Trump Urban Council To Invest In Distressed Communities


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2018
Trump Continues Work To Fix America:

Remarks by President Trump at Signing of an Executive Order Establishing the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council | The White House

The Council will focus its efforts on Opportunity Zones, a crucial part of tax cuts that we passed last year. Under our new tax cuts, any distressed area that is designated as an Opportunity Zone will receive massive incentives for private sector investment, including zero capital gains tax on any investment held for at least 10 years.

We’re honored to be joined today by the person who led the fight to include Opportunity Zones in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and that is Senator Tim Scott (R-SC)

Trump to Steer More Money to ‘Opportunity Zones’

Mr. Trump told attendees at the meeting that the zones would receive “massive incentives” for private-sector investment. He said the goal of the order was to help “draw investment into neglected and underserved communities of America so that all Americans regardless of ZIP code have access to the American dream.”

Baltimore pastor tells Trump that city can be 'demonstration project' for his urban revitalization strategy

“This council will support communities like East Baltimore, where Pastor Donte Hickman is helping lead a groundbreaking project in the newly designated opportunity zone,” Trump said, as Hickman stood nearby. “He’s been an incredible leader.”

Somehow, This Should Lead To Trump's Impeachment
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None of this is important to Democrat socialists. All that matters is undoing the 2016 election.
The 9th Circuit Court just cancelled this project.
rightwinger said:
Trump loves helping poor people
With Black Employment And Wages At Historic Highs
I Guess He Does
K9Buck said:
The 9th Circuit Court just cancelled this project
And Libbies Don't....

Link ??
Trump loves helping poor people
With high interest loans?
The Opportunity Zones Are Already Showing Improvement
This Should Help It More

So The New Slate For Democrats
Is Still To Promise More Free Stuff
Instead Of Trying Anything That Makes America Work

Trump to sign executive order on opportunity zones

An attendee tells Axios that the EO is intended to "synchronize" federal dollars around loans, grants and other forms of relevant financing for underserved communities (including possible infrastructure funding). It also will streamline applications for relevant federal resources and create a process for addressing regulations that may cause "friction" (particularly environmental and labor regs).

I deliver.jpg
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Something like this might work. Just throwing welfare money at people in devastated hasn't worked, that's for sure.
Something like this might work. Just throwing welfare money at people in devastated hasn't worked, that's for sure.
Expect Them To Miserate It From All Directions
Wouldn't Want Republicans To Try Anything That Might Work

Especially Not Republicans

Like With Republican Civil Rights Attempts In The 1950's

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