Trump's Budget Plan: Everyone Wants to Address Debt But No One Wants THEIR Spending Cut

What I want to know is why with all the money spent by the gov't why do I still pay school taxes $2,800 per year. Where is all that money going, especially when the quality of education is low and these kids are all inculcated to be Marxist Socialist and transgendered.

$2800 to pay for a failed liberal-run school, and I no longer have kids. If I did I wouldn't send them to 'liberal indoctrination camp'.

The government, no matter at what level - local / state / federal, is all about taxing the sh!te out of you so they have more money to spend.

Who out there remembers your local or state government passing a 'Penny Tax' to pay for some road or bridge?
At the end of the designated period do they ever announce the end of that tax?
Nope. You have gotten used to it. You don't even think about it anymore...and they still collect it.

The next time they come up with another road project or bridge project do they ever tell you not to worry about the funding because they have still been collecting that Penny Tax long after the project was over?
Nope. They tell you they need to implement another Penny Tax.

Why do I pay taxes on my money and my home...yet when I die there is a 'death tax'....and if I leave my home to my child, they are hit with an 'Inheritance Tax'? That same money / same home has now been taxed by the Federal Govt 3 (THREE) separate times.


The 1st time I found out I was being charged a tax b y the Obama administration to help fun a program that handed out band new phones to lazy M*er F*ers in my town who were standing in line to get their new 'Obama-phone'...while talking on the cell phone they already owned / had was when a friend of mine told me he had discovered it while looking at his bill.

:wtf:And why did these phones some with all the bells and whistles with more free minutes than I had on my own phone? Giving away tax-payer funded phones was them anything but a cheap-ass phone that allowed you to dial 911 was abuse of my money. If people wanted a cell phone, a cell phone was an incentive to work. Giving some of these people free phones only allowed them to surf the internet until the mailman showed up with their free govt check.

And when some dumbass snowflake says I am not paying my fair share I want to ell them to kiss my red native American ass. I - we all are - paying MORE than our 'fair' share, just so some fat-cat millionaire politicians can stay in office, have better benefits than 90% of Americans, and play 'God'/'Dictator with our lives because they think they are smarter than us and can run our lives better than us.

Welcome to the US - assume the position....
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !
Hey, tax cuts are not a govt program.......learn that first
Second.....cutting taxes makes the govt have MORE money........I know a lefty like you doesn't understand why. Because you think the world operates in a vaccum and that the total amount of money in the world stays the same ALL the time......
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !

I thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall. What ever happened to that?

They did. NAFTA was rewritten with America in mind. The savings and income from that alone will pay for the wall within 10 years.

When people say that citizens pay for the roads, do you walk up to the DOT with a check? Or do you pay using other means? Like increased sales taxes, fuel taxes, etc? There are more than one way to pay for something other than writing someone a check. Trump NEVER stated they would write us a check. He did say, however, that if they refused to pay for the wall we would withdraw from NAFTA. And we did, and Mexico came begging.


So how much have we gotten from NAFTA so far? Just a ballpark figure.

As for writing a check to the DOT…some of us who work pay every paycheck and then sign another check every Spring or so.

Ask me next year. There are no numbers on it yet. And that's the beauty of the wall. The new NAFTA deal will far outlast the cost of the wall.
So all of that hooey about the NAFTA deal paying for the wall is your opinion?

I can tell you the number by the way….I just wanted to see if you were going to muster some honesty.

The amount we’ve gotten from the new NAFTA is $0.00. Nobody has approved it yet.
Call your congressman!
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !
Hey, tax cuts are not a govt program.......learn that first
Second.....cutting taxes makes the govt have MORE money........I know a lefty like you doesn't understand why. Because you think the world operates in a vaccum and that the total amount of money in the world stays the same ALL the time......

Cutting taxes does not increase government coffers. Not when the economy is booming.

Now is the time you should’ve used those taxes to work on the debt . Also you could cut gov spending because less gov help is needed in good times .

Of course this would require politicians to think like adults and plan for the future .
The current level of education provided by the federal government is a result of decades of liberals taking over the education system and intentionally dumbing down Americans, intentionally not teaching them about our Founding Fathers,, our fight for independence, the US Constitution, etc.... Uneducated masses are easier to control / manipulate.

Years ago domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers realized bombing one or two buildings, killing 1st responders, would never achieve the change they hoped to accomplish. Educated Adults would never be convinced / re-programmed to accept their BS, so they had to infiltrate the schools and get to kids at an early age.

Funny how some people believed a nation determined to put men on the moon could do so and did but that same nation could not find a way to educate its own children to make them intelligent, talented, self-sufficient, productive members of society if it really wanted to. Even Socialists like Saul Alinsky realized an education opens doors for people and a lack of education creates a sustained lower class in society that is required in the Socialist system, sheep to manipulate and control.

Our schools and education system are not the way they are by accident, mismanagement, or neglect - they are the way they are by design.

What I want to know is why with all the money spent by the gov't why do I still pay school taxes $2,800 per year. Where is all that money going, especially when the quality of education is low and these kids are all inculcated to be Marxist Socialist and transgendered.

At $2,800, I would consider that a deal. My taxes were over three times that amount, and it goes to the schools me nor any of my tenants have children in. So since I was paying to educate the children of the people that ruined my neighborhood, I applied for a tax reevaluation.

First they only allow you a month or two to apply which you can do online. Then I had to wait six months for a hearing date which they inconveniently have downtown to try and help discourage you from attending. The schools actually sent their legal team in to fight my case. In fact it's the reason I waited so long for a hearing; because they get everybody from my suburb there on one day so the school doesn't have to keep sending their lawyers down for each hearing. In other words, they rig it for the convenience of the schools and not the taxpayer.

Next the hearing was a joke. In spite of me presenting them with a non-bias property evaluation, they still insisted my source was bogus and only brought my taxes down a smidgen which was twice of what the bank appraisal said it was worth.

So next I had the ability to appeal the ruling that takes place at the Capital which is about 120 miles from where I live. I wasn't about to attend, but a lawyer said I didn't need to unless I wanted to provide support for my claim.

Luckily for me, the court laughed at the ruling by the county. They found my bank appraisal as solid as a rock. A three judge panel unanimously voted in my favor. However, every five years the country does a reappraisal, and the following year they increased my property taxes once again. Not nearly to the level it was before, but enough to discourage me from going through all that again.
The current level of education provided by the federal government is a result of decades of liberals taking over the education system and intentionally dumbing down Americans, intentionally not teaching them about our Founding Fathers,, our fight for independence, the US Constitution, etc.... Uneducated masses are easier to control / manipulate.

Years ago domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers realized bombing one or two buildings, killing 1st responders, would never achieve the change they hoped to accomplish. Educated Adults would never be convinced / re-programmed to accept their BS, so they had to infiltrate the schools and get to kids at an early age.

Funny how some people believed a nation determined to put men on the moon could do so and did but that same nation could not find a way to educate its own children to make them intelligent, talented, self-sufficient, productive members of society if it really wanted to. Even Socialists like Saul Alinsky realized an education opens doors for people and a lack of education creates a sustained lower class in society that is required in the Socialist system, sheep to manipulate and control.

Our schools and education system are not the way they are by accident, mismanagement, or neglect - they are the way they are by design.

What I want to know is why with all the money spent by the gov't why do I still pay school taxes $2,800 per year. Where is all that money going, especially when the quality of education is low and these kids are all inculcated to be Marxist Socialist and transgendered.

School administrator's bloated salaries.
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !

It was not doing great for the economy unless you consider McDonald's jobs great for an economy.

Under Trump we added hundreds of thousands manufacturing jobs; jobs that DumBama said would take a magic wand to recover.

Billions for a wall? How about seven billion? We pay more than that for only one month of food stamps.
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !
Hey, tax cuts are not a govt program.......learn that first
Second.....cutting taxes makes the govt have MORE money........I know a lefty like you doesn't understand why. Because you think the world operates in a vaccum and that the total amount of money in the world stays the same ALL the time......

Cutting taxes does not increase government coffers. Not when the economy is booming.

Now is the time you should’ve used those taxes to work on the debt . Also you could cut gov spending because less gov help is needed in good times .

Of course this would require politicians to think like adults and plan for the future .

Given only half of our population actually pays income taxes, how about the other half paying their fair share? They've been skating with a free ticket all of their lives. And let's get together to stop this immigration problem that costs us well over 100 billion a year. It's bad enough we can't take care of ourselves without taking care of people from third world countries that have no business here in the first place.
The solution to this problem is to find out why we have this problem in the first place.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

Now ask yourselves: would we have this debt problem today if we had only adhered to Madison's words?
IF your estate is over 700,000 you get taxed after the 700,000.
We need change from the bottom up, work on getting rid of the scam artists both the poor & the rich ones.
If we cut the cut outs & loop holes for the very very rich & they can only have two100.000 $ cars for each foot, instead of 4,how sorry for them will you be?
if we cut back food stamps, so kids have one healthy meal a day instead of two. how will you feel about that?
They do, but there are others out there you all can apply for-


Where there is a will there is a way.
That's true. I was all in a flutter today to receive an email notifying that the current proposed budget will cut 24% from Adult Education grants. That is a huge problem for our program, which exists on grants. We got enough problems without that.
What would you suggest? Cut welfare, snap, Medicare, by 30%?
Perhaps continue all programs at current levels and keep increasing the debt? Got to love how no one wants to cut spending but they always want to point a finger and yell about the debt.

Then we have people who always complain that they did not get a tax cut or enough back from doing their taxes. You have those that want to have someone else pay more then them.

Then we have those on the campaign trail right now wanting to buy votes with talk of Medicare for all, reparations, taxing 70% on some and all the other promises. Yet there is no real idea how to pay for the promises little own any real talk on how to balance the budget or pay down debt.
I was just admitting that the cuts DO hurt. And yes, they are real cuts. $156 million (24 percent) cut to Title II Adult Education State Grants, from $642 million to $485 million.
IF your estate is over 700,000 you get taxed after the 700,000.
We need change from the bottom up, work on getting rid of the scam artists both the poor & the rich ones.
If we cut the cut outs & loop holes for the very very rich & they can only have two100.000 $ cars for each foot, instead of 4,how sorry for them will you be?
if we cut back food stamps, so kids have one healthy meal a day instead of two. how will you feel about that?
It should be at one per day for school age, as they receive breakfast and lunch from the school programs we finance as well.
Trump’s budget would hurt older Americans by cutting billions from Medicare and Social Security, more than a year after the GOP’s tremendous tax cuts for the 1%. How is it fair to balance the budget on the backs of our seniors? I won’t stand for it. I WON'T STAND FOR IT!
They can get jobs at Amazon or learn to code.

That's true. I was all in a flutter today to receive an email notifying that the current proposed budget will cut 24% from Adult Education grants. That is a huge problem for our program, which exists on grants. We got enough problems without that.
The current level of education provided by the federal government is a result of decades of liberals taking over the education system and intentionally dumbing down Americans, intentionally not teaching them about our Founding Fathers,, our fight for independence, the US Constitution, etc.... Uneducated masses are easier to control / manipulate.

Years ago domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers realized bombing one or two buildings, killing 1st responders, would never achieve the change they hoped to accomplish. Educated Adults would never be convinced / re-programmed to accept their BS, so they had to infiltrate the schools and get to kids at an early age.

Funny how some people believed a nation determined to put men on the moon could do so and did but that same nation could not find a way to educate its own children to make them intelligent, talented, self-sufficient, productive members of society if it really wanted to. Even Socialists like Saul Alinsky realized an education opens doors for people and a lack of education creates a sustained lower class in society that is required in the Socialist system, sheep to manipulate and control.

Our schools and education system are not the way they are by accident, mismanagement, or neglect - they are the way they are by design.

What I want to know is why with all the money spent by the gov't why do I still pay school taxes $2,800 per year. Where is all that money going, especially when the quality of education is low and these kids are all inculcated to be Marxist Socialist and transgendered.

At $2,800, I would consider that a deal. My taxes were over three times that amount, and it goes to the schools me nor any of my tenants have children in. So since I was paying to educate the children of the people that ruined my neighborhood, I applied for a tax reevaluation.

First they only allow you a month or two to apply which you can do online. Then I had to wait six months for a hearing date which they inconveniently have downtown to try and help discourage you from attending. The schools actually sent their legal team in to fight my case. In fact it's the reason I waited so long for a hearing; because they get everybody from my suburb there on one day so the school doesn't have to keep sending their lawyers down for each hearing. In other words, they rig it for the convenience of the schools and not the taxpayer.

Next the hearing was a joke. In spite of me presenting them with a non-bias property evaluation, they still insisted my source was bogus and only brought my taxes down a smidgen which was twice of what the bank appraisal said it was worth.

So next I had the ability to appeal the ruling that takes place at the Capital which is about 120 miles from where I live. I wasn't about to attend, but a lawyer said I didn't need to unless I wanted to provide support for my claim.

Luckily for me, the court laughed at the ruling by the county. They found my bank appraisal as solid as a rock. A three judge panel unanimously voted in my favor. However, every five years the country does a reappraisal, and the following year they increased my property taxes once again. Not nearly to the level it was before, but enough to discourage me from going through all that again.

That's only school taxes, I didn't include land, County, State or Federal taxes.
...Everyone Wants to Address Debt But No One Wants THEIR Spending Cut

Let's just seize 90% of the wealth from the richest 10% of the country and dump it back into the Treasury.

After a little razzle-dazzle "due process", of course :21:

That ought'ta help with the deficit.
The current level of education provided by the federal government is a result of decades of liberals taking over the education system and intentionally dumbing down Americans, intentionally not teaching them about our Founding Fathers,, our fight for independence, the US Constitution, etc.... Uneducated masses are easier to control / manipulate.

Years ago domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers realized bombing one or two buildings, killing 1st responders, would never achieve the change they hoped to accomplish. Educated Adults would never be convinced / re-programmed to accept their BS, so they had to infiltrate the schools and get to kids at an early age.

Funny how some people believed a nation determined to put men on the moon could do so and did but that same nation could not find a way to educate its own children to make them intelligent, talented, self-sufficient, productive members of society if it really wanted to. Even Socialists like Saul Alinsky realized an education opens doors for people and a lack of education creates a sustained lower class in society that is required in the Socialist system, sheep to manipulate and control.

Our schools and education system are not the way they are by accident, mismanagement, or neglect - they are the way they are by design.

What I want to know is why with all the money spent by the gov't why do I still pay school taxes $2,800 per year. Where is all that money going, especially when the quality of education is low and these kids are all inculcated to be Marxist Socialist and transgendered.

School administrator's bloated salaries.

That, along with paying off the civil suits incurred by sexual predator teachers, bus drivers, etc..
IF your estate is over 700,000 you get taxed after the 700,000.
We need change from the bottom up, work on getting rid of the scam artists both the poor & the rich ones.
If we cut the cut outs & loop holes for the very very rich & they can only have two100.000 $ cars for each foot, instead of 4,how sorry for them will you be?
if we cut back food stamps, so kids have one healthy meal a day instead of two. how will you feel about that?

You make cuts for people that don't really need these programs in the first place.

Food stamp rolls plummet in states that restore work requirements

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

Soft Drinks No. 1 Purchase by Food Stamp Recipients; $357,700,000 From 1 Grocery Chain
Kinda like Trump wanting billions for a wall , and having no way to pay for it ?

Here’s an idea . If you are so concerned about debts , don’t pass a massive tax cut for rich / big biz who were already doing great in the economy !
Hey, tax cuts are not a govt program.......learn that first
Second.....cutting taxes makes the govt have MORE money........I know a lefty like you doesn't understand why. Because you think the world operates in a vaccum and that the total amount of money in the world stays the same ALL the time......

Cutting taxes does not increase government coffers. Not when the economy is booming.

Now is the time you should’ve used those taxes to work on the debt . Also you could cut gov spending because less gov help is needed in good times .

Of course this would require politicians to think like adults and plan for the future .

Cutting taxes does not increase government coffers. Not when the economy is booming.

First, I'm glad you can admit the economy is booming.....the truth shall set you free
Second, yes it does, because whem more people work, more people pay taxes......see that's how you get more, you cut taxes, business hire people,
voila 10% less tax rate + millions more working = MORE tax revenue

Now is the time you should’ve used those taxes to work on the debt . Also you could cut gov spending because less gov help is needed in good times
Cut govt spending on what? If you want to fix the debt, there is only one way......lets see if you know what it is

That will never happen....which is why I want politicians to have LESS know they are bloodsuckers, yet you think they will solve problems, I don't get it
The current level of education provided by the federal government is a result of decades of liberals taking over the education system and intentionally dumbing down Americans, intentionally not teaching them about our Founding Fathers,, our fight for independence, the US Constitution, etc.... Uneducated masses are easier to control / manipulate.

Years ago domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers realized bombing one or two buildings, killing 1st responders, would never achieve the change they hoped to accomplish. Educated Adults would never be convinced / re-programmed to accept their BS, so they had to infiltrate the schools and get to kids at an early age.

Funny how some people believed a nation determined to put men on the moon could do so and did but that same nation could not find a way to educate its own children to make them intelligent, talented, self-sufficient, productive members of society if it really wanted to. Even Socialists like Saul Alinsky realized an education opens doors for people and a lack of education creates a sustained lower class in society that is required in the Socialist system, sheep to manipulate and control.

Our schools and education system are not the way they are by accident, mismanagement, or neglect - they are the way they are by design.

Blaming the Feds for failing schools !?? Schools are more locally controlled than any gov funded program !

And Bill Ayers didn’t kill anyone .

Do some research dumbass.

Bill Ayers and his Weatherman group did kill people.

Did Bill Ayers and the "weatherman" kill anyone?

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