Trump wins Michigan

It would be nice to have an actual picture of crooked Hillary behind bars.

I'll frame and hang it.
Why is Jill Stein only asking for recounts in states that Trump won? Hillary won New Hampshire, Minnesota & Nevada by FEWER votes than Trump won Pennsylvania, but there will be no recount there.

Paul Joseph Watson | Facebook
That's how it works..... the candidates get to choose...if Trump wanted recounts in those states you listed where he lost, he can do so, at his expense.
Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.
Stein has no chance of winning. So there is obviously an ulterior motive. Perhaps Stein is trying to commit voter fraud in favor of Hillary while giving Crooked Hillary a layer of plausible deniability if they get busted.
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
President Trump is a genius!
He's publicly said "for the sake of the country" he personally won't go after the Clintons.
This did two things:
First the fucking LIBs immediately started screaming "See Trump doesn't keep his promises!!!!!".
Second Trump appealed to the more middle of the road REPs who were willing to just 'let it go' and move on.
Trump made this group into even more loyal supporters.
The real genius move is after Trump is inaugurated the FBI, who universally LOATH!!!! the Clintons will keep quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
There's no way they won't come forward and recommend to President Trump's AG that multiple charges be brought against the Clintons.
At that point the genius President Trump will be able to shrug his shoulders and tell the public: "Look. You all know I personally didn't want to go after the Clintons. But even though I'm the President I can't subvert the course of justice. I'm leaving all of this in the hands of the justice system to work out".
Pure Genius!!!!!!
He wins 'BIGLLY". Again.
Watch for President Trump to eat every world leader's lunch when it comes to negotiating and making sure America always comes out the winner.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
And negligently mishandling classified information is a violation of the espionage act. They need to lock her up in federal prison and throw away the key. And she probably won't last a week in prison. By all accounts she's a VERY heavy drinker. That lush will probably go into DTs and die from alcohol withdrawal within a few days.
Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.
Stein has no chance of winning. So there is obviously an ulterior motive. Perhaps Stein is trying to commit voter fraud in favor of Hillary while giving Crooked Hillary a layer of plausible deniability if they get busted.
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
President Trump is a genius!
He's publicly said "for the sake of the country" he personally won't go after the Clintons.
This did two things:
First the fucking LIBs immediately started screaming "See Trump doesn't keep his promises!!!!!".
Second Trump appealed to the more middle of the road REPs who were willing to just 'let it go' and move on.
Trump made this group into even more loyal supporters.
The real genius move is after Trump is inaugurated the FBI, who universally LOATH!!!! the Clintons will keep quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
There's no way they won't come forward and recommend to President Trump's AG that multiple charges be brought against the Clintons.
At that point the genius President Trump will be able to shrug his shoulders and tell the public: "Look. You all know I personally didn't want to go after the Clintons. But even though I'm the President I can't subvert the course of justice. I'm leaving all of this in the hands of the justice system to work out".
Pure Genius!!!!!!
He wins 'BIGLLY". Again.
Watch for President Trump to eat every world leader's lunch when it comes to negotiating and making sure America always comes out the winner.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Stein has no chance of winning. So there is obviously an ulterior motive. Perhaps Stein is trying to commit voter fraud in favor of Hillary while giving Crooked Hillary a layer of plausible deniability if they get busted.
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
President Trump is a genius!
He's publicly said "for the sake of the country" he personally won't go after the Clintons.
This did two things:
First the fucking LIBs immediately started screaming "See Trump doesn't keep his promises!!!!!".
Second Trump appealed to the more middle of the road REPs who were willing to just 'let it go' and move on.
Trump made this group into even more loyal supporters.
The real genius move is after Trump is inaugurated the FBI, who universally LOATH!!!! the Clintons will keep quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
There's no way they won't come forward and recommend to President Trump's AG that multiple charges be brought against the Clintons.
At that point the genius President Trump will be able to shrug his shoulders and tell the public: "Look. You all know I personally didn't want to go after the Clintons. But even though I'm the President I can't subvert the course of justice. I'm leaving all of this in the hands of the justice system to work out".
Pure Genius!!!!!!
He wins 'BIGLLY". Again.
Watch for President Trump to eat every world leader's lunch when it comes to negotiating and making sure America always comes out the winner.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Careless and negligent are synonyms.

  1. failing to take proper care in doing something.
    "directors have been negligent in the performance of their duties"
    synonyms: neglectful, remiss, careless, lax, irresponsible, inattentive, heedless, thoughtless,unmindful, forgetful; More
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
President Trump is a genius!
He's publicly said "for the sake of the country" he personally won't go after the Clintons.
This did two things:
First the fucking LIBs immediately started screaming "See Trump doesn't keep his promises!!!!!".
Second Trump appealed to the more middle of the road REPs who were willing to just 'let it go' and move on.
Trump made this group into even more loyal supporters.
The real genius move is after Trump is inaugurated the FBI, who universally LOATH!!!! the Clintons will keep quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
There's no way they won't come forward and recommend to President Trump's AG that multiple charges be brought against the Clintons.
At that point the genius President Trump will be able to shrug his shoulders and tell the public: "Look. You all know I personally didn't want to go after the Clintons. But even though I'm the President I can't subvert the course of justice. I'm leaving all of this in the hands of the justice system to work out".
Pure Genius!!!!!!
He wins 'BIGLLY". Again.
Watch for President Trump to eat every world leader's lunch when it comes to negotiating and making sure America always comes out the winner.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Careless and negligent are synonyms.
NOPE! They are not, when it comes to legal terms....and he made certain NOT TO use negligent.
President Trump is a genius!
He's publicly said "for the sake of the country" he personally won't go after the Clintons.
This did two things:
First the fucking LIBs immediately started screaming "See Trump doesn't keep his promises!!!!!".
Second Trump appealed to the more middle of the road REPs who were willing to just 'let it go' and move on.
Trump made this group into even more loyal supporters.
The real genius move is after Trump is inaugurated the FBI, who universally LOATH!!!! the Clintons will keep quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
There's no way they won't come forward and recommend to President Trump's AG that multiple charges be brought against the Clintons.
At that point the genius President Trump will be able to shrug his shoulders and tell the public: "Look. You all know I personally didn't want to go after the Clintons. But even though I'm the President I can't subvert the course of justice. I'm leaving all of this in the hands of the justice system to work out".
Pure Genius!!!!!!
He wins 'BIGLLY". Again.
Watch for President Trump to eat every world leader's lunch when it comes to negotiating and making sure America always comes out the winner.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Careless and negligent are synonyms.
NOPE! They are not, when it comes to legal terms....and he made certain NOT TO use negligent.
Bullshit. He specifically listed over 100 federal crimes that she committed.
Jill Stein will call for a recount, and it will be granted.

She will call for recounts in WI and PA as well.

So when Hillary said we had to respect the political process she lied. Shocker!
Ahemmm, THIS IS the legal process.

Sure. Now that you're the sore loser it's all in the name of abiding by the law. liberals are such lying garbage.
Please, stop with bull crud.... When Trump said he didn't know if he would accept the results of the election, he never ONCE mentioned on that stage about following the legal election process...he never mentioned the word recount....he could have said he reserved the right to follow the legal processes of the election including recounts if he deemed necessary...

Did he say that? NO HE DIDN'T.... he implied that if he felt like not accepting the results after the legal process, then he would simply not accept it....and went on to chant in every RALLY the ELECTION IS RIGGED, THE ELECTION IS RIGGED.

So, cut me a break with your REWRITING HISTORY!!!! :p
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
President Trump is a genius!
He's publicly said "for the sake of the country" he personally won't go after the Clintons.
This did two things:
First the fucking LIBs immediately started screaming "See Trump doesn't keep his promises!!!!!".
Second Trump appealed to the more middle of the road REPs who were willing to just 'let it go' and move on.
Trump made this group into even more loyal supporters.
The real genius move is after Trump is inaugurated the FBI, who universally LOATH!!!! the Clintons will keep quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
There's no way they won't come forward and recommend to President Trump's AG that multiple charges be brought against the Clintons.
At that point the genius President Trump will be able to shrug his shoulders and tell the public: "Look. You all know I personally didn't want to go after the Clintons. But even though I'm the President I can't subvert the course of justice. I'm leaving all of this in the hands of the justice system to work out".
Pure Genius!!!!!!
He wins 'BIGLLY". Again.
Watch for President Trump to eat every world leader's lunch when it comes to negotiating and making sure America always comes out the winner.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Careless and negligent are synonyms.

  1. failing to take proper care in doing something.
    "directors have been negligent in the performance of their duties"
    synonyms: neglectful, remiss, careless, lax, irresponsible, inattentive, heedless, thoughtless,unmindful, forgetful; More
Like I said, I hope Hillary steps into this fracas so Trump can make her pay the ultimate price. Trump was compassionate enough to throw Hillary a lifeline, but I guess she doesn't want to see her grandchildren grow up. Sessions will not drop the ball, and carry out equal justice. It will also be a great example to show the world that we are a free people and nobody is above the law in America.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Careless and negligent are synonyms.
NOPE! They are not, when it comes to legal terms....and he made certain NOT TO use negligent.
Bullshit. He specifically listed over 100 federal crimes that she committed.
NO HE DIDN'T.... he specifically said that although she was extremely careless, the FBI found in their investigation, that she DID NOTHING to reach the criminal level where they could prosecute her for a crime, and that no prosecutor would EVER charge a person doing the things that Hillary did....PERIOD....and he stood by that when under oath before the congressional hearing the following day....and then AGAIN he stood by it 2 days before the election.

Stop trying to REWRITE HISTORY....
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Careless and negligent are synonyms.
NOPE! They are not, when it comes to legal terms....and he made certain NOT TO use negligent.
Bullshit. He specifically listed over 100 federal crimes that she committed.
NO HE DIDN'T.... he specifically said that although she was extremely careless, the FBI found in their investigation, that she DID NOTHING to reach the criminal level where they could prosecute her for a crime, and that no prosecutor would EVER charge a person doing the things that Hillary did....PERIOD....and he stood by that when under oath before the congressional hearing the following day....and then AGAIN he stood by it 2 days before the election.

Stop trying to REWRITE HISTORY....
It wasn't up to him to make that call. Comey didn't even conduct the deposition properly. The preponderance of the evidence was that she intentionally set up the secret server so she could hide her criminal foundation activities. And the. We had all the other things she lied about i.e. number of devices, apnot sending or receiving classified info, and obstruction and destruction of evidence 33,000 emails.

It wasn't up to Comey anyhow, it's the corrupt attorney general's call, and she violated the law and compromised her position and duty by meeting with Bill Clinton in the back of a plane. She's probably in some hot water herself as well.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Careless and negligent are synonyms.
NOPE! They are not, when it comes to legal terms....and he made certain NOT TO use negligent.
Bullshit. He specifically listed over 100 federal crimes that she committed.
NO HE DIDN'T.... he specifically said that although she was extremely careless, the FBI found in their investigation, that she DID NOTHING to reach the criminal level where they could prosecute her for a crime,
Liar. That is NOT what he said. I saw his entire statement live on TV and I know for a FACT that you are fucking lying.

Why are you lying to the forum in defense of some crooked kunt who stole our property?
I was in agreement with Trump that he should let Clinton go for the good of the country, but now that I'm seeing this shit, I hope Sessions makes an example by indicting the bitch and locking her up for at least ten years.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Careless and negligent are synonyms.
NOPE! They are not, when it comes to legal terms....and he made certain NOT TO use negligent.
Bullshit. He specifically listed over 100 federal crimes that she committed.
NO HE DIDN'T.... he specifically said that although she was extremely careless, the FBI found in their investigation, that she DID NOTHING to reach the criminal level where they could prosecute her for a crime,
Liar. That is NOT what he said. I saw his entire statement live on TV and I know for a FACT that you are fucking lying.

Why are you lying to the forum in defense of some crooked kunt who stole our property?
Exactly, he literally made the case for why she SHOULD be indicted, then went ahead and said he isn't recommending an indictment, and it wasn't his job to do that anyhow.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.
NOPE, he said she was extremely CARELESS, he made certain he did NOT use the word NEGLIGENT, which has a stronger legal meaning.
Careless and negligent are synonyms.
NOPE! They are not, when it comes to legal terms....and he made certain NOT TO use negligent.
Bullshit. He specifically listed over 100 federal crimes that she committed.
No, he did not, and that kind of comment is why you are despised except by the far and alt right.
Careless and negligent are synonyms.
NOPE! They are not, when it comes to legal terms....and he made certain NOT TO use negligent.
Bullshit. He specifically listed over 100 federal crimes that she committed.
NO HE DIDN'T.... he specifically said that although she was extremely careless, the FBI found in their investigation, that she DID NOTHING to reach the criminal level where they could prosecute her for a crime,
Liar. That is NOT what he said. I saw his entire statement live on TV and I know for a FACT that you are fucking lying.

Why are you lying to the forum in defense of some crooked kunt who stole our property?
Exactly, he literally made the case for why she SHOULD be indicted, then went ahead and said he isn't recommending an indictment, and it wasn't his job to do that anyhow.
Nope, he did not, and you, Rufus, are in the same leaking boat as Muhammed.

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