Trump wins Michigan

Won't be granted because A- there has to be evidence of "hacking" or "rigging" and B- the vote isn't close enough for the auto recall. C- you can't force an hand count of votes of four states costing in the tens of millions of dollars bpjust because you lost.

You lose.

Well what a fail post. A, there doesn't have to be beforehand evidence in order to call for a hand count of the paper ballots, it's one of the provisions associated with using computer voting. B, this isn't an auto recall. And C... the candidates are the ones that have to pay for the recount.

Why are you on here posting shit about something and you don't even know the VERY basic parts of the argument?
Of course there has to be a legitimate legal reason why a vote that has been verified and certified by election officials and observers, should be recounted! They would have to show solid evidence of that the integrity of a vote has been corrupted to the point that it could change the outcome (no such evidence exists) or, the vote is simply to close, which is t the case either. You're shit outta luck. Say hello to president Trump.
Your opinion is not supported by the facts. Sux to be you.
Well then, why don't you show us the facts? What does it take to recount an election result that has been certified by election officials of that state?

Do you really think claiming (whining) that "certain computer scientists have found that the results defy past computer stats on voter behavior" is considered a legitimate probable cause to investigate an election process who's integrity has been observed and verified at every stage by sworn election officials of that state? Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha. You have shown us nothing but your ass. Jill Stein is financing a recount, and you simply can't show that there is any legal barrier against it.
Keep holding your bad breath until January 20, and bet all your belongings in that refrigerator cardboard box you call home against Trump, and we'll see who gets sworn in on that glorious day, how's that?
I'm curious. There's all sorts of noise about a 3rd party candidate paying for recounts in three major states. This report is the FINAL result of an automatic recount due to the closeness of the result. How can she call (pay for) another recount? Isn't this a FINAL result?

Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.
Stein has no chance of winning. So there is obviously an ulterior motive. Perhaps Stein is trying to commit voter fraud in favor of Hillary while giving Crooked Hillary a layer of plausible deniability if they get busted.
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
Well what a fail post. A, there doesn't have to be beforehand evidence in order to call for a hand count of the paper ballots, it's one of the provisions associated with using computer voting. B, this isn't an auto recall. And C... the candidates are the ones that have to pay for the recount.

Why are you on here posting shit about something and you don't even know the VERY basic parts of the argument?
Of course there has to be a legitimate legal reason why a vote that has been verified and certified by election officials and observers, should be recounted! They would have to show solid evidence of that the integrity of a vote has been corrupted to the point that it could change the outcome (no such evidence exists) or, the vote is simply to close, which is t the case either. You're shit outta luck. Say hello to president Trump.
Your opinion is not supported by the facts. Sux to be you.
Well then, why don't you show us the facts? What does it take to recount an election result that has been certified by election officials of that state?

Do you really think claiming (whining) that "certain computer scientists have found that the results defy past computer stats on voter behavior" is considered a legitimate probable cause to investigate an election process who's integrity has been observed and verified at every stage by sworn election officials of that state? Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha. You have shown us nothing but your ass. Jill Stein is financing a recount, and you simply can't show that there is any legal barrier against it.
Keep holding your bad breath until January 20, and bet all your belongings in that refrigerator cardboard box you call home against Trump, and we'll see who gets sworn in on that glorious day, how's that?
I don't think she will change anything in terms of Trump's victory. Do you? Why are you describing your home to us.
I'm curious. There's all sorts of noise about a 3rd party candidate paying for recounts in three major states. This report is the FINAL result of an automatic recount due to the closeness of the result. How can she call (pay for) another recount? Isn't this a FINAL result?

Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.
Stein has no chance of winning. So there is obviously an ulterior motive. Perhaps Stein is trying to commit voter fraud in favor of Hillary while giving Crooked Hillary a layer of plausible deniability if they get busted.
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
That's not it, and I don't think you can understand why this is happening on your own. You are not very bright is the issue. What the recount will show is just how narrow is Trump's victory. The GOP in Congress are reminding him of that right now.
I bet you shortly after Trump gets sworn in, Jake is going to keep telling everybody that Trump's impeachment is just around the corner. Ha ha ha.
The professor who got the predictions right for thirty years on elections is telling us that Trump will be impeached. Ha ha ha.
I'm curious. There's all sorts of noise about a 3rd party candidate paying for recounts in three major states. This report is the FINAL result of an automatic recount due to the closeness of the result. How can she call (pay for) another recount? Isn't this a FINAL result?

Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.

That still doesn't answer the question.

Yes... yes it does. The recount isn't an actual count of the paper ballots, just verifying the information printed on out from the machines.
So if the recounts take place and Trump actually gets more votes than initially counted will you SHUT THE FUCK UP??????
Didn't think so asshole!
You be whining and wailing and looking for anything to attack Trump with.
The first time that occurs you're on PI permanently!
I won't waste my time reading your bullshit posts.
I'm curious. There's all sorts of noise about a 3rd party candidate paying for recounts in three major states. This report is the FINAL result of an automatic recount due to the closeness of the result. How can she call (pay for) another recount? Isn't this a FINAL result?

Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.
It will not be granted, even CNN "experts" which are all Hillary shills have opined that those who are calling for it are on dope or other hallucinogenic drugs.

Won't be granted? On what grounds? The rules are, as long as a candidate asks for it, and is willing to pay the fees for it, and they meet the deadline to file for it... they can.
Won't be granted because A- there has to be evidence of "hacking" or "rigging" and B- the vote isn't close enough for the auto recall. C- you can't force an hand count of votes of four states costing in the tens of millions of dollars bpjust because you lost.

You lose.

Well what a fail post. A, there doesn't have to be beforehand evidence in order to call for a hand count of the paper ballots, it's one of the provisions associated with using computer voting. B, this isn't an auto recall. And C... the candidates are the ones that have to pay for the recount.

Why are you on here posting shit about something and you don't even know the VERY basic parts of the argument?
George Soros is putting up the money for the recount.
Then he'll 'short-sell' his investment and double his money.
Why is Jill Stein only asking for recounts in states that Trump won? Hillary won New Hampshire, Minnesota & Nevada by FEWER votes than Trump won Pennsylvania, but there will be no recount there.

Paul Joseph Watson | Facebook
Because Hillary can't do this herself for a variety of reasons, she's hired Jill Stein. The crooked corrupt Clinton's are very good at this Mafia stuff , wheeling and dealing and quid pro quo arrangements like the one they did in the back of the plane with Attorney General Lynch.
Lynch just came into a bunch of money.
Enough to pay cash for a lakefront home down the road from Bernie 'The Socialist's' third home.
I'm curious. There's all sorts of noise about a 3rd party candidate paying for recounts in three major states. This report is the FINAL result of an automatic recount due to the closeness of the result. How can she call (pay for) another recount? Isn't this a FINAL result?

Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.
It will not be granted, even CNN "experts" which are all Hillary shills have opined that those who are calling for it are on dope or other hallucinogenic drugs.
I think you're the one on drugs. I've seen interviews on CNN with the computer guy who is suggesting this recount, and he said in some states the machines themselves will have to be examined, since it is the only way to determine if they were tampered with. However, considering how difficult it would be to do, he doesn't believe they were. He suggests going back to paper ballots, though.
CNN's experts have not opined that those calling for the recount are flipped out. That must have been one of the "fair and balanced" conservatives they put on their panels to share their profound views.
I'm curious. There's all sorts of noise about a 3rd party candidate paying for recounts in three major states. This report is the FINAL result of an automatic recount due to the closeness of the result. How can she call (pay for) another recount? Isn't this a FINAL result?

Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.

That still doesn't answer the question.

Yes... yes it does. The recount isn't an actual count of the paper ballots, just verifying the information printed on out from the machines.
So if the recounts take place and Trump actually gets more votes than initially counted will you SHUT THE FUCK UP??????
Didn't think so asshole!
You be whining and wailing and looking for anything to attack Trump with.
The first time that occurs you're on PI permanently!
I won't waste my time reading your bullshit posts.
Lewdoy will be acting just as you did toward Obama as long as Trump is president.

You need to be on PI right now if you can't act like an adult.
I'm curious. There's all sorts of noise about a 3rd party candidate paying for recounts in three major states. This report is the FINAL result of an automatic recount due to the closeness of the result. How can she call (pay for) another recount? Isn't this a FINAL result?

Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.
Stein has no chance of winning. So there is obviously an ulterior motive. Perhaps Stein is trying to commit voter fraud in favor of Hillary while giving Crooked Hillary a layer of plausible deniability if they get busted.
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
President Trump is a genius!
He's publicly said "for the sake of the country" he personally won't go after the Clintons.
This did two things:
First the fucking LIBs immediately started screaming "See Trump doesn't keep his promises!!!!!".
Second Trump appealed to the more middle of the road REPs who were willing to just 'let it go' and move on.
Trump made this group into even more loyal supporters.
The real genius move is after Trump is inaugurated the FBI, who universally LOATH!!!! the Clintons will keep quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
There's no way they won't come forward and recommend to President Trump's AG that multiple charges be brought against the Clintons.
At that point the genius President Trump will be able to shrug his shoulders and tell the public: "Look. You all know I personally didn't want to go after the Clintons. But even though I'm the President I can't subvert the course of justice. I'm leaving all of this in the hands of the justice system to work out".
Pure Genius!!!!!!
He wins 'BIGLLY". Again.
Watch for President Trump to eat every world leader's lunch when it comes to negotiating and making sure America always comes out the winner.
One, the Clintons walk.

Two, the Clintons will no longer be investigated by the FBI.

Three, people see that Trump reneged on yet another promise.
I'm curious. There's all sorts of noise about a 3rd party candidate paying for recounts in three major states. This report is the FINAL result of an automatic recount due to the closeness of the result. How can she call (pay for) another recount? Isn't this a FINAL result?

Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.
Stein has no chance of winning. So there is obviously an ulterior motive. Perhaps Stein is trying to commit voter fraud in favor of Hillary while giving Crooked Hillary a layer of plausible deniability if they get busted.
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
President Trump is a genius!
He's publicly said "for the sake of the country" he personally won't go after the Clintons.
This did two things:
First the fucking LIBs immediately started screaming "See Trump doesn't keep his promises!!!!!".
Second Trump appealed to the more middle of the road REPs who were willing to just 'let it go' and move on.
Trump made this group into even more loyal supporters.
The real genius move is after Trump is inaugurated the FBI, who universally LOATH!!!! the Clintons will keep quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
There's no way they won't come forward and recommend to President Trump's AG that multiple charges be brought against the Clintons.
At that point the genius President Trump will be able to shrug his shoulders and tell the public: "Look. You all know I personally didn't want to go after the Clintons. But even though I'm the President I can't subvert the course of justice. I'm leaving all of this in the hands of the justice system to work out".
Pure Genius!!!!!!
He wins 'BIGLLY". Again.
Watch for President Trump to eat every world leader's lunch when it comes to negotiating and making sure America always comes out the winner.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
I would think all of us who distrust the Trump as much as we distrust Hillary do hope he succeeds for all of our sakes. The majority of the voters did not pick Trump.
I bet you shortly after Trump gets sworn in, Jake is going to keep telling everybody that Trump's impeachment is just around the corner. Ha ha ha.
The professor who got the predictions right for thirty years on elections is telling us that Trump will be impeached. Ha ha ha.
Congratulations. You have something to jerk yourself off to for the next eight years.
I'm curious. There's all sorts of noise about a 3rd party candidate paying for recounts in three major states. This report is the FINAL result of an automatic recount due to the closeness of the result. How can she call (pay for) another recount? Isn't this a FINAL result?

Stein is calling for a hand count of the paper ballots to double check the electronic results.
Stein has no chance of winning. So there is obviously an ulterior motive. Perhaps Stein is trying to commit voter fraud in favor of Hillary while giving Crooked Hillary a layer of plausible deniability if they get busted.
The reason Hillary is keeping her crooked mouth shut is because she knows Trump can very easily change his mind and have the attorney general investigate and lock up both Clintons for their criminal enterprise.
President Trump is a genius!
He's publicly said "for the sake of the country" he personally won't go after the Clintons.
This did two things:
First the fucking LIBs immediately started screaming "See Trump doesn't keep his promises!!!!!".
Second Trump appealed to the more middle of the road REPs who were willing to just 'let it go' and move on.
Trump made this group into even more loyal supporters.
The real genius move is after Trump is inaugurated the FBI, who universally LOATH!!!! the Clintons will keep quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
There's no way they won't come forward and recommend to President Trump's AG that multiple charges be brought against the Clintons.
At that point the genius President Trump will be able to shrug his shoulders and tell the public: "Look. You all know I personally didn't want to go after the Clintons. But even though I'm the President I can't subvert the course of justice. I'm leaving all of this in the hands of the justice system to work out".
Pure Genius!!!!!!
He wins 'BIGLLY". Again.
Watch for President Trump to eat every world leader's lunch when it comes to negotiating and making sure America always comes out the winner.
I hope Trump does make sure America comes out the winner, but the reason he won't personally go after the Clintons is because 9/10ths of the bullshit being floated during the campaign by the Republicans was unsubstantiated pipe dreams. They might as well admit it was all campaign fun.
Not really. The FBI said she was extremely negligent with the emails, and the foundation is still being investigated. A new attorney general will not giver her a pass like the previous one did.

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