Trump's America: GOP congressman preps national concealed carry bill


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Republican congressman is prepared to introduce national concealed carry legislation in the next Congress after Donald Trump is sworn in as president.

North Carolina Republican Rep. Richard Hudson introduced a similar bill in February 2015, H.R. 986.

Now known as the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, the bill, which
Trump’s America: GOP Congressman Preps National Concealed Carry Bill

MSM and the crooked Government will constantly put out false information to deter rightful and honest sources.
People really should sit back and question why is this being done. Why should it be done. Look at it from the WHOLE PICTURE not just a one sided thought process just because this is what you have been told on a msm source.
Think about who controls these msm sources, the money, who do you see advertised in lets say superbowl commercials, paid sponsor etc... FOLLOW THE MONEY.
These big money donaters are often up the Gov. ass this why they get away with multiple issues.

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