Trump wants to destroy the US Dollar again!

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not sure if youve been paying attention but the US dollar is near collapse right now thanks to dems and repubes,,
Nowhere near it, snowflake. Go back to bed.
If and when the fed starts cutting interest rates, we'll wake you up. :)

King of Debt Trump wants to destroy the US Dollar again!

Currency: Why Trump’s US Dollar Devaluation Plan Might Be A Bust?
Lets assume the POTUS does not have the power, is not the fact he wants to do these things a reason for alarm?

Trump doesn't bother me as much as it does many others because I know he is very much like a small yapping dog.

I was at a ladies house the other day. She had a decent sized dog sitting just inside her fence. We were outside of it. It just sat there looking at us. Not a sound. No bark, no nothing. She told me that if it was outside the fence he wouldn't have allowed me anywhere near her.

That concerned me.
This will become a Trump "Plaza Accord" Disaster for US workers. The rich will get richer.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda--sounds like 2020 covid. No substance but plenty of panic porn. Now address the issues--Inflation, Immigration, Open Borders, high fuel prices, crime, housing prices, homelessness, artificially inflated minimum wage, human trafficking, lower standard of living, two wars, democrats lying about POTUS competence, POTUS making violent threats on the opposition and the speaker of the house. Lets talk about the dumpster fire you put into the WH and the one that the dems are trying to put into the race for 2024 without so much as a thumbs up vote of the electorate.
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