Trump, Trade & Tchina


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
At its heart the trade dispute is about far more than tariffs. It is a contest of two very different national ideologies.

the US believes that openness creates prosperity, resolves disagreements within society, and promotes the diversity that spawns innovatio. China sees government control as critical to developing the economy, achieving social peace, and forwarding the best interests of the nation.

Americans tend to think free markets that are operating in a fair regulatory environment produce the best economic results. Beijing, doesn’t trust market forces and instead wants the state to play a more direct role in achieving the economic outcomes it determines are necessary.
what Trump is demanding is extremely difficult to achieve: a “level playing field” for American firms. In fact, nothing of the sort actually exists in China, even for Chinese companies.
Getting what Trump wants requires a shake-up of the entire relationship between state and business in China: thoroughly reforming the financial system, reprogramming the minds of bureaucrats to act impartially, and introducing some form of rule of law and a functioning court system so companies have recourse against state action.
“We’re … fixing decades of disastrous trade deals that have plundered our factories and stolen our wealth and our jobs, China has been taking out of our country $500 billion a year, and it was time to stop. Nobody ever did it. It’s crazy … We’re going to have a great relationship with China, but we have to be fair to ourselves also.” - President Trump, speaking with electrical contractors in Philadelphia
Getting what Trump wants requires a shake-up of the entire relationship between state and business in China: thoroughly reforming the financial system, reprogramming the minds of bureaucrats to act impartially, and introducing some form of rule of law and a functioning court system so companies have recourse against state action.

We'll see. I'm still of the opinion that China is a military dictatorship in nice suits.
my friends, a Hillary Clinton administration would have also adopted a more confrontational approach to China

folks, if we don’t stand up to China now, we won’t be able to fight this even stronger country later.
Getting what Trump wants requires a shake-up of the entire relationship between state and business in China: thoroughly reforming the financial system, reprogramming the minds of bureaucrats to act impartially, and introducing some form of rule of law and a functioning court system so companies have recourse against state action.

We'll see. I'm still of the opinion that China is a military dictatorship in nice suits.

not necessarily a disagreement but China winning a war with a foreign power is a very rare event, at least for the last two thousand years despite having the only fortifications that can be seen from orbit. Even with IP theft their force multipliers generally don't multiply force very much, I would agree with wannabee military dictatorship but disrespecting everyone from field marshals on down to recruits makes military dictatorship hard to do. The people on top are much more afraid of generals making themselves war lords, as with Deng than foreign victory. The Triads and Secret police are much better soldiers than the PLA
"China’s top trade negotiators are in the U.S. meeting with our representatives. Meetings are going well with good intent and spirit on both sides. China does not want an increase in Tariffs and feels they will do much better if they make a deal. They are correct. I will be meeting with their top leaders and representatives today in the Oval Office. No final deal will be made until my friend President Xi, and I, meet in the near future to discuss and agree on some of the long standing and more difficult points. Very comprehensive transaction

China’s representatives and I are trying to do a complete deal, leaving NOTHING unresolved on the table. All of the many problems are being discussed and will be hopefully resolved. Tariffs on China increase to 25% on March 1st, so all working hard to complete by that date!" - Trump
"Trade negotiators have just returned from China where the meetings on Trade were very productive. Now at meetings with me at Mar-a-Lago giving the details. In the meantime, Billions of Dollars are being paid to the United States by China in the form of Trade Tariffs!" - President Trump
Trump just sold rice... to China. What an absolute badass.

We shouldn’t be talking to the Chinese. We should be imposing greater and greater costs until they stop stealing our stuff. Until they stop these trade violations that have been getting worse under Xi Jinping.

"Trump is borrowing from China to pay farmers back for the costs he put on them selling goods to China. China wins. We lose"
"I am pleased to report that the U.S. has made substantial progress in our trade talks with China on important structural issues including intellectual property protection, technology transfer, agriculture, services, currency, and many other issues. As a result of these very productive talks, I will be delaying the U.S. increase in tariffs now scheduled for March 1. Assuming both sides make additional progress, we will be planning a Summit for President Xi and myself, at Mar-a-Lago, to conclude an agreement. A very good weekend for U.S. & China!

So funny to watch people who have failed for years, they got NOTHING, telling me how to negotiate with North Korea. But thanks anyway!" - Trump

keeping his promise, one day at a time, baby!
President Trump on China at the Governor's Ball: "They were catching us, catching us, catching us, and now we've zoomed out, and I can say this as long as I'm President they're not going to catch us."
"I have asked China to immediately remove all Tariffs on our agricultural products (including beef, pork, etc.) based on the fact that we are moving along nicely with Trade discussions and I did not increase their second traunch of Tariffs to 25% on March 1st. This is very important for our great farmers - and me!" - Trump
"Trade negotiators have just returned from China where the meetings on Trade were very productive. Now at meetings with me at Mar-a-Lago giving the details. In the meantime, Billions of Dollars are being paid to the United States by China in the form of Trade Tariffs!" - President Trump

Trump is a moron, China does not pay the tariffs, US taxpayers do

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