Trump was right. Biden lied.

Me too. But asking for, and mandating by law, are very different things. Lots of Trumpsters don't seem to understand that.

It is democrats, not republicans, who have repeatedly tried to de-platform conservative outlets.

The laws on free speech already exist. We only call for them to be enforced. Yes, the state must step in to enforce.
Whoa! I wasn't accusing you of anything. I was just lamenting that fact that a lot of Trump supporters do call for the state to step in.
I haven’t seen it. Democrats are funny. When Dorsey owned Twitter it was for all intents and purposes as mouthpiece for the Left. Now that Musk owns it and allows both sides equal say, Democrats demonize Musk. Yeah both parties have major flaws but those who don’t see the Democratic Party as the one with the biggest flaws just isn’t living in reality. Even left leaning journalists like Bari Weiss, Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger see it now.
He is talking about social media and the state did step in. Did they not tell FB and Twitter to block all counter points when it came to vaccines pertaining to COVID and the laptop story? Pretty sure that’s what the Twitter files showed. Either a platform has free speech or it doesn’t. I am talking about traditional media like CBS, NBC and ABC. They run far left and that is ridiculous in a free Republic like the US. I can watch MSNBC and Fox and garner two completely different realities. That’s not news.
He is talking about social media and the state did step in. Did they not tell FB and Twitter to block all counter points when it came to vaccines pertaining to COVID and the laptop story? Pretty sure that’s what the Twitter files showed.
Government interfering with media IS clearly unconstitutional and we should demand accountability. No question. But Trumpsters keep lumping that in with something else - an entirely different concern:
Either a platform has free speech or it doesn’t. I am talking about traditional media like CBS, NBC and ABC. They run far left and that is ridiculous in a free Republic like the US. I can watch MSNBC and Fox and garner two completely different realities. That’s not news.
I'm not quite clear what you're saying here. We agree the state should not be allowed to tell media companies what to censor and what not to censor. That's a clear violation of the First. But are you agreeing with Votar Roja? Or not? Do you think the state should step in and force media companies to provide you with "free speech", to counter their leftist tendencies? Do you think the First amendment imposes a responsibility on media companies to provide equal access?
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Government interfering with media IS clearly unconstitutional and we should demand accountability. No question. But Trumpsters keep lumping that in with something else - an entirely different concern:

I'm not quite clear what you're saying here. We agree the state should not be allowed to tell media companies what to censor and what not to censor. That's a clear violation of the First. But are you agreeing with Votar Roja? Or not? Do you think the state should step in and force media companies to provide you with "free speech", to counter their leftist tendencies? Do you think the First amendment imposes a responsibility on media companies to provide equal access?
No. I think Journalists should do their jobs. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Instead they spew their political POVs.
No. I think Journalists should do their jobs. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Instead they spew their political POVs.
Because many Trump supporters think the government should step in and force them to do that, and it's not entirely clear where you stand on that. In my view, that's just as dangerous as the government forcing them to censor things.
Because many Trump supporters think the government should step in and force them to do that, and it's not entirely clear where you stand on that. In my view, that's just as dangerous as the government forcing them to censor things.
The Govt should not interfere in any social or traditional news media outlets. That is where I stand on that. Instead they do and mostly on the side of the Democrats. Am I being clear?
The Govt should not interfere in any social or traditional news media outlets. That is where I stand on that. Instead they do and mostly on the side of the Democrats. Am I being clear?
This what I'd assumed.But when Votar Roja said the opposite, you seemed to be defending them, and that had me confused. Thanks for clarifying.
I won't disagree with that, the media environment is heavily tilted.

I don't really give a shit though, TBH. I am not a big fan of establishment media. . . but if you are, and you are trying to convince me that establishment media is NOT going to inform you of the administration lies, foibles and alleged corruption? You are the one that is being "dishonest." Either that, or you are just silly?


Wall Street Journal
Telegraph (UK)
Daily Mail
New York Post
Washington Times
Fox News
Sky News
National Review
Washington Examiner
Those are not the 'establishment media'
CBS, NBC and ABC are establishment media. Don’t play coy
I think where we are having our disagreement, is terminology. You are using the wrong terms to describe what you mean. . so I am confused. I think what you mean. . . is, "legacy media?"

Does Anyone Still Watch Broadcast TV? And What it Means for Legacy Media​

A new report details the increasing dominance of streaming, but live television endures.

The places I gave you, are still funded by the establishment. The same institutional investors run them, i.e. Black Rock, Van Guard, State Street, etc. Just as yours are.

What you are more concerned with, are the media outlets that you grew up with, the "old media," or "legacy media."

The places that Rush Limbaugh use to fight with, the "presstitutes?"

All of the sources I gave you, ARE, without a doubt, establishment media, but, yes, I would agree, they are not Legacy outlets.
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I think were we are having our disagreement, is terminology. You are using the wrong terms to describe what you mean. . so I am confused. I think what you mean. . . is, "legacy media?"

Does Anyone Still Watch Broadcast TV? And What it Means for Legacy Media​

A new report details the increasing dominance of streaming, but live television endures.

The places I gave you, are still funded by the establishment. The same institutional investors run them, i.e. Black Rock, Van Guard, State Street, etc. Just as yours are.

What you are more concerned with, are the media outlets that you grew up with, the "old media," or "legacy media."

The places that Rush Limbaugh use to fight with, the "presstitutes?"

All of the sources I gave you, ARE, without a doubt, establishment media, but, yes, I would agree, they are not Legacy outlets.
Correct. Legacy media and legacy media is 99.9% left. The conservatives do have their podcasts, Megyn Kelly, Ben Shapiro, Outkick, etc.
Correct. Legacy media and legacy media is 99.9% left. The conservatives do have their podcasts, Megyn Kelly, Ben Shapiro, Outkick, etc.
And cable, streaming, radio and other establishment sources set-up to compete since Rush came on the scene, and Reagan threw out that fairness doctrine.
Trump lies don't hold a candle to Xiden's. Xiden's a compete fabrication.

BTW leftists, Trump is often right. You guys just don't the stomach for it, while Trump sports 10 lb balls.

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