Trump WINS... on Tax Reform

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Democrats and Fake Media reduced to doom and gloom pariahs... :popcorn:
Actually... Trump didn't really do anything. All he has to do is sign it, and he hasn't even done that yet. This is a win for the GOP
I congratulate Trump on his first legislative victory

Now what?

Republicans get to run in 2018 explaining how the only thing they managed to accomplish in two years was give tax breaks to billionaires. Where was the replacement for Obamacare? How is that wall coming? Didn't you say you were going to balance the budget?

When Trump runs in 2020, he can defend the billions he and his family made on this tax deal
Actually... Trump didn't really do anything. All he has to do is sign it, and he hasn't even done that yet. This is a win for the GOP
Using that logic, why even have presidents?
I guess his healthcare failure wasnt his fault either. Clinton signing NAFTA wasnt his fault. His balanced budget wasnt his.
Its all smoke and mirrors folks!
The New York Times threw away even the pretense of journalism to defeat Trump on tax cuts. They unleashed a vicious attack on Americans and their President on twitter than ran over 500 tweets long. Was it worth it New York Times? You did all that and got your ass handed to you yet again....
When Trump runs in 2020, he can defend the billions he and his family made on this tax deal

Meh. I'll just copypasta my post from the other thread....

This tax bill just brought in $128 billion more in tax money to be collected than they would otherwise over the next decade, and $500 billion more in the subsequent decade. And it starts at the new year as opposed to the initial 2023 plan to do it.

There will be no reporting on this yearly tax increase in the mainstream. There will be no vote on this yearly tax increase. This yearly tax increase will be invisible to voters. You have to give the GOP credit for pulling that sneak attack off in broad daylight. And in time for Christmas vacation, no less.
Actually... Trump didn't really do anything. All he has to do is sign it, and he hasn't even done that yet. This is a win for the GOP
Using that logic, why even have presidents?
I guess his healthcare failure wasnt his fault either. Clinton signing NAFTA wasnt his fault. His balanced budget wasnt his.
Its all smoke and mirrors folks!

That's pretty much how it works. Obamacare was considered a win for Obama even though Democrats in Congress passed what they wanted all along. Same as tax reform for Trump. These were goals of their respective parties before they were even elected.
"I would like to congratulate @SenateMajLdr on having done a fantastic job both strategically & politically on the passing in the Senate of the MASSIVE TAX CUT & Reform Bill. I could have not asked for a better or more talented partner. Our team will go onto many more VICTORIES!

The Tax Cuts are so large and so meaningful, and yet the Fake News is working overtime to follow the lead of their friends, the defeated Dems, and only demean. This is truly a case where the results will speak for themselves, starting very soon. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!" - President Trump
It's not "tax reform"

That said, I'll take it because I believe it's good for America, certainly better than the original plan.
Democrats and Fake Media reduced to doom and gloom pariahs... :popcorn:
Non partisan independent analysis says this tax scam will come back to haunt the GOP in 2018. So sucks to be assholes like you.
“ fake media”
So funny you carry the water for the anti 1st amendment Liar in Chief.
How humiliating!
It's not "tax reform"

That said, I'll take it because I believe it's good for America, certainly better than the original plan.

Eh, that's what they're calling it...

Far better than the Democratic Party plan, while Dems sit around with their thumbs up their butts doing nothing of value, Trump and the GOP are getting things done, it's promising for America.
"I would like to congratulate @SenateMajLdr on having done a fantastic job both strategically & politically on the passing in the Senate of the MASSIVE TAX CUT & Reform Bill. I could have not asked for a better or more talented partner. Our team will go onto many more VICTORIES!

The Tax Cuts are so large and so meaningful, and yet the Fake News is working overtime to follow the lead of their friends, the defeated Dems, and only demean. This is truly a case where the results will speak for themselves, starting very soon. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!" - President Trump
Another “ fake news” bonehead mimicking the Liar in chief’s most laughed at trait.
this unleash the economy like a rocket, and help us become more competitive globally

thanks to Trump, we are winning, so thank you Trump
It's not "tax reform"

That said, I'll take it because I believe it's good for America, certainly better than the original plan.

Eh, that's what they're calling it...

Far better than the Democratic Party plan, while Dems sit around with their thumbs up their butts doing nothing of value, Trump and the GOP are getting things done, it's promising for America.

Yeah, I know, but I do wish the GOP would be honest about the wording is all - word games are a lefty ploy.

"It's a step in the right direction, but we need to give the American people faith in it's success before we can truly reform taxes like they need to be."
It's not "tax reform"

That said, I'll take it because I believe it's good for America, certainly better than the original plan.

Eh, that's what they're calling it...

Far better than the Democratic Party plan, while Dems sit around with their thumbs up their butts doing nothing of value, Trump and the GOP are getting things done, it's promising for America.
One legislative achievement and giving polluters free rein to do their dirty work is “ getting things done.”
If a D president had such a failure of a year like the pussygrabber has you’d be screaming to the heavens about it.
But being an official cult member you’re programmed not to think but to just praise your cult leader.
It's not "tax reform"

That said, I'll take it because I believe it's good for America, certainly better than the original plan.

Eh, that's what they're calling it...

Far better than the Democratic Party plan, while Dems sit around with their thumbs up their butts doing nothing of value, Trump and the GOP are getting things done, it's promising for America.
One legislative achievement and giving polluters free rein to do their dirty work is “ getting things done.”
If a D president had such a failure of a year like the pussygrabber has you’d be screaming to the heavens about it.
But being an official cult member you’re programmed not to think but to just praise your cult leader.

^ Clearly can't hear what a lunatic partisan hack he sounds like whilst accusing the other side of being "cultists."
Democrats and Fake Media reduced to doom and gloom pariahs... :popcorn:
Non partisan independent analysis says this tax scam will come back to haunt the GOP in 2018. So sucks to be assholes like you.
“ fake media”
So funny you carry the water for the anti 1st amendment Liar in Chief.
How humiliating!

You gotta grow up and smell the reality, Trump and the GOP have kicked Democrats to the gutter snipping curb, exactly where they belong.

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