Trumpocalypse: News Flurry Bee


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
There has been some incredible news in the last few weeks that have really tested the Trump Administration and will determine the urban moods of the countless anti-TrumpUSA protesters in the streets who have rallied since the days of Trump's campaign.

It feels like an apocalypse, and if you saw a shooting-star this Labor Day, you might have wondered if it was a nuclear weapon from North Korea landing or a descending asteroid signalling the Biblical 'End of Days.'

Basically, the entire world has been somewhat cynical about the explosion of consumerism and market-based politics arguably since the flawed times of Reaganomics.

Now that we've elected yet another celebrity-president (and a casino-magnate at that!), everyone's wondering if President Trump will turn out to be FDR or Satan!

How are Trump's advisors delivering the news to their President?


North Korea tests nuclear weapons and puts the whole world on edge

Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma have people squirming about global warming

An underfunded hospital in struggling India sees dozens of newborn-deaths

America approaches the 16th Anniversary of 9/11


he'll be more and more like Reagan everyday. Trump's a good man, once you get past the static.

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