Trump wins Michigan

NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Comey made the idiotic comment that there needs to be provable intent with a negligence case, and then he admitted before Congress that there was in fact evidence of said intent and that she lied repeatedly to the FBI, any of which could have put her in prison.

Comey was in essence stating that there is a law for us plebes and a different law for our rulers like Hillary and you Democrats are buying that simply because it works to the advantage of your candidate. And there is no more to it.

That bitch should be in prison and you defend her because she has a (D) by her name.
no jim, you are WAYY WRONG on ALL of your assumptions and are just regurgitating right wing fake news...


Why Intent, Not Gross Negligence, is the Standard in Clinton Case

read the whole thing, THEN let's talk/
No, I did read the article in full.

The legal spin is based on arguments that the government is not allowing to other defendants, hence it is a two tiered justice system when a defense is allowed for one group of people then denied for everyone else.

Own it.
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
President Trump is a genius!
He's publicly said "for the sake of the country" he personally won't go after the Clintons.
This did two things:
First the fucking LIBs immediately started screaming "See Trump doesn't keep his promises!!!!!".
Second Trump appealed to the more middle of the road REPs who were willing to just 'let it go' and move on.
Trump made this group into even more loyal supporters.
The real genius move is after Trump is inaugurated the FBI, who universally LOATH!!!! the Clintons will keep quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
There's no way they won't come forward and recommend to President Trump's AG that multiple charges be brought against the Clintons.
At that point the genius President Trump will be able to shrug his shoulders and tell the public: "Look. You all know I personally didn't want to go after the Clintons. But even though I'm the President I can't subvert the course of justice. I'm leaving all of this in the hands of the justice system to work out".
Pure Genius!!!!!!
He wins 'BIGLLY". Again.
Watch for President Trump to eat every world leader's lunch when it comes to negotiating and making sure America always comes out the winner.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
In the world of sane people "Extremely Careless" is the SAME!!!!!! as being NEGLIGENT!!!!!!
Anyone on this planet who is "Extremely Careless" when they are working at a job is getting their ass fired.
gross negligence, not merely negligent but GROSS negligence....and INTENT is part of it, through court cases that set the law's precedence...

Why Intent, Not Gross Negligence, is the Standard in Clinton Case

7 email chains her aids discussed classified 'secret' information with her and among themselves that her aides/she did NOT KNOW was classified out of 50000 plus emails sent is not even NEAR being grossly negligent.... if 10,000 of her emails sent/received had been marked top secret or secret classified. THAT would be gross negligence...
gross negligence, not merely negligent but GROSS negligence....and INTENT is part of it, through court cases that set the law's precedence...

Why Intent, Not Gross Negligence, is the Standard in Clinton Case

7 email chains her aids discussed classified 'secret' information with her and among themselves that her aides/she did NOT KNOW was classified out of 50000 plus emails sent is not even NEAR being grossly negligent.... if 10,000 of her emails sent/received had been tmarked op secret or secret classified. THAT would be gross negligence...
Yeah, one set of calendar schedules that only had implicit classified material was enough to strip General Petraeus of his office and nearly send him to prison, but seven email chains are not enough to demonstrate that Hillary knew, as the Secretary of State, had intent? roflmao, well then her destroying thousands of subpoena'd emails and other documents certainly does. Her having subordinates remove classification markings certainly does. Her repeated lies to the FBI and Congress certainly does prove intent.

One set of laws for us peons, while Democrat leaders have an entirely separate system of justice that exempts them from even the most grotesque violations of the law proves that they have a nother system of law that refuses to touch them no matter what they do.

Show me a single case of someone investigated and NOT charged that has involved more classified documents of Top Secret classification than Hillary Clinton was mishandling.

You cannot do that simply because no one else was passed over for prosecution in such circumstance. But show me one such case worse than hers and I will concede the point.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Comey made the idiotic comment that there needs to be provable intent with a negligence case, and then he admitted before Congress that there was in fact evidence of said intent and that she lied repeatedly to the FBI, any of which could have put her in prison.

Comey was in essence stating that there is a law for us plebes and a different law for our rulers like Hillary and you Democrats are buying that simply because it works to the advantage of your candidate. And there is no more to it.

That bitch should be in prison and you defend her because she has a (D) by her name.
no jim, you are WAYY WRONG on ALL of your assumptions and are just regurgitating right wing fake news...


Why Intent, Not Gross Negligence, is the Standard in Clinton Case

read the whole thing, THEN let's talk/
The article is nothing but ridiculous excuses. The FBI is not a legislative body of the US government in the first place. So the premise of that screed's argument fails miserably in the view of everyone who in not an ignorant fool. But then, Hillary apologists have never been known to be intelligent or wise.

Care4all. Clinton stole your fucking emails and destroyed them. Would you be such a look-the-other-way Crooked Hillary ass-kisser if she stole and destroyed something else that belongs to you? For instance, your car?

I think that if some stranger stole and destroyed your car, you would call 911 the second you knew about it.
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