Trump Wins YUGE in a Government Shutdown

Trump Wins YUGE in a Government Shutdown

In consideration of a government shutdown, who the losers are is more important than who be the winners. Moreover, the notion that a government shutdown actually produces "winners" is utterly absurd, unless one is an anarchist. At best, any "win" is nothing more than a collateral impact, and no leader, more precisely no cogent thinker who finds themselves serving as a leader, aims not for genuine wins, but rather for collateral "damage/gains" and thereby chooses their course of action to achieve those ancillary outcomes. Not even the most risky and outlandish political strategists posit ideas forged upon the notion of "winning as a result of shutting down the government."

So who do you think the losers are? I can tell you who the winners are, all working Americans who want a wall built to keep out labor from a third world country willing to work for slave wages. Also, all taxpayers will be winners.
The 'Great Wall' appealed to the very dumbest of the idiotic 'Conservatives'. At present about 40% of illegal immigration comes in on airplanes. What is the clown going to do, order a travel ban on the world outside of the US borders? Perhaps that should not be put into writing as he is stupid enough do something like that.

He's already doing it. I live 30 miles from the Canada/US border, where cross border shopping is a way of life. Many of my friends are reporting they are being turned away from entering the US for no apparent reason. A number of my friends are cancelling planned trips as a result. These are people who cross the border regularly, and have no reason to expect to be turned away. They're even white Christians, so the idea that it was skin colour or religion is completely false.

People around the world are having similar reactions, as tourist bookings are way down in the US this year. Electronic communications, SKYE, and other means of video conferencing are making saying home easier than ever for business, and why go to the US and risk being turned away and ruining your vacation, when the rest of the world is available.

This is the law of unintended consequences. Business, retail, and tourism will pay the price for Trump's Muslim ban.

And you think we should believe your testimonial evidence because?
The 'Great Wall' appealed to the very dumbest of the idiotic 'Conservatives'. At present about 40% of illegal immigration comes in on airplanes. What is the clown going to do, order a travel ban on the world outside of the US borders? Perhaps that should not be put into writing as he is stupid enough do something like that.

Smart people support the wall because they've seen how Congress behaves. Right now they're saying "trust us, we will solve this problem without building the wall." We all know that's a pile of shit.
The 'Great Wall' appealed to the very dumbest of the idiotic 'Conservatives'. At present about 40% of illegal immigration comes in on airplanes. What is the clown going to do, order a travel ban on the world outside of the US borders? Perhaps that should not be put into writing as he is stupid enough do something like that.

He's already doing it. I live 30 miles from the Canada/US border, where cross border shopping is a way of life. Many of my friends are reporting they are being turned away from entering the US for no apparent reason. A number of my friends are cancelling planned trips as a result. These are people who cross the border regularly, and have no reason to expect to be turned away. They're even white Christians, so the idea that it was skin colour or religion is completely false.

People around the world are having similar reactions, as tourist bookings are way down in the US this year. Electronic communications, SKYE, and other means of video conferencing are making saying home easier than ever for business, and why go to the US and risk being turned away and ruining your vacation, when the rest of the world is available.

This is the law of unintended consequences. Business, retail, and tourism will pay the price for Trump's Muslim ban.

And you think we should believe your testimonial evidence because?

Do the research. Google what's happening in the airline business, hotel bookings and tourist trade, especially summer, tourist season bookings. They're WAY down from last year.

It's doesn't take much to check out other people's posts to determine their sources and whether or not they're telling the truth. All it takes is intellectual curiosity.
No need to worry folks. It's all good.

Trump Wins YUGE in a Government Shutdown

We’re looking at a possible government shutdown next Saturday, and that’s got some conservatives nervous. They shouldn’t be. Admittedly, past government shutdowns — or threats of shutdowns — have worked against conservatives. With Trump, however, it would likely be a different story....

even a partial shutdown plays precisely into the Trump agenda and his campaign promises of draining the swamp. Trump’s base, as well as “swing voters” who are fed up with out of control spending, would, of course, be cheered by such a move. Moreover, such a shutdown plays into Trump’s hands by giving him every excuse to slash funding to “sanctuary cities,” to bloated university programs, to global warming science grants, and on and on. Social Security checks will continue, the military will be funded, and necessary services will hum along while grants to study the sex life of the fruit bat will not. Deep State bureaucrats who so depend on the federal government for their very existence would be the ones most hurt. In short, Trump can not only make even a partial shutdown look like the Democrats’ fault but shield many of the (normally) loudest voices from the pain.

More important, every minute the bloated government is shut down reinforces the perception of Trump as a businessman who cuts the fat, extracts more efficiency, and makes the U.S. government more like a business. Unlike the Clinton/Gingrich shutdown battle, the control over what sectors of the government get their money is in the hands of a Republican president, not a Democrat who held up funds on the most visible and sympathetic programs. Trump would relish starving all the non-essential offices like PBS and NPR or global-warming science grants.

Government shut down = Having more, while saving money. Of course it will end well...

Think about it, not only do you NOT have to listen to some hard leftist force feed his/her beliefs about how there is no such thing as gender... you won't have to pay for it either.

The win will be downright Yuge.
We don't really need standing armies, if we can "afford to shut down" government.
Trump Wins YUGE in a Government Shutdown

In consideration of a government shutdown, who the losers are is more important than who be the winners. Moreover, the notion that a government shutdown actually produces "winners" is utterly absurd, unless one is an anarchist. At best, any "win" is nothing more than a collateral impact, and no leader, more precisely no cogent thinker who finds themselves serving as a leader, aims not for genuine wins, but rather for collateral "damage/gains" and thereby chooses their course of action to achieve those ancillary outcomes. Not even the most risky and outlandish political strategists posit ideas forged upon the notion of "winning as a result of shutting down the government."

So who do you think the losers are? I can tell you who the winners are, all working Americans who want a wall built to keep out labor from a third world country willing to work for slave wages. Also, all taxpayers will be winners.
from the "party of all talk and no action"? end the drug war, first, right wingers.

laissez-fair, all the way!
Trump and Republicans will lose YUGGELY in a shutdown especially when it becomes apparent what this shutdown is about.

Americans do not support building a wall
Americans do not want people's healthcare to be used for political gains

Trump cannot pick and choose which programs he can fund. He has to follow the law. Obama went to extremes by placing barbed wire around open air monuments however that does not give Trump license to break the law.
So here is reality

THe last time this happened Republicans had control of both houses and they got the blame. Now they have not only both houses but the presidency.

Go home brit, you're drunk. You don't understand the place you've come to. lol

Trump and Republicans will lose YUGGELY in a shutdown especially when it becomes apparent what this shutdown is about.

Americans do not support building a wall
Americans do not want people's healthcare to be used for political gains

Trump cannot pick and choose which programs he can fund. He has to follow the law. Obama went to extremes by placing barbed wire around open air monuments however that does not give Trump license to break the law.
Should we "hold Mr. Trump accountable" for any shutdowns; and have Congress pass laws to "shut down" Mr. Trumps businesses, as long as government is shut down?

A "reverse Commerce Clause gambit"?
The 'Great Wall' appealed to the very dumbest of the idiotic 'Conservatives'. At present about 40% of illegal immigration comes in on airplanes. What is the clown going to do, order a travel ban on the world outside of the US borders? Perhaps that should not be put into writing as he is stupid enough do something like that.

He's already doing it. I live 30 miles from the Canada/US border, where cross border shopping is a way of life. Many of my friends are reporting they are being turned away from entering the US for no apparent reason. A number of my friends are cancelling planned trips as a result. These are people who cross the border regularly, and have no reason to expect to be turned away. They're even white Christians, so the idea that it was skin colour or religion is completely false.

People around the world are having similar reactions, as tourist bookings are way down in the US this year. Electronic communications, SKYE, and other means of video conferencing are making saying home easier than ever for business, and why go to the US and risk being turned away and ruining your vacation, when the rest of the world is available.

This is the law of unintended consequences. Business, retail, and tourism will pay the price for Trump's Muslim ban.

And you think we should believe your testimonial evidence because?

Do the research. Google what's happening in the airline business, hotel bookings and tourist trade, especially summer, tourist season bookings. They're WAY down from last year.

It's doesn't take much to check out other people's posts to determine their sources and whether or not they're telling the truth. All it takes is intellectual curiosity.

Then it should be easy for you to produce some actual evidence supporting your claim.
Trump and Republicans will lose YUGGELY in a shutdown especially when it becomes apparent what this shutdown is about.

Americans do not support building a wall
Americans do not want people's healthcare to be used for political gains

Trump cannot pick and choose which programs he can fund. He has to follow the law. Obama went to extremes by placing barbed wire around open air monuments however that does not give Trump license to break the law.
Should we "hold Mr. Trump accountable" for any shutdowns; and have Congress pass laws to "shut down" Mr. Trumps businesses, as long as government is shut down?

A "reverse Commerce Clause gambit"?

Good luck getting Trump to sign that.
It will be a fine way to celebrate Trump's first 100 days

Shut down the Government because Congress won't pay for the Great Wall of Trump
The wall the "Great Negotiator" was going to get Mexico to pay for

Mexico will be laughing at him
Yeah...why should our government put out any money....the so-called president promised on many many occasions that Mexico would be paying for it.
Trump is shutting down the government because Mexico will not pay for the wall
Should we "hold Mr. Trump accountable" for any shutdowns; and have Congress pass laws to "shut down" Mr. Trumps businesses, as long as government is shut down?

A "reverse Commerce Clause gambit"?

Trumps approvals are already in the toilet. Shutting down the government won't make him any less popular.
The 'Great Wall' appealed to the very dumbest of the idiotic 'Conservatives'. At present about 40% of illegal immigration comes in on airplanes. What is the clown going to do, order a travel ban on the world outside of the US borders? Perhaps that should not be put into writing as he is stupid enough do something like that.

Smart people support the wall because they've seen how Congress behaves. Right now they're saying "trust us, we will solve this problem without building the wall." We all know that's a pile of shit.
Mexico's gonna pay for the wall. trump states so on multiple occasions
The 'Great Wall' appealed to the very dumbest of the idiotic 'Conservatives'. At present about 40% of illegal immigration comes in on airplanes. What is the clown going to do, order a travel ban on the world outside of the US borders? Perhaps that should not be put into writing as he is stupid enough do something like that.

He's already doing it. I live 30 miles from the Canada/US border, where cross border shopping is a way of life. Many of my friends are reporting they are being turned away from entering the US for no apparent reason. A number of my friends are cancelling planned trips as a result. These are people who cross the border regularly, and have no reason to expect to be turned away. They're even white Christians, so the idea that it was skin colour or religion is completely false.

People around the world are having similar reactions, as tourist bookings are way down in the US this year. Electronic communications, SKYE, and other means of video conferencing are making saying home easier than ever for business, and why go to the US and risk being turned away and ruining your vacation, when the rest of the world is available.

This is the law of unintended consequences. Business, retail, and tourism will pay the price for Trump's Muslim ban.

And you think we should believe your testimonial evidence because?

Do the research. Google what's happening in the airline business, hotel bookings and tourist trade, especially summer, tourist season bookings. They're WAY down from last year.

It's doesn't take much to check out other people's posts to determine their sources and whether or not they're telling the truth. All it takes is intellectual curiosity.

Then it should be easy for you to produce some actual evidence supporting your claim.

I've already posted links to these reports in other threads. If you didn't bother reading them then, why should I re-post them for you now because you're too fucking lazy to check for yourself.

You have time to make thousands of useless posts but can't be bothered to fact check, or even look into anything that doesn't confirm your previously held beliefs.
Trump and Republicans will lose YUGGELY in a shutdown especially when it becomes apparent what this shutdown is about.

Americans do not support building a wall
Americans do not want people's healthcare to be used for political gains

Trump cannot pick and choose which programs he can fund. He has to follow the law. Obama went to extremes by placing barbed wire around open air monuments however that does not give Trump license to break the law.
Should we "hold Mr. Trump accountable" for any shutdowns; and have Congress pass laws to "shut down" Mr. Trumps businesses, as long as government is shut down?

A "reverse Commerce Clause gambit"?

Good luck getting Trump to sign that.

One of 2 things will likely happen. He will sign it because he knows he will lose or a veto will be overridden. His people have suggested a shutdown but has not committed to it. He has backtracked on a number of promises.
Mexico's gonna pay for the wall. trump states so on multiple occasions

Trump also said his inaugural crowd was the biggest in history, his easter egg roll at the white house would be the biggest ever, and that Obama got the british to wiretap the phones in Trump tower.

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