Trump winning by destroying "safe spaces".


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
CHARLES HURT: Donald Trump fuels support by riding Third Rail, invading 'safe space' - Washington Times

“They could be ISIS. … This could be one of the greatest tactical ploys of all time. A 200,000 man army maybe. I don’t know that it is, but it could be possible.”

Sure, it is tough talk and certainly threatens the sanctity of our “safe space.” But, then again, we are learning that the “safe spaces” are getting less and less safe.

I completely agree that the sniveling bed wetters and their "safe spaces" are detrimental to public safety,

well illustrated here:


Moonbats refuse to accept simple facts, such as the fact that in any mass shooting, a not crazy person with a gun could have made the end result much different.

One of the very first rules they teach in Republican political candidate school is you never, never, NEVER inveigh against gun control laws in the immediate aftermath of a mass shooting like this. You might offend somebody. Alienate women voters. Risk coming off as overly aggressive. Might invade some college students’ “safe space.”

Trump is rejecting the political bullshit and speaking plainly. He isn't worried about hurt bed wetter feelings, because these sniveling turds look for shit to be offended by. I'm not in it for Trump, but I could tolerate him as POTUS more than I ever could Bush or hitlary. I'm all in for Ted Cruz. However what Trump is doing is something that republicrats should have been doing a long time ago.

When was the last time a moonbat kept their hateful insane rhetoric "toned down" so as to not offend someone or even apologized?


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