brought in Pennsylvania would have changed the result had they been successful.

“All they’re doing is spreading distrust of the legal system,” she said.
The case from PA. and TX. had the same standing that the Bush campaign had in 2004. Why did the court not hear it? Three did want to hear it.
Does the irony about the left claiming others knew an election was not stolen the whole time need to be pointed out?
Seriously. What is wrong with you? There has been no evidence of election fraud... and you persist in parroting Trump's lies. He stupid, weak and pitiful.. Are you?
Wouldn't you love to pour a few ounces of truth serum down their gullets and ask them if they really, seriously believe this stuff?

I'd bet that at VERY least 75% of the rank and file Trumpsters do. And maybe 3% of the elected GOP officials who are enabling this.
Do you know what he said? He did no such thig. People tend to believe their own eyes. I guess the view from your asshole is not too good.
Of course I know what he said. He said if Trump doesn't stop pushing his bullshit, someone's going to get hurt. He proved to be right as on Insurrection Day, over a hundred were hurt and several died.

He also said if Trump continues sowing distrust in our elections, it will hurt Republicans, of which he is one. He proved to be right as Democrats won both Georgia Senate seats in runoffs as many Republicans didn't bother to vote because they lost faith in the election process.

He also said Trump's lawyers lied to Georgia's Senate when they falsely claimed Democrats snuck in suitcases of fake ballots and tried to fool Georgia's Senate with highly edited video clips from surveillance cameras. He again proved to be right as Georgia posted the entire surveillance video online showing those weren't suitcases, they weren't snuck in, and the ballots placed in them were valid ballots, sealed and labeled in official ballot boxes to main chain of custody.

Whereas you prove [yet again] to be both ignorant and a liar.
Of course I know what he said. He said if Trump doesn't stop pushing his bullshit, someone's going to get hurt. He proved to be right as on Insurrection Day, over a hundred were hurt and several died.

He also said if Trump continues sowing distrust in our elections, it will hurt Republicans, of which he is one. He proved to be right as Democrats won both Georgia Senate seats in runoffs as many Republicans didn't bother to vote because they lost faith in the election process.

He also said Trump's lawyers lied to Georgia's Senate when they falsely claimed Democrats snuck in suitcases of fake ballots and tried to fool Georgia's Senate with highly edited video clips from surveillance cameras. He again proved to be right as Georgia posted the entire surveillance video online showing those weren't suitcases, they weren't snuck in, and the ballots placed in them were valid ballots, sealed and labeled in official ballot boxes to main chain of custody.

Whereas you prove [yet again] to be both ignorant and a liar.

Right on all counts.. Trump is out for revenge on his party and the country.. He's a wrecking ball.
Texas had no standing, dumbfuck. One stare doesn't get to tell another state how to run their elections.

Trump couldn't understand NO STANDING and was raving about taking it to the US Supreme Court on election night.. The lawyers patiently explained Law 101 to him over and over again.. He still didn't get it.
Yahoo news? Who the hell is Alan Feuer? Democrats knew the documents they used in Trump's impeachment were false. Who do we see about that? Democrats knew that Biden had mental health problems but with the cooperation of the liberal media they kept it quiet.
Yahoo news? Who the hell is Alan Feuer? Democrats knew the documents they used in Trump's impeachment were false. Who do we see about that? Democrats knew that Biden had mental health problems but with the cooperation of the liberal media they kept it quiet.

I won't be in court, you fool. Dominion is bluffing.

By "bluffing," you mean already getting one lawyer (krakenstein) to say you're a fucking retard for believing her; and another lawyer (Wood) attacking his fellow kraken for dragging him into the Big Lie; and yet another attorney (hair dye drooler) had his law license suspended in D.C..

And yet they continue to peddle the big lie till this day. I hope my trumper friends on here will take this opportunity to slide away very quiely.
Of course they did. It's a con. Anyone with a functioning brain cell knows it's a lie, even most of the cultists who put on the little act.
Yahoo news? Who the hell is Alan Feuer? Democrats knew the documents they used in Trump's impeachment were false. Who do we see about that? Democrats knew that Biden had mental health problems but with the cooperation of the liberal media they kept it quiet.
haha, squealing cultist whataboutism. Every time.

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