Trump Was On The Verge Of Revealing [Aliens Existence], But Was Prevented By Alien/Israeli/ US Treaty.

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020
Lake District England
Aliens exist but in hiding, until mankind is ready, says ex-Israeli space head
An ex-Israeli general and current professor Haim Eshed has said in an interview that aliens are real, and they're secretly working with our governments and biding their time.

Haim Eshed told an Israeli newspaper that the U.S. and Israel have been dealing with aliens for a long time, but they remain a secret because he says "humanity isn't ready," the Jerusalem Post reports.

Edited By: Nikhil Pandey WION Web Team
NEW DELHI Published: Dec 08, 2020, 08.27 AM(IST)

Truly shocking revelations!

That nuclear scientist in Tran - was it the aliens wot dun him? The fact Trump goes a funny colour of orange every so often - is the cause contact with the aliens? His quick recovery from Covid - alien medicine? That Covid vaccine that would normally take ten years produced in just 9 months - advanced alien medical technology?

Perhaps come Jan 20 the aliens will cover The White House with an impregnable dome-shaped force field and maybe Trump was an alien all along?

Perhaps come Jan 20 the aliens will cover The White House with an impregnable dome-shaped force field and maybe Trump was an alien all along?

Trump wasn't an alien, but that thing on his head was.

I hope that beings from other planets protect former President Trump from those enemies who are salivating at the mere thought of indicting him on January 20, the second after the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., takes the oath.
It was already revealed by the guy that founded Mormonism...
It's all beginning to make sense now!
Trump refuses to accept the election result and stays in the White House. Aliens beam a force field to protect him.
He reverts back to his reptilian state and eats the White House staff, Melania, and his children.
He continues in power by dictat on Twitter. Any governments that do not comply get zapped by invisible Star Ships in orbit around the Earth. It was not for no reason that the US embassy was moved to Jerusalem by Trump. This is because the aliens will get the US to take over the Temple Mount complex to be used as a hub for landing craft and an operations centre.
Netanyahu and the Israeli gov. will get their '40 pieces of silver' for betraying humanity initially, but as soon as their usefulness is over they will be vaporised as untrustworthy by their alien masters. We then go into a dark future with Totalitarian Trump bestowed with the title Supreme Leader of Earthling Humanity by his alien comrades.

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