Trump wants to dramatically expand "STOP AND FRISK" historically targeting blacks and Hispanics.

How is it unreasonable if they catch a lot of criminals that way?

I have to side with the bed wetters on this.

"Stop and Frisk" might be appropriate in high crime areas and I don't care if police "profile" because they pretty much can tell who is a bad actor and who's just passing through. It should not be a constant policy and should be reviewed by local authorities to ensure cops aren't abusing the authority.

In places with lower than average crime it should not be a policy, nor should people be profiled. It's an extreme LEO response to what should be extreme criminal behavior. Just like the "Patriot Act", it should be focused on criminals and have sunset provisions. The 4th Amendment is just as sacred as the 2nd or 1st.

To be honest I think my own stance on "Stop and Frisk" is radically left wing, and it's a policy that should lead to the end of it being used. That's the problem with every government over reach though. The claws never retract.

Stop n frisk expansion is an affront to the constitution.

Constitution shouldn't change because you are in a rich neighborhood.
What in the Constitution prevents it? Guilliano reduced crime by a lot in NYC with it. Now it's back up with the socialist in charge.

Ya know . That whacky "unreasonable search " thing of in the bill o rights . The 4th I believe.
How is it unreasonable if they catch a lot of criminals that way?
Do they catch a lot of criminal that way? Or do they make them?
They caught them, that's why the crime rate was low.
Stop n frisk expansion is an affront to the constitution.

Constitution shouldn't change because you are in a rich neighborhood.
What in the Constitution prevents it? Guilliano reduced crime by a lot in NYC with it. Now it's back up with the socialist in charge.
Giuliani took the credit from Braxton, and then fired Braxton when he complained. New York lost a lot of its' soul under Giuliani.
It lost a couple of big buildings too and most people think he did a good job dealing with it.
While it works, it is also illegal under the constitution. Citizens turn into targets.
Stop n frisk expansion is an affront to the constitution.

Constitution shouldn't change because you are in a rich neighborhood.
What in the Constitution prevents it? Guilliano reduced crime by a lot in NYC with it. Now it's back up with the socialist in charge.

Ya know . That whacky "unreasonable search " thing of in the bill o rights . The 4th I believe.
How is it unreasonable if they catch a lot of criminals that way?

And, of course, white 'wannabe gangsta's' and skinheads will be subjected to them, too. It also works, so no problemo..........
Will they? What makes you so sure?
How is it unreasonable if they catch a lot of criminals that way?

I have to side with the bed wetters on this.

"Stop and Frisk" might be appropriate in high crime areas and I don't care if police "profile" because they pretty much can tell who is a bad actor and who's just passing through. It should not be a constant policy and should be reviewed by local authorities to ensure cops aren't abusing the authority.

In places with lower than average crime it should not be a policy, nor should people be profiled. It's an extreme LEO response to what should be extreme criminal behavior. Just like the "Patriot Act", it should be focused on criminals and have sunset provisions. The 4th Amendment is just as sacred as the 2nd or 1st.

To be honest I think my own stance on "Stop and Frisk" is radically left wing, and it's a policy that should lead to the end of it being used. That's the problem with every government over reach though. The claws never retract.

To be honest I think my own stance on "Stop and Frisk" is radically left wing, and it's a policy that should lead to the end of it being used. That's the problem with every government over reach though. The claws never retract.

Oh wow, we agree.
But yet he wants to destroy food safety standards and pollute our air. This guys fucked up!
But yet he wants to destroy food safety standards and pollute our air. This guys fucked up!

Just found this article... i think it will fit into a lot of these threads

If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You

Earlier this week, the Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold uncovered yet another Donald Trump scam job, in which he used over $250,000 in charitable donations to help pay off his legal bills. And, because this is Trump, that sordid (and almost certainly illegal) bit of money laundering is just ONE despicable detail of the story. There are many more, including Trump’s club trying to welch on a $1 million hole-in-one payout (out of all of Trump’s bad qualities, his steadfast refusal to pay people what he owes them, while bragging about it, is the most enraging), along with the old bit about Trump blithely ignoring local ordinances so he could put a big, dipshit flagpole up at the Mar-A-Lago club, with his lawyers stating—with a straight face—that a smaller flag “would fail to appropriately express the magnitude of Donald J. Trump’s . . . patriotism” (NOTE: Until recently, Trump didn’t know what the stripes on the flag symbolized).

None of this is surprising, of course. Trump is a liar and a crook, and he commits abominable acts at such a frenetic pace that they get lost in the fury surrounding whatever horrible thing he does next. Keith Olbermann needed over 17 minutes on this site just to list a fraction of the atrocities Trump has staged during election season, and he’s gonna need 17 more minutes to cover what happens between now and Election Day. Remember when Trump said he would get rid of food regulations? That was Thursday.

*more at link*

If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You
Trump's bigotry and contempt for citizens' civil liberties comes as no surprise.

And that conservatives support Trump is further proof of their hostility to the due process rights of all Americans.
It worked and made the streets much safer.
As if on cue...

The typical authoritarian conservative: subject citizens to a presumption of guilt, undermine the right to due process of the law, surrender liberty for the illusion of 'security.'

Such is the reprehensible right.
Stop n frisk expansion is an affront to the constitution.

Constitution shouldn't change because you are in a rich neighborhood.
What in the Constitution prevents it? Guilliano reduced crime by a lot in NYC with it. Now it's back up with the socialist in charge.

Ya know . That whacky "unreasonable search " thing of in the bill o rights . The 4th I believe.
How is it unreasonable if they catch a lot of criminals that way?
Do they catch a lot of criminal that way? Or do they make them?
They caught them, that's why the crime rate was low.
Stop n frisk expansion is an affront to the constitution.

Constitution shouldn't change because you are in a rich neighborhood.
What in the Constitution prevents it? Guilliano reduced crime by a lot in NYC with it. Now it's back up with the socialist in charge.
Giuliani took the credit from Braxton, and then fired Braxton when he complained. New York lost a lot of its' soul under Giuliani.
It lost a couple of big buildings too and most people think he did a good job dealing with it.
People thought Bush 1 did a good job with the Gulf War, but he was not reelected. There is more than one issue that defines the administration.
1. It worked in NY.

2. Is the vast majority of the record-setting pace of gun violence / murder being committed by whites in Chicago?

Chicago: 75% of Murdered are Black, 71% of Murderers are Black

At this point, to stop the RECORD-SETTING gun violence in Chicago, I would be willing to apply the program and 'stop and frisk' ANYONE and EVERYONE' - blacks, whites, Latino - who looks like they may be carrying.
Stop n frisk expansion is an affront to the constitution.

Constitution shouldn't change because you are in a rich neighborhood.
What in the Constitution prevents it? Guilliano reduced crime by a lot in NYC with it. Now it's back up with the socialist in charge.

Ya know . That whacky "unreasonable search " thing of in the bill o rights . The 4th I believe.
How is it unreasonable if they catch a lot of criminals that way?

So you'd be OK with random door to door searches too right?
Stop n frisk expansion is an affront to the constitution.

Constitution shouldn't change because you are in a rich neighborhood.
What in the Constitution prevents it? Guilliano reduced crime by a lot in NYC with it. Now it's back up with the socialist in charge.

Ya know . That whacky "unreasonable search " thing of in the bill o rights . The 4th I believe.
How is it unreasonable if they catch a lot of criminals that way?

So you'd be OK with random door to door searches too right?
What kind of street crimes do people commit at home in your area?
Stop n frisk expansion is an affront to the constitution.

Constitution shouldn't change because you are in a rich neighborhood.
What in the Constitution prevents it? Guilliano reduced crime by a lot in NYC with it. Now it's back up with the socialist in charge.

Ya know . That whacky "unreasonable search " thing of in the bill o rights . The 4th I believe.
How is it unreasonable if they catch a lot of criminals that way?

So you'd be OK with random door to door searches too right?
What kind of street crimes do people commit at home in your area?

Crime is virtually nonexistent in my town

But that matters not. The government must have a reason to search your person and property. Simply being out in public is not a valid reason for any cop to search you

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