Trump wants to dramatically expand "STOP AND FRISK" historically targeting blacks and Hispanics.

What in the Constitution prevents it? Guilliano reduced crime by a lot in NYC with it. Now it's back up with the socialist in charge.

Ya know . That whacky "unreasonable search " thing of in the bill o rights . The 4th I believe.
How is it unreasonable if they catch a lot of criminals that way?

So you'd be OK with random door to door searches too right?
What kind of street crimes do people commit at home in your area?

Crime is virtually nonexistent in my town

But that matters not. The government must have a reason to search your person and property. Simply being out in public is not a valid reason for any cop to search you
Huh? Crime is low here too. This isn't the crime ridden inner city. That's what we are discussing.
Ya know . That whacky "unreasonable search " thing of in the bill o rights . The 4th I believe.
How is it unreasonable if they catch a lot of criminals that way?

So you'd be OK with random door to door searches too right?
What kind of street crimes do people commit at home in your area?

Crime is virtually nonexistent in my town

But that matters not. The government must have a reason to search your person and property. Simply being out in public is not a valid reason for any cop to search you
Huh? Crime is low here too. This isn't the crime ridden inner city. That's what we are discussing.

So what?

Catch someone in the act and you can search them. You can't if they are just walking down the street. I don't care where they are
Trump praises 'stop-and-frisk' police tactic

Stop-and-frisk, however, has been the target of protests and successful legal challenges in New York and other big American cities in recent years as a tactic that unfairly singles out minority citizens and violates their civil rights.

Trump calls for nationwide 'stop-and-frisk' policy

Donald Trump Says "Stop and Frisk Works," Wants to Expand the Police State - Freedom Outpost

Polanco explained in a 2013 Democracy Now interview that 600,000 of the around 700,000 police-initiated stop-and-frisk incidents the previous year would not have occurred but for improper encouragement by the city government, police department, and police union. The quota system, he says, even would result, near the end of a work shift, in some police just arresting “whoever’s at the corner.”

Trump proposes expanding use of stop-and-frisk


Stop and Frisk generally means the police can stop and frisk anyone (blacks) and everyone (Hispanics) they want to. It's one way whites can show blacks and Hispanics what they think of them.

First off, stopping and frisk ingredients a "Latino" who is likely illegal or a so. E black dude who will likely spend his day shooting other black people is not a bad thing. Thugs will tend to carry the guns they steal if there is a good chance the cops will take it away. Same for the islamo race pimp who insists on going through airport security decked out in rag head garb as it's the Islamic types who typically commit crime on airplanes. I can agree with Trump on this.
All these people FOR stop n Fisk , have never been stppped n frisked .
I think it's all about how it is carried out. In a dangerous place with high crime rate, "stop-n-frisk" could be helpful in detecting and preventing crimes.
It is important to provide officers with proper training on identifying suspicious targets, rather than harassing the innocent.
Body camera could be a good way to keep such contact in line.
1. It worked in NY.

2. Is the vast majority of the record-setting pace of gun violence / murder being committed by whites in Chicago?

Chicago: 75% of Murdered are Black, 71% of Murderers are Black

At this point, to stop the RECORD-SETTING gun violence in Chicago, I would be willing to apply the program and 'stop and frisk' ANYONE and EVERYONE' - blacks, whites, Latino - who looks like they may be carrying.
obama should take a week off from golf to do a little community organising on chicago south side.
Trump's bigotry and contempt for citizens' civil liberties comes as no surprise.

And that conservatives support Trump is further proof of their hostility to the due process rights of all Americans.
hillary's bigotry and contempt for citizens' civil liberties comes as no surprise.
i mean how many fuckin' jew bastards does she employ ? :wink_2:
Considering recent events, daily carnage in Chicago, and validated success in NY it only stands to reason the time has come to take a proactive stance in combating crime.
Trump praises 'stop-and-frisk' police tactic

Stop-and-frisk, however, has been the target of protests and successful legal challenges in New York and other big American cities in recent years as a tactic that unfairly singles out minority citizens and violates their civil rights.

Trump calls for nationwide 'stop-and-frisk' policy

Donald Trump Says "Stop and Frisk Works," Wants to Expand the Police State - Freedom Outpost

Polanco explained in a 2013 Democracy Now interview that 600,000 of the around 700,000 police-initiated stop-and-frisk incidents the previous year would not have occurred but for improper encouragement by the city government, police department, and police union. The quota system, he says, even would result, near the end of a work shift, in some police just arresting “whoever’s at the corner.”

Trump proposes expanding use of stop-and-frisk


Stop and Frisk generally means the police can stop and frisk anyone (blacks) and everyone (Hispanics) they want to. It's one way whites can show blacks and Hispanics what they think of them.

Stop and frisk without probable cause is flagrantly Unconstitutional
Considering recent events, daily carnage in Chicago, and validated success in NY it only stands to reason the time has come to take a proactive stance in combating crime.

Damn the Constitution, full speed ahead!
Here is the problem. Once you give government the power to do something (anything), you increase the likelihood of abuse. By eroding the legal barriers that protect citizens from random gun searches, you make it more likely that a rogue State Actor will use that power to target gun owners in general - not just people profiled as thugs. Even worse: the government could use this newfound power to target political dissidents, in hopes of entrapping and jailing people who oppose the policies of the executive. This is what happened in the Soviet Union where they broke down all the barriers that prevented the state from detaining and jailing any citizen it felt undesirable.

This is why Trump is potentially dangerous. He doesn't understand the unintended consequences of giving government more power.

Republicans preach about small government and the dangers of concentrated power. They tell us government doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat, but then when they take office, they build a surveillance state and give Washington the money and power to rebuild entire Arab nations. They trust government more than any group in my lifetime.

Their trust in the power of Washington has gravely injured the U.S.

Their solution to civil unrest abroad and black disenfranchisement at home is to throw more money at Washington. We spend trillions giving government the power to rebuild Iraq and read our emails, and the result is that we're less safe and less free. The only thing we have to show for it is more debt, more global instability, more terrorist blowback and more surveillance.

God help us if Trump wins. We will see the biggest, most powerful, most invasive, most expensive government of all.
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And people are surprised why constitutionalists can't back trump
Eliot Spitzer wrote a scathing newspaper article about the Bush administration's complicity in the mortgage crisis.

The Bush administration used the expanded power of the Patriot act to set up a surveillance web over all his actions. Then once he moved more than 10K from his bank account, they used a terrorist provision to track where the money went. They discovered it had nothing to do with terrorism. He purchased the services of an escort services, and they exposed him.

The good news is that they removed an asshole from office. The bad news is that they used a legal provision designed to keep us safe from terrorists to selectively hunt political enemies. They didn't use the federal power to fight injustice wherever it existed, they didn't use terrorist legislation to fight terrorism, they used it to hunt and prosecute political opponents. This is what happened in the old Soviet Union where laws were used not to make society safer but to protect government from the people.

The American Rightwing sees the Spitzer prosecution as a victory, but they never ask a deeper question. Is it a good idea to create national security legislation that is used by the executive to secretly hunt his policy opponents?

Welcome to the Soviet Union where people are destroyed and jailed for writing unfavorable newspaper articles about the supreme leader.

God help us. Trump is Bush on steroids. The jails will be filled with political prisoners. Once you allow random searches in the public sphere, it's only a short incremental leap to a world where government thugs go door to door.
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Lets be honest here. If it was a Democrat doing this rdean wouldn't have a problem with it. Why any one who supports limited government supports expanding the governments ability to search and seize without a warrant is beyond me. There is a reason terry stops were limited. Expanding them does not help our nation
Trump wants to dramatically expand "STOP AND FRISK" historically targeting blacks and Hispanics.

Well he did. But today he said he didn't. I don't know what he'll say tomarrow.

Anyone? Does anyone know what Trump will say tomarrow?
Trump praises 'stop-and-frisk' police tactic

Stop-and-frisk, however, has been the target of protests and successful legal challenges in New York and other big American cities in recent years as a tactic that unfairly singles out minority citizens and violates their civil rights.

Trump calls for nationwide 'stop-and-frisk' policy

Donald Trump Says "Stop and Frisk Works," Wants to Expand the Police State - Freedom Outpost

Polanco explained in a 2013 Democracy Now interview that 600,000 of the around 700,000 police-initiated stop-and-frisk incidents the previous year would not have occurred but for improper encouragement by the city government, police department, and police union. The quota system, he says, even would result, near the end of a work shift, in some police just arresting “whoever’s at the corner.”

Trump proposes expanding use of stop-and-frisk


Stop and Frisk generally means the police can stop and frisk anyone (blacks) and everyone (Hispanics) they want to. It's one way whites can show blacks and Hispanics what they think of them.

Stop and frisk without probable cause is flagrantly Unconstitutional
That's exactly why it was abandoned.
Trump praises 'stop-and-frisk' police tactic

Stop-and-frisk, however, has been the target of protests and successful legal challenges in New York and other big American cities in recent years as a tactic that unfairly singles out minority citizens and violates their civil rights.

Trump calls for nationwide 'stop-and-frisk' policy

Donald Trump Says "Stop and Frisk Works," Wants to Expand the Police State - Freedom Outpost

Polanco explained in a 2013 Democracy Now interview that 600,000 of the around 700,000 police-initiated stop-and-frisk incidents the previous year would not have occurred but for improper encouragement by the city government, police department, and police union. The quota system, he says, even would result, near the end of a work shift, in some police just arresting “whoever’s at the corner.”

Trump proposes expanding use of stop-and-frisk


Stop and Frisk generally means the police can stop and frisk anyone (blacks) and everyone (Hispanics) they want to. It's one way whites can show blacks and Hispanics what they think of them.

Stop and frisk without probable cause is flagrantly Unconstitutional
That's exactly why it was abandoned.

Yes. You know I'm agreeing with you, right?

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