Trump, Trade & Tchina

my friends, a Hillary Clinton administration would have also adopted a more confrontational approach to China

folks, if we don’t stand up to China now, we won’t be able to fight this even stronger country later.

Everything that Trump is trying to get from China was in the TPP which Trump pulled out of and then tried to get back into. Patent protections, more open markets for goods. The rest of us in the TPP already have what Trump threw away.

Added to which, you don’t START a trade negotiation by imposing tariffs. Just like Trump blew the wall negotiation with Pelosi by walking out, he’s blown the trade negotiation with China by imposing tariffs as his first move.

That’s like lobbing hand grenades at your neighbours house to get him to build a new fence with you.

Trump is the WORST negotiator ever!
"Trade negotiators have just returned from China where the meetings on Trade were very productive. Now at meetings with me at Mar-a-Lago giving the details. In the meantime, Billions of Dollars are being paid to the United States by China in the form of Trade Tariffs!" - President Trump

Trump is a moron, China does not pay the tariffs, US taxpayers do

Lol, it is astonishing to me how neither he nor his deplorables understand this!
"Aluminum prices are down 12% since I instituted Tariffs on Aluminum Dumping - and the U.S. will be taking in Billions, plus jobs. Nice!" - Trump
Trump said he was "proud" of the "big fat beautiful" tariffs the administration has put in place on items like the "crap steel" that was being imported.

“Big fat beautiful crap steel” was the name of my death metal band in high school....true story!

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