Trump: Toyota Faces Big Tax if it Builds Corolla Cars for U.S. in Mexico


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I hope you guys remind the incoming administration about GM in Ontario, Two cities, Oshawa and St, Catherines, $550M paid to GM to keep the jobs there and build various vehicles which are headed to the U.S.

If he announced similar tariffs against GM in Ontario, he would literally see a gain of about 3500 jobs come back to Ohio and Michigan if I'm not mistaken. They completed this deal just a couple of months ago, I was in communication with a reporter in the U.S who broke the news of the government payoff to GM, which was attempted on the "hush hush" and could be construed as a subsidy of sorts, which violates NAFTA.

Trump: Toyota Faces Big Tax if it Builds Corolla Cars for U.S. in Mexico
I hope you guys remind the incoming administration about GM in Ontario, Two cities, Oshawa and St, Catherines, $550M paid to GM to keep the jobs there and build various vehicles which are headed to the U.S.

If he announced similar tariffs against GM in Ontario, he would literally see a gain of about 3500 jobs come back to Ohio and Michigan if I'm not mistaken. They completed this deal just a couple of months ago, I was in communication with a reporter in the U.S who broke the news of the government payoff to GM, which was attempted on the "hush hush" and could be construed as a subsidy of sorts, which violates NAFTA.

Trump: Toyota Faces Big Tax if it Builds Corolla Cars for U.S. in Mexico
Canada doesn't manipulate it's currency or use slave labor.
It's called Comparative Advantage.
I hope you guys remind the incoming administration about GM in Ontario, Two cities, Oshawa and St, Catherines, $550M paid to GM to keep the jobs there and build various vehicles which are headed to the U.S.

If he announced similar tariffs against GM in Ontario, he would literally see a gain of about 3500 jobs come back to Ohio and Michigan if I'm not mistaken. They completed this deal just a couple of months ago, I was in communication with a reporter in the U.S who broke the news of the government payoff to GM, which was attempted on the "hush hush" and could be construed as a subsidy of sorts, which violates NAFTA.

Trump: Toyota Faces Big Tax if it Builds Corolla Cars for U.S. in Mexico
Canada doesn't manipulate it's currency or use slave labor.
It's called Comparative Advantage.

The Canadian dollar is much lower than Americas and we do alot worse than manipulate the dollar, we manipulate employment in U.S and European businesses. I've spoken to some who asked me about moving to Canada, I told them, "if you do, bring your own HR department".

Furthermore, the $550M paid to GM to stay in Canada is a violation of NAFTA. Such a violation that the provincial and federal government didn't even officially announce the payoffs, a newspaper in Michigan leaked it. It's an artificial subsidy, clearly worthy of at least a tariff. I'm one Canadian who has seen first hand the excessive abuses of the security apparatus here, it bothers me to no end, especially when it constantly occurs against allies.
I hope you guys remind the incoming administration about GM in Ontario, Two cities, Oshawa and St, Catherines, $550M paid to GM to keep the jobs there and build various vehicles which are headed to the U.S.

If he announced similar tariffs against GM in Ontario, he would literally see a gain of about 3500 jobs come back to Ohio and Michigan if I'm not mistaken. They completed this deal just a couple of months ago, I was in communication with a reporter in the U.S who broke the news of the government payoff to GM, which was attempted on the "hush hush" and could be construed as a subsidy of sorts, which violates NAFTA.

Trump: Toyota Faces Big Tax if it Builds Corolla Cars for U.S. in Mexico
Canada doesn't manipulate it's currency or use slave labor.
It's called Comparative Advantage.

The Canadian dollar is much lower than Americas and we do alot worse than manipulate the dollar, we manipulate employment in U.S and European businesses. I've spoken to some who asked me about moving to Canada, I told them, "if you do, bring your own HR department".

Furthermore, the $550M paid to GM to stay in Canada is a violation of NAFTA. Such a violation that the provincial and federal government didn't even officially announce the payoffs, a newspaper in Michigan leaked it. It's an artificial subsidy, clearly worthy of at least a tariff. I'm one Canadian who has seen first hand the excessive abuses of the security apparatus here, it bothers me to no end, especially when it constantly occurs against allies.

The exchange rate has been fluctuating for years but it's nowhere as lopsided as the manipulated
I hope you guys remind the incoming administration about GM in Ontario, Two cities, Oshawa and St, Catherines, $550M paid to GM to keep the jobs there and build various vehicles which are headed to the U.S.

If he announced similar tariffs against GM in Ontario, he would literally see a gain of about 3500 jobs come back to Ohio and Michigan if I'm not mistaken. They completed this deal just a couple of months ago, I was in communication with a reporter in the U.S who broke the news of the government payoff to GM, which was attempted on the "hush hush" and could be construed as a subsidy of sorts, which violates NAFTA.

Trump: Toyota Faces Big Tax if it Builds Corolla Cars for U.S. in Mexico
Canada doesn't manipulate it's currency or use slave labor.
It's called Comparative Advantage.

The Canadian dollar is much lower than Americas and we do alot worse than manipulate the dollar, we manipulate employment in U.S and European businesses. I've spoken to some who asked me about moving to Canada, I told them, "if you do, bring your own HR department".

Furthermore, the $550M paid to GM to stay in Canada is a violation of NAFTA. Such a violation that the provincial and federal government didn't even officially announce the payoffs, a newspaper in Michigan leaked it. It's an artificial subsidy, clearly worthy of at least a tariff. I'm one Canadian who has seen first hand the excessive abuses of the security apparatus here, it bothers me to no end, especially when it constantly occurs against allies.

The exchange rate has been fluctuating for years but it's nowhere as lopsided as the manipulated

No we are not a manipulator like China obviously but we do use fiscal policies to alter the dollar, generally to lower it in order to make investment here attractive as due to our British loyalists attitude and quasi-communist, "centralized" system, we don't innovate or compete, so we need to find an "equalizer". First, it was in getting a great deal with NAFTA, than quietly manipulating for provincial and federal gain. "Making it" in Canada is a lifetime of government employment, I kid you not. This is something the U.S has seen creep into their system slowly, much to the dismay of many intelligent Americans who know where it leads.

You see, Canada has been way ahead of the curve when focusing on jobs. We rely a great deal on taking jobs from America via U.S corporations, the ability to do so relies on a low Canadian dollar and low tax rate. Disturbingly, Canada has taken the added unacceptable step of direct employment interference, in major corporations, including, though certainly not limited to, corporations such as IBM. This means tampering with human resources and the like, without the knowledge of the U.S headquarters or European as the case may be.

Wisely IBM moved their technology innovation center from Toronto to Brazil. Not a coincidence I'm sure. That's a major step as we are talking about a knowledge based shift, not just ease of mobility labour. You rarely if ever make such a drastic decision based on labour costs.
I hope you guys remind the incoming administration about GM in Ontario, Two cities, Oshawa and St, Catherines, $550M paid to GM to keep the jobs there and build various vehicles which are headed to the U.S.

If he announced similar tariffs against GM in Ontario, he would literally see a gain of about 3500 jobs come back to Ohio and Michigan if I'm not mistaken. They completed this deal just a couple of months ago, I was in communication with a reporter in the U.S who broke the news of the government payoff to GM, which was attempted on the "hush hush" and could be construed as a subsidy of sorts, which violates NAFTA.

Trump: Toyota Faces Big Tax if it Builds Corolla Cars for U.S. in Mexico
Canada doesn't manipulate it's currency or use slave labor.
It's called Comparative Advantage.

The Canadian dollar is much lower than Americas and we do alot worse than manipulate the dollar, we manipulate employment in U.S and European businesses. I've spoken to some who asked me about moving to Canada, I told them, "if you do, bring your own HR department".

Furthermore, the $550M paid to GM to stay in Canada is a violation of NAFTA. Such a violation that the provincial and federal government didn't even officially announce the payoffs, a newspaper in Michigan leaked it. It's an artificial subsidy, clearly worthy of at least a tariff. I'm one Canadian who has seen first hand the excessive abuses of the security apparatus here, it bothers me to no end, especially when it constantly occurs against allies.

The exchange rate has been fluctuating for years but it's nowhere as lopsided as the manipulated

No we are not a manipulator like China obviously but we do use fiscal policies to alter the dollar, generally to lower it in order to make investment here attractive as due to our British loyalists attitude and quasi-communist, "centralized" system, we don't innovate or compete, so we need to find an "equalizer". First, it was in getting a great deal with NAFTA, than quietly manipulating for provincial and federal gain. "Making it" in Canada is a lifetime of government employment, I kid you not. This is something the U.S has seen creep into their system slowly, much to the dismay of many intelligent Americans who know where it leads.

You see, Canada has been way ahead of the curve when focusing on jobs. We rely a great deal on taking jobs from America via U.S corporations, the ability to do so relies on a low Canadian dollar and low tax rate. Disturbingly, Canada has taken the added unacceptable step of direct employment interference, in major corporations, including, though certainly not limited to, corporations such as IBM. This means tampering with human resources and the like, without the knowledge of the U.S headquarters or European as the case may be.

Wisely IBM moved their technology innovation center from Toronto to Brazil. Not a coincidence I'm sure. That's a major step as we are talking about a knowledge based shift, not just ease of mobility labour. You rarely if ever make such a drastic decision based on labour costs.
My Columbian co-worker hates Brazil...he say's their government is worse than China when it comes to slave labor.
Brazil is probably importing Indians.
BTW, using IBM and Technology Innovation in one sentence is pretty funny.
When are Donald and Ivanka going to start making their designer lines in the US, instead of manufacturing them in China and Mexico? Ivanka, is moving her boot manufacturing from China, but not to the US, no they are going to Ethiopia though, because labor is even cheaper than they are in China.
It seems the Trumps expect everyone else to play by their rules and those are the same rules that the Trumps are too good to have to play by.
Of course, the goose-stepping Trumpsters don't care about the Trump hypocrisy.
I guess they are too busy jumping, when The Donald says "jump".
When are Donald and Ivanka going to start making their designer lines in the US, instead of manufacturing them in China and Mexico? Ivanka, is moving her boot manufacturing from China, but not to the US, no they are going to Ethiopia though, because labor is even cheaper than they are in China.
It seems the Trumps expect everyone else to play by their rules and those are the same rules that the Trumps are too good to have to play by.
Of course, the goose-stepping Trumpsters don't care about the Trump hypocrisy.
I guess they are too busy jumping, when The Donald says "jump".
You just proved you never listened to one full Trump speech or interview (WHAT A SHOCK!).
After Trump creates a level playing field he will start making his designer lines in the US.
It might be a bluff but it seems that Toyota is already feeling the heat on Wall Street. The big question is why the radical left isn't on Trump's side in forcing the conglomerate to take less corporate profits and employ U.S. workers?
It might be a bluff but it seems that Toyota is already feeling the heat on Wall Street. The big question is why the radical left isn't on Trump's side in forcing the conglomerate to take less corporate profits and employ U.S. workers?
Neither the Right nor the Left is on Trump's side.
WE are on Trump's side.
I hope you guys remind the incoming administration about GM in Ontario, Two cities, Oshawa and St, Catherines, $550M paid to GM to keep the jobs there and build various vehicles which are headed to the U.S.

If he announced similar tariffs against GM in Ontario, he would literally see a gain of about 3500 jobs come back to Ohio and Michigan if I'm not mistaken. They completed this deal just a couple of months ago, I was in communication with a reporter in the U.S who broke the news of the government payoff to GM, which was attempted on the "hush hush" and could be construed as a subsidy of sorts, which violates NAFTA.

Trump: Toyota Faces Big Tax if it Builds Corolla Cars for U.S. in Mexico
Canada doesn't manipulate it's currency or use slave labor.
It's called Comparative Advantage.

The Canadian dollar is much lower than Americas and we do alot worse than manipulate the dollar, we manipulate employment in U.S and European businesses. I've spoken to some who asked me about moving to Canada, I told them, "if you do, bring your own HR department".

Furthermore, the $550M paid to GM to stay in Canada is a violation of NAFTA. Such a violation that the provincial and federal government didn't even officially announce the payoffs, a newspaper in Michigan leaked it. It's an artificial subsidy, clearly worthy of at least a tariff. I'm one Canadian who has seen first hand the excessive abuses of the security apparatus here, it bothers me to no end, especially when it constantly occurs against allies.

The exchange rate has been fluctuating for years but it's nowhere as lopsided as the manipulated

No we are not a manipulator like China obviously but we do use fiscal policies to alter the dollar, generally to lower it in order to make investment here attractive as due to our British loyalists attitude and quasi-communist, "centralized" system, we don't innovate or compete, so we need to find an "equalizer". First, it was in getting a great deal with NAFTA, than quietly manipulating for provincial and federal gain. "Making it" in Canada is a lifetime of government employment, I kid you not. This is something the U.S has seen creep into their system slowly, much to the dismay of many intelligent Americans who know where it leads.

You see, Canada has been way ahead of the curve when focusing on jobs. We rely a great deal on taking jobs from America via U.S corporations, the ability to do so relies on a low Canadian dollar and low tax rate. Disturbingly, Canada has taken the added unacceptable step of direct employment interference, in major corporations, including, though certainly not limited to, corporations such as IBM. This means tampering with human resources and the like, without the knowledge of the U.S headquarters or European as the case may be.

Wisely IBM moved their technology innovation center from Toronto to Brazil. Not a coincidence I'm sure. That's a major step as we are talking about a knowledge based shift, not just ease of mobility labour. You rarely if ever make such a drastic decision based on labour costs.
My Columbian co-worker hates Brazil...he say's their government is worse than China when it comes to slave labor.
Brazil is probably importing Indians.
BTW, using IBM and Technology Innovation in one sentence is pretty funny.

Are you suggesting IBM is not a highly technical innovator? For the longest time they were the only Enterprise computing business in town, that comes with innovation and vision. Obviously they have a great deal of competition now, but to suggest they don't innovate is a stretch, even using a strict definition.
It might be a bluff but it seems that Toyota is already feeling the heat on Wall Street. The big question is why the radical left isn't on Trump's side in forcing the conglomerate to take less corporate profits and employ U.S. workers?

It's not like I don't support the idea of putting the heat on companies to manufacturer the goods that they plan to peddle in the US, in the US. I have never once stated otherwise. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the Trumps and their little goose-steppers.
Is there something wrong about wanting consistency from the top to the bottom?
Canada doesn't manipulate it's currency or use slave labor.
It's called Comparative Advantage.

The Canadian dollar is much lower than Americas and we do alot worse than manipulate the dollar, we manipulate employment in U.S and European businesses. I've spoken to some who asked me about moving to Canada, I told them, "if you do, bring your own HR department".

Furthermore, the $550M paid to GM to stay in Canada is a violation of NAFTA. Such a violation that the provincial and federal government didn't even officially announce the payoffs, a newspaper in Michigan leaked it. It's an artificial subsidy, clearly worthy of at least a tariff. I'm one Canadian who has seen first hand the excessive abuses of the security apparatus here, it bothers me to no end, especially when it constantly occurs against allies.

The exchange rate has been fluctuating for years but it's nowhere as lopsided as the manipulated

No we are not a manipulator like China obviously but we do use fiscal policies to alter the dollar, generally to lower it in order to make investment here attractive as due to our British loyalists attitude and quasi-communist, "centralized" system, we don't innovate or compete, so we need to find an "equalizer". First, it was in getting a great deal with NAFTA, than quietly manipulating for provincial and federal gain. "Making it" in Canada is a lifetime of government employment, I kid you not. This is something the U.S has seen creep into their system slowly, much to the dismay of many intelligent Americans who know where it leads.

You see, Canada has been way ahead of the curve when focusing on jobs. We rely a great deal on taking jobs from America via U.S corporations, the ability to do so relies on a low Canadian dollar and low tax rate. Disturbingly, Canada has taken the added unacceptable step of direct employment interference, in major corporations, including, though certainly not limited to, corporations such as IBM. This means tampering with human resources and the like, without the knowledge of the U.S headquarters or European as the case may be.

Wisely IBM moved their technology innovation center from Toronto to Brazil. Not a coincidence I'm sure. That's a major step as we are talking about a knowledge based shift, not just ease of mobility labour. You rarely if ever make such a drastic decision based on labour costs.
My Columbian co-worker hates Brazil...he say's their government is worse than China when it comes to slave labor.
Brazil is probably importing Indians.
BTW, using IBM and Technology Innovation in one sentence is pretty funny.

Are you suggesting IBM is not a highly technical innovator? For the longest time they were the only Enterprise computing business in town, that comes with innovation and vision. Obviously they have a great deal of competition now, but to suggest they don't innovate is a stretch, even using a strict definition.
As a software developer and smart device advocate (like everyone else), I wouldn't touch any of their software or hardware products with a 10 foot pole.
If they didn't grab their market share by the early to mid 90s they would be out of business by now.
Oracle is another company that hasn't innovated in decades.
But they do make money.

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