Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border


Remember when Fake News Acosta assaulted that woman?
Acosta got his ass handed to him. Trump called CNN "fake news" for not understanding the emergency at the southern border, and calling it a "manufactured crisis".

You're too stupid to be one person. Trump called CNN "fake news" because Accosta called out the lies Trump was telling about crime at the border. When Accosta persisted, Trump got angry because he was caught.
Trump was stating facts. We have an invasion of drugs and illegals at the border.

Trump was lying through his teeth. And reporters called him out on his lies. He's lying about the crime, the drugs, and the gangs. Illegal immigrants have lower rates of violent crimes than natural born Americans. There is no security threat on the Southern Border.
There is several caravans coming laced with murderers and rapist third worlders! Any illegal alien who enters our country illegally is a national emergency. We have a huge crisis at the border. Trump was telling the truth. The angel mom's and dad's all agree. To disagree is anti-American!
Acosta got his ass handed to him. Trump called CNN "fake news" for not understanding the emergency at the southern border, and calling it a "manufactured crisis".

You're too stupid to be one person. Trump called CNN "fake news" because Accosta called out the lies Trump was telling about crime at the border. When Accosta persisted, Trump got angry because he was caught.
Trump was stating facts. We have an invasion of drugs and illegals at the border.

Trump was lying through his teeth. And reporters called him out on his lies. He's lying about the crime, the drugs, and the gangs. Illegal immigrants have lower rates of violent crimes than natural born Americans. There is no security threat on the Southern Border.
look at the percentage of illegals in prisons.

Remember when Fake News Acosta assaulted that woman?

I remember when the White House released faked video to make it look like he did, but Trump got caught, and taken to court for it where he LOST, and had to apologize and re-instate Accosta.

Yeah. I remember when Trump got humiliated and lost that court case.

What a fucking loser he is.

Remember when Fake News Acosta assaulted that woman?

I remember when the White House released faked video to make it look like he did, but Trump got caught, and taken to court for it where he LOST, and had to apologize and re-instate Accosta.

Yeah. I remember when Trump got humiliated and lost that court case.

What a fucking loser he is.

So you do accept Acosta pushing on a woman's arm. Wow! Apologist for assaults on women with video evidence should be believed!
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

So their loved one's didnt die at the hands of illegals?
Alright then,no indians died at the hands of the white man.

Why are these 4 or 5 deaths more important than the 14,000 other people who were murdered in the USA last year.

Why are these deaths more important than the Parkland kids who died? Or the kids from Sandy Hook? Why do the deaths of those people's children matter more than the people whose children are killed by white Americans? Why is their pain greater?

4 or 5? Where did you get that number? Oh, I forgot! You are a dumbass!

Those deaths would have never occured if they kept the illegals out.
Acosta got his ass handed to him. Trump called CNN "fake news" for not understanding the emergency at the southern border, and calling it a "manufactured crisis".

You're too stupid to be one person. Trump called CNN "fake news" because Accosta called out the lies Trump was telling about crime at the border. When Accosta persisted, Trump got angry because he was caught.
Trump was stating facts. We have an invasion of drugs and illegals at the border.

Trump was lying through his teeth. And reporters called him out on his lies. He's lying about the crime, the drugs, and the gangs. Illegal immigrants have lower rates of violent crimes than natural born Americans. There is no security threat on the Southern Border.

They likely have a lower rate of crime because they refuse to report it, thinking that they will be deported!

Remember when Fake News Acosta assaulted that woman?

I remember when the White House released faked video to make it look like he did, but Trump got caught, and taken to court for it where he LOST, and had to apologize and re-instate Accosta.

Yeah. I remember when Trump got humiliated and lost that court case.

What a fucking loser he is.

Your fantasy life is taking over from your reality. I suggest seeing a physician for some medication.
White_MAGA_Man, post: 21828266,
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

You are so conned by Trumpo you can’t think for yourself anymore.

For Angel Mom’s to be relevant in a court of law wherein Trumpo is attempting to prove, on behalf of Angel Moms, that a border wall to the minimal extent and delayed pace that he now
wants to build some additional fence, will ( as in an emergency situation) prevent illegals in the US from murdering US citizens.

First off he’d have to prove that the lack of fencing on the border is what led to the deaths of Angel Mom kids because their deaths were caused by non-citizens that entered the US where there was no fence.

Have you researched the data to determine if these murderers or drunk drivers were in the US because they overstayed their visa or if they walked in where there was no wall.

Can you explain for the court how building additional border fence with funds not appropriated by Congress will remove 11 million illegal aliens from the US population.

If Angel Moms represent the need for Trumpo’s emergency action then the emergency is getting the entire population of illegal non-citizens removed from the US or placed in internment camps.

Statistics show that illegals are less involved in homicides than native born and naturalized citizens,

Angel Moms do not represent a need for Trumpo’s emergency acations.

Trumpo said himself he doesn’t need to do it.
Couple years with republican control of the house and senate. They could have passed anything and trump would likely sign. All of a sudden its an emergency now, good luck with that.
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

There is no national emergency and who gives a damn what they think. If they want to play politics with it then they deserve a swift kick in the rear. The fact is that more people die from opioids than are killed by illegals. Apparently that is not a national emergency. More people are killed in auto accidents than are killed by illegals. Where is the national emergency for that. Trump and the Republican Party belong in hell.
Acosta got his ass handed to him. Trump called CNN "fake news" for not understanding the emergency at the southern border, and calling it a "manufactured crisis".

It is a manufactured crisis. There is no national emergency at the border.
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.
Dude, you in fairytale land.

Nope, I watched it live. CNN totally debunked Trump's bullshit lies. Thoroughly fact-checked.
who by snopes? A Liberal think tank.

Trump is a liar and so are you. You think people are dumb enough to believe that. You are the one who is dumb.
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.
Dude, you in fairytale land.

Nope, I watched it live. CNN totally debunked Trump's bullshit lies. Thoroughly fact-checked.
Liar! The Angel mom's and Trump are correct.

You are the liar. The so-called angel moms are in league with the devil and are liars to boot.
White_MAGA_Man, post: 21828942
There is several caravans coming laced with murderers and rapist third worlders! Any illegal alien who enters our country illegally is a national emergency.

Laced? How many is that exactly? Are they convicted murderers and rapists in their own countries or are they waiting to start their heinous careers when they get into the states?


Why did Trumpo wait two years to stop these murderers and rapists from walking past the 700 miles of fence already in place.

Why has Trumpo not rounded up the 11 million illegal aliens laced with murderers and rapists already here terrorizing white MAGA hat wearing skeered citizens like you to confine and deport them.

How does the pittance 250 miles of additional fence built with emergency funding not appropriated by Congress put a dent in the 11 million illegal population where all these murderers and rapists lurk?

What crisis does 250 miles of additional fence immediately resolve for 8 billion dollars?

You need to think in those terms instead of knee jerk hate.
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.
Dude, you in fairytale land.

Nope, I watched it live. CNN totally debunked Trump's bullshit lies. Thoroughly fact-checked.
who by snopes? A Liberal think tank.

Trump is a liar and so are you. You think people are dumb enough to believe that. You are the one who is dumb.
38% of Americans are stupid and love trumps bullshit. They are like a cult, don't underestimate them.
In 2000 the organization "Angel Moms" was founded, a group of mothers whose child had died, not limited to a specific cause

Trump is playing on one specific cause for political purposes

This is an organization that has mothers who have lost children to many causes ( fires, Cancer, MV accidents, just to name a few) and not specific to one agenda as trump is playing it out on.

Why doesn't he mention the other cause of children dying?

This is Trump and republican playing on mothers who have lost a child for political purposes

Why not have all of them tell there individual story

You can feel for them but there are many reasons children die before their mothers

Mothers Together Forever Bonded - Angel's Moms
FACT: if Pelosi brings this to court or sues, then she will be forced to pay back the courts for wasting their time and even face abuse of power charges, because any good lawyer just has to submit Schumer, Pelosi and Obama the prior president's own words (videos) that it was an emergency and that was prior to it becoming worse by the hands of the Dem colluders.
FACT: Pelosi would be counter sued for using her position of power to gain financial benefit through the cheap illegal labor she gets for her vineyard and illegal cohersion in signing them up as Dems with prefilled voting forms against their knowledge and will.
SHE HAS THE NERVE TO CLAIM she will bring back democracy when her acts have been subversive to our democraric rights especially in the across the board obstruction voting the last 2+years. Telling your party to vote against things their States/voters want just to sabotage an opponent is not democratic. Making false reports to demonize the voters is not democratic.
ALLOWING socialism and abuses of power to creep throughout your party is not democratic.
SHE NEEDS TO BE FORCED out in handcuffs, any lawsuit she brings will allow her method of making millions fleecing Californians and putting America at risk open for review during any court doccumentation request swaps.

Your FACTS are exist only on Fantasy Island.

The courts will stop Trump and even Trump admits this.

There is no evidence a large number of illegals voting and all farmers use migrant labor. Many of them support Trump. Will they be sued as well?
The fact is that a majority of Americans support Pelosi not Trump.


Trump is the one who wants to abuse his authority. Sessions was fired because he refused to turn the DOJ into a political weapon to go after Trump's enemies.


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