Trumps abortion flip flopping is costing him votes

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

His problem is that he is shedding votes from the fake christian nutcases but not picking up votes from normal folk.
He is also at odds with his VP pick who probably voices the authentic GOP view.
IE Stone them now..
Its confusing for voters but trump himself let this Genie out of the bottle.
I dont know what the answer to this issue is.
I dont think there is an answer.
In contrast Kamala is very clear what her policy is. Simple, sensible and humane.

His problem is that he is shedding votes from the fake christian nutcases but not picking up votes from normal folk.
He is also at odds with his VP pick who probably voices the authentic GOP view.
IE Stone them now..
Its confusing for voters but trump himself let this Genie out of the bottle.
I dont know what the answer to this issue is.
I dont think there is an answer.
In contrast Kamala is very clear what her policy is. Simple, sensible and humane.
He did away with roe-v-wade, he is fine with the Christian vote. After the fake Arlington lie you loons pulled. His numbers are going to soar. Just think nobody would know that Trump, not Harris or Biden showed solitude to those fallen soldiers families. Then you loons had to drag them through the ringer once again.
He did away with roe-v-wade, he is fine with the Christian vote. After the fake Arlington lie you loons pulled. His numbers are going to soar. Just think nobody would know that Trump, not Harris or Biden showed solitude to those fallen soldiers families. Then you loons had to drag them through the ringer once again.
Stick with that.

His problem is that he is shedding votes from the fake christian nutcases but not picking up votes from normal folk.
He is also at odds with his VP pick who probably voices the authentic GOP view.
IE Stone them now..
Its confusing for voters but trump himself let this Genie out of the bottle.
I dont know what the answer to this issue is.
I dont think there is an answer.
In contrast Kamala is very clear what her policy is. Simple, sensible and humane.
Trump was never anti abortion. Stop projecting.
So what? Congress write federal law. Not the gold star families.

And it's disgraceful that Trump and his campaign tricked them.

She will look back on that picture in a couple years and throw up in her mouth.
Dumbass if the families request photographs to be taken. They will allow it. How did Biden get permission to film campaign commercial in the same lot? You loons jumped the gun, once again Biden did what you're outraged about Trump for. Did it first, now let me hear you bad mouth Biden the same.
So what? Congress write federal law. Not the gold star families.

And it's disgraceful that Trump and his campaign tricked them.

She will look back on that picture in a couple years and throw up in her mouth.
Yes, the families of fallen soldiers can take pictures if they request it. But you loons want to hurt these families more. Because it make Biden and Harris look bad. Biden is responsible for their deaths.

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