Trump trolls the Libertarian Party at their own convention. “Do you like losing?” “What’s the point in getting 3% of the vote?”

Your party nominated another Marxist light loser. Good job.
They're not really my party anymore. They kind of lost me with inviting Trump to their convention.

I doubt, however, that the candidate is a Marxist. Do you have links to any of his Marxist writings?
They're not really my party anymore. They kind of lost me with inviting Trump to their convention.

I doubt, however, that the candidate is a Marxist. Do you have links to any of his Marxist writings?
You Biden's Bitch. TDS so bad you throw your so called party under the bus because they allowed Trump to speak.

Seek mental help. You are toast
Your party nominated another Marxist light loser. Good job.

Does this sound like a Marxist?

It is long past time we address the problems with our criminal justice system. From Courts to police, to prisons, we need reforms in every area with one goal in mind, empower people, not the government. With less than five percent of the world’s population, we host roughly a quarter of its prison population. That is simply unacceptable in a nation that styles itself as the land of the free. The current system feeds a prison-industrial complex that leads to the militarization of our police, corruption in our prosecutors who have perverse incentives to push for longer sentences, the building of private prisons that value profit over rehabilitation, and a cycle of incarceration that breeds lowered earnings and poverty that leads to recidivism.
My Administration would:

End qualified immunity for federal law enforcement so those abused or harmed by law enforcement can have their day in court. While this judge-created rule that allows public officials to escape civil liability for the abuse of citizens’ rights is most often exercised at the state and local levels to shield rogue police officers, making Federal agents liable for abuses of power would allow us to place pressure on state and local officials to follow suit.

End Federal mandatory minimum sentencing which ties the hands of judges and compels even some who are innocent to plead guilty to avoid the possibility of lengthy incarceration. A wealth of evidence demonstrates that mandatory minimums accelerate prison growth with no overall benefit to crime control. By legislatively mandating punishment, we have taken discretion out of the hands of judges and juries where they rightly belong.

End the prosecution of victimless crimes and instead place the focus of law enforcement on investigating and prosecuting crimes of violence, theft, fraud, or coercion.

As the failed War on Drugs drags into its fifth long decade, we can all see that the policies of strict prohibition and prison need to change. Just as with the Eighteenth Amendment and its prohibition of alcohol, the criminalization of drugs simply has not worked. The black markets it has created have increased violent crime, engendered police corruption, and contributed to the rise of cartels in places near, such as Mexico, and far, such as Afghanistan. It’s time to end more than two generations of regressive, harmful, and unproductive drug policy and move America into a new chapter. As president I will:

Immediately act to remove all federal laws criminalizing cannabis and end burdensome regulatory hurdles like federal banking regulations, placed on the cannabis industry.

Deschedule cannabis with the stroke of a pen – legislation isn’t required.

Issue full pardons for persons who were convicted solely for non-violent drug offenses and urge every governor to do the same.

Work with Congress to obtain the repeal of the Controlled Substances Act, which helped pave the way for the War on Drugs.

Push for the passage of the Drug Policy Reform Act, which would decriminalize possession and use of all drugs, allow for the criminal records of users to be sealed, and restore their right to vote.

Encourage governors to not only follow suit but to reinforce the option of voluntary treatment for heavy users and addicts, so that they may maintain or return to their status as healthy, productive members of society. Mental health issues should be treated as such, and those needing help should be neither criminalized nor stigmatized by government policy.


It is often the case that the worst government abuses come disguised as protection from danger and harm. If you feel in danger, it becomes easy for the government to have you trade your liberty for the illusion of security. We have warrantless wiretaps, abuses of the FISA courts, and an overarching Patriot Act to name a few. Even worse, we attempt to imprison those who expose the hard truths we need to hear. As President, I will fight to end these programs that eat away at your constitutionally protected privacy and civil liberties and pardon those who have blown the whistle on abuse and illegal actions of our government. As President, I will

Work with Congress to abolish the Patriot Act, which has unconstitutionally increased the powers and scope of the police and surveillance state.

Work to repeal the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 which serves as the legal justification for the surveillance abuses disclosed by Edward Snowden in 2013.

End the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which routinely violates our civil liberties, requires airlines to become agents of Federal surveillance, and whose screening devices, both for luggage and facial recognition, repeatedly exhibit problems that are inexcusable in relation to the taxpayer dollars spent.

Have any surviving Cabinet departments and Federal agencies that collect citizens’ information review why and how that information is collected, and how it is used. In many ways, privacy is a highly individual matter, and the best judge of how personal information should be used is the individual involved.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

My entire adult life, our nation has been at war somewhere in the world. I have friends and loved ones who have served, and come home with the visible and invisible scars of combat. I’ve seen them mourn their brothers and sisters who didn’t come home. I meet more and more anti-war veterans every day, and they know more than anyone about the cost of war. It’s time we focus our foreign policy on Peace. We should end our policy of sending drones around the world and instead foster international goodwill by defending free trade and free markets. Our nation has long had the moniker ‘leader of the free world.’ It is time we earn that distinction by insisting that Peace is the way forward. End the wars. End the drones. End the policy of constant intervention. It’s easy to drop a bomb, it’s much harder to serve as a beacon of Peace. We must take the more difficult but necessary path.

Close all overseas bases and immediately return active-duty personnel to domestic bases. The cost savings of doing so will be used as a one-time contribution to discharge the interest on currently outstanding Federally guaranteed student loans.

End aid being directed to nation-states currently at war. This includes Israel and Ukraine. While we offer moral support to our friends currently engaged with the enemy, we should not be contributing to extending the fight.

With this said, I recognize that there are aggressors and victims in war. I would allow private parties, including defense contractors, to voluntarily contribute funds and sell weapons to our friends without fear of violating any Federal laws.

If asked to act as a mediator, I would more than happily allow America to act as a mediator in negotiating a peace that ends the conflict without rewarding aggressing parties for bad behavior.

Utilize trade as a bargaining chip to foment peace with our neighbors.

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Every day, average Americans face many challenges in our overly regulated economy where government, lobbyists, and special interests continuously conspire to pick winners and losers. From trillions of dollars in government deficits, and trillions more in unfunded liabilities, our government recklessly crowds out funding that would be better served allowing innovation in the marketplace to find solutions to our most pressing issues. To combat these constant rounds of economic and financial crises, we must get government out of our boardrooms and wallets, and allow individuals to decide how to best distribute their hard-earned dollars.

As President, I will close regulatory loopholes that reward firms that have close relationships with government officials, and that stifle both competition and the innovation which competition creates.

Immediately end all tariffs, which serve only to increase the bottom lines of protected industries, shift labor from more efficient industries while creating a net loss of jobs, and raise prices by lowering the number of alternatives for consumers to choose among. Tariffs are a form of embargo on domestic laborers and consumers, raising the costs of doing business for importers who pass these added costs onto end-buyers.

In addition to ending special protections such as tariffs for favored industries, I will also encourage Congress to pass legislation prohibiting bailing out firms that engage in irresponsible business and fiscal practices. It is not the role of government to underwrite the fiduciary duty that firms have to their stakeholders.

I will strongly urge Congress to work with each state to introduce and pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, forever ending the perpetual cycle of deficit spending.
You Biden's Bitch. TDS so bad you throw your so called party under the bus because they allowed Trump to speak.

Seek mental help. You are toast
The majority of the posters on here that claim to be libertarians are Democrats ashamed to admit it.
The majority of the posters on here that claim to be libertarians are Democrats ashamed to admit it.
Its funny. Dems all say the same thing flipped - that libertarians are Republicans ashamed to admit it.

I think both groups are just ashamed of themselves because they can't nominate good candidates.
Last edited:
Does this sound like a Marxist?

It is long past time we address the problems with our criminal justice system. From Courts to police, to prisons, we need reforms in every area with one goal in mind, empower people, not the government. With less than five percent of the world’s population, we host roughly a quarter of its prison population. That is simply unacceptable in a nation that styles itself as the land of the free. The current system feeds a prison-industrial complex that leads to the militarization of our police, corruption in our prosecutors who have perverse incentives to push for longer sentences, the building of private prisons that value profit over rehabilitation, and a cycle of incarceration that breeds lowered earnings and poverty that leads to recidivism.
My Administration would:

End qualified immunity for federal law enforcement so those abused or harmed by law enforcement can have their day in court. While this judge-created rule that allows public officials to escape civil liability for the abuse of citizens’ rights is most often exercised at the state and local levels to shield rogue police officers, making Federal agents liable for abuses of power would allow us to place pressure on state and local officials to follow suit.

End Federal mandatory minimum sentencing which ties the hands of judges and compels even some who are innocent to plead guilty to avoid the possibility of lengthy incarceration. A wealth of evidence demonstrates that mandatory minimums accelerate prison growth with no overall benefit to crime control. By legislatively mandating punishment, we have taken discretion out of the hands of judges and juries where they rightly belong.

End the prosecution of victimless crimes and instead place the focus of law enforcement on investigating and prosecuting crimes of violence, theft, fraud, or coercion.

As the failed War on Drugs drags into its fifth long decade, we can all see that the policies of strict prohibition and prison need to change. Just as with the Eighteenth Amendment and its prohibition of alcohol, the criminalization of drugs simply has not worked. The black markets it has created have increased violent crime, engendered police corruption, and contributed to the rise of cartels in places near, such as Mexico, and far, such as Afghanistan. It’s time to end more than two generations of regressive, harmful, and unproductive drug policy and move America into a new chapter. As president I will:

Immediately act to remove all federal laws criminalizing cannabis and end burdensome regulatory hurdles like federal banking regulations, placed on the cannabis industry.

Deschedule cannabis with the stroke of a pen – legislation isn’t required.

Issue full pardons for persons who were convicted solely for non-violent drug offenses and urge every governor to do the same.

Work with Congress to obtain the repeal of the Controlled Substances Act, which helped pave the way for the War on Drugs.

Push for the passage of the Drug Policy Reform Act, which would decriminalize possession and use of all drugs, allow for the criminal records of users to be sealed, and restore their right to vote.

Encourage governors to not only follow suit but to reinforce the option of voluntary treatment for heavy users and addicts, so that they may maintain or return to their status as healthy, productive members of society. Mental health issues should be treated as such, and those needing help should be neither criminalized nor stigmatized by government policy.


It is often the case that the worst government abuses come disguised as protection from danger and harm. If you feel in danger, it becomes easy for the government to have you trade your liberty for the illusion of security. We have warrantless wiretaps, abuses of the FISA courts, and an overarching Patriot Act to name a few. Even worse, we attempt to imprison those who expose the hard truths we need to hear. As President, I will fight to end these programs that eat away at your constitutionally protected privacy and civil liberties and pardon those who have blown the whistle on abuse and illegal actions of our government. As President, I will

Work with Congress to abolish the Patriot Act, which has unconstitutionally increased the powers and scope of the police and surveillance state.

Work to repeal the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 which serves as the legal justification for the surveillance abuses disclosed by Edward Snowden in 2013.

End the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which routinely violates our civil liberties, requires airlines to become agents of Federal surveillance, and whose screening devices, both for luggage and facial recognition, repeatedly exhibit problems that are inexcusable in relation to the taxpayer dollars spent.

Have any surviving Cabinet departments and Federal agencies that collect citizens’ information review why and how that information is collected, and how it is used. In many ways, privacy is a highly individual matter, and the best judge of how personal information should be used is the individual involved.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

My entire adult life, our nation has been at war somewhere in the world. I have friends and loved ones who have served, and come home with the visible and invisible scars of combat. I’ve seen them mourn their brothers and sisters who didn’t come home. I meet more and more anti-war veterans every day, and they know more than anyone about the cost of war. It’s time we focus our foreign policy on Peace. We should end our policy of sending drones around the world and instead foster international goodwill by defending free trade and free markets. Our nation has long had the moniker ‘leader of the free world.’ It is time we earn that distinction by insisting that Peace is the way forward. End the wars. End the drones. End the policy of constant intervention. It’s easy to drop a bomb, it’s much harder to serve as a beacon of Peace. We must take the more difficult but necessary path.

Close all overseas bases and immediately return active-duty personnel to domestic bases. The cost savings of doing so will be used as a one-time contribution to discharge the interest on currently outstanding Federally guaranteed student loans.

End aid being directed to nation-states currently at war. This includes Israel and Ukraine. While we offer moral support to our friends currently engaged with the enemy, we should not be contributing to extending the fight.

With this said, I recognize that there are aggressors and victims in war. I would allow private parties, including defense contractors, to voluntarily contribute funds and sell weapons to our friends without fear of violating any Federal laws.

If asked to act as a mediator, I would more than happily allow America to act as a mediator in negotiating a peace that ends the conflict without rewarding aggressing parties for bad behavior.

Utilize trade as a bargaining chip to foment peace with our neighbors.

Share Prices
Every day, average Americans face many challenges in our overly regulated economy where government, lobbyists, and special interests continuously conspire to pick winners and losers. From trillions of dollars in government deficits, and trillions more in unfunded liabilities, our government recklessly crowds out funding that would be better served allowing innovation in the marketplace to find solutions to our most pressing issues. To combat these constant rounds of economic and financial crises, we must get government out of our boardrooms and wallets, and allow individuals to decide how to best distribute their hard-earned dollars.

As President, I will close regulatory loopholes that reward firms that have close relationships with government officials, and that stifle both competition and the innovation which competition creates.

Immediately end all tariffs, which serve only to increase the bottom lines of protected industries, shift labor from more efficient industries while creating a net loss of jobs, and raise prices by lowering the number of alternatives for consumers to choose among. Tariffs are a form of embargo on domestic laborers and consumers, raising the costs of doing business for importers who pass these added costs onto end-buyers.

In addition to ending special protections such as tariffs for favored industries, I will also encourage Congress to pass legislation prohibiting bailing out firms that engage in irresponsible business and fiscal practices. It is not the role of government to underwrite the fiduciary duty that firms have to their stakeholders.

I will strongly urge Congress to work with each state to introduce and pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, forever ending the perpetual cycle of deficit spending.

We're arguing with populists - ie morons. "Marxist" is just a word to them. A slur for someone who doesn't like Trump. It's not more complicated than that.
Its funny. Dems all say the same thing flipped - that libertarians are Republicans ashamed to admit it.

In think both groups are just ashamed of themselves because they can't nominate good candidates.
Your candidate supports vax and mask mandates,puberty blockers for kids,Men in women’s sports,drag queen story hour,wide open borders etc

All far left
Your candidate supports vax and mask mandates,puberty blockers for kids,Men in women’s sports,drag queen story hour,wide pen borders etc

All far left

I don't know much about Chase Oliver. The Libertarian party lost me when the invited Trump to their convention. But my point stands. Republicans think libertarians are all secretly Democrats and Democrats think we're all secretly Republicans. It's a byproduct of your stilted two-party world view, a view that keeps you in their pens with your blinders on.

Believe it, or not, we just think you're both full of shit.
I don't know much about Chase Oliver. The Libertarian party lost me when the invited Trump to their convention. But my point stands. Republicans think libertarians are all secretly Democrats and Democrats think we're all secretly Republicans. It's a byproduct of your stilted two-party world view, a view that keeps you in their pens with your blinders on.

Believe it, or not, we just think you're both full of shit.
I don't know much about Chase Oliver. The Libertarian party lost me when the invited Trump to their convention. But my point stands. Republicans think libertarians are all secretly Democrats and Democrats think we're all secretly Republicans. It's a byproduct of your stilted two-party world view, a view that keeps you in their pens with your blinders on.

Believe it, or not, we just think you're both full of shit.
Nope you are just contrarians. Afraid to take a stand on anything.
Libertarians…you are so anti action you let Far Left weirdos take over your party.
Well you are now in line with Marxist ideology. Was that your intent?
You spelled "Marxist" right! That means you can successfully find it in the dictionary. Give it a shot! You might learn something.

When you're done with your research you can come back and post evidence, with quotes from my posts, that support your claim that I'm "in line with Marxist ideology".

Or, you can just admit you don't know what you're talking about. That'd be a lot easier.
You spelled "Marxist" right! That means you can successfully find it in the dictionary. Give it a shot! You might learn something.

When you're done with you research you can come back and post evidence, with quote from my posts, that support your claim that I'm "in line with Marxist ideology".

Or, you can just admit you don't know what you're talking about. That'd be a lot easier.
They invited Trump, so now I have No One To Vote For.

You spelled "Marxist" right! That means you can successfully find it in the dictionary. Give it a shot! You might learn something.

When you're done with your research you can come back and post evidence, with quotes from my posts, that support your claim that I'm "in line with Marxist ideology".

Or, you can just admit you don't know what you're talking about. That'd be a lot easier.
Your last presidential candidate supported BLM and CRT. You guys should just join the DNC and get it over with.
Let's get back the Marxist thing. Did you look it up?
BlueGin - nothing?

I know... it's hard. But making such ignorant statements just makes you look like a fool. Regardless of your hatred of libertarians, they are diametrically opposed to marxism. If you can't even comprehend that, you're just out of your depth.

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