Trump WINS... on Tax Reform

It's not "tax reform"

That said, I'll take it because I believe it's good for America, certainly better than the original plan.

Eh, that's what they're calling it...

Far better than the Democratic Party plan, while Dems sit around with their thumbs up their butts doing nothing of value, Trump and the GOP are getting things done, it's promising for America.
One legislative achievement and giving polluters free rein to do their dirty work is “ getting things done.”
If a D president had such a failure of a year like the pussygrabber has you’d be screaming to the heavens about it.
But being an official cult member you’re programmed not to think but to just praise your cult leader.

There's plenty of achievements, you're obviously misinformed and loving it... you're laughable really.
I congratulate Trump on his first legislative victory

Now what?

Republicans get to run in 2018 explaining how the only thing they managed to accomplish in two years was give tax breaks to billionaires. Where was the replacement for Obamacare? How is that wall coming? Didn't you say you were going to balance the budget?

When Trump runs in 2020, he can defend the billions he and his family made on this tax deal

The middle class got huge tax cuts. All you looney lefties can do is repeat the same lies over and over. You just look silly at this point.
When Trump runs in 2020, he can defend the billions he and his family made on this tax deal

Meh. I'll just copypasta my post from the other thread....

This tax bill just brought in $128 billion more in tax money to be collected than they would otherwise over the next decade, and $500 billion more in the subsequent decade. And it starts at the new year as opposed to the initial 2023 plan to do it.

There will be no reporting on this yearly tax increase in the mainstream. There will be no vote on this yearly tax increase. This yearly tax increase will be invisible to voters. You have to give the GOP credit for pulling that sneak attack off in broad daylight. And in time for Christmas vacation, no less.
It's not "tax reform"

That said, I'll take it because I believe it's good for America, certainly better than the original plan.

Eh, that's what they're calling it...

Far better than the Democratic Party plan, while Dems sit around with their thumbs up their butts doing nothing of value, Trump and the GOP are getting things done, it's promising for America.
One legislative achievement and giving polluters free rein to do their dirty work is “ getting things done.”
If a D president had such a failure of a year like the pussygrabber has you’d be screaming to the heavens about it.
But being an official cult member you’re programmed not to think but to just praise your cult leader.
thank you Mr. President.

Now what?

How do you replace the funds? Higher premiums? Use Emergency Rooms as physicians?

We still have a requirement that you can't be barred for pre-existing conditions. So you wait till you are sick and run out and buy insurance?

Now what?

How do you replace the funds? Higher premiums? Use Emergency Rooms as physicians?

We still have a requirement that you can't be barred for pre-existing conditions. So you wait till you are sick and run out and buy insurance?
Not to worry. If obummer care is as great as you lefties try to tell us it is people will be knocking down the doors trying to get it. Ewe don’t need no stinking mandate.

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