tRump's despicable attitude toward the historic fire in Calif. proves he hates America.

As a result of what is happening in Calif with the fires and loss of life further proves 45's indifference and callous way of demonstrating he simply does nor care. Additionally, this so-called president further proves he is more devoted to Russia and other enemies of America than the well being of U.S. society and having any outreach or compassion for victims of natural and man made disasters. 45's atrocious and cold shoulder attitude toward the historic fire and victims of this environmental disaster whether man made and/or by nature demonstrates his utter contempt at being a inhumane and a negative demagogue.

Trump couldn't just express empathy for California fire victims. What's the matter with him?

Trump’s first tweet about the California fires should have been: “We are saddened by the loss of life and property caused by California’s fires. Our thanks and admiration to the firefighters and others on the front lines of this tragedy. Your government will do everything it can to assist.”

Instead, it was: “There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor. Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of the forests. Remedy now or no more Fed payments!”
source: latimes .com

Who is tRump?

Obummer’s cousin.

Oh, ok.
As a result of what is happening in Calif with the fires and loss of life further proves 45's indifference and callous way of demonstrating he simply does nor care. Additionally, this so-called president further proves he is more devoted to Russia and other enemies of America than the well being of U.S. society and having any outreach or compassion for victims of natural and man made disasters. 45's atrocious and cold shoulder attitude toward the historic fire and victims of this environmental disaster whether man made and/or by nature demonstrates his utter contempt at being a inhumane and a negative demagogue.

Trump couldn't just express empathy for California fire victims. What's the matter with him?

Trump’s first tweet about the California fires should have been: “We are saddened by the loss of life and property caused by California’s fires. Our thanks and admiration to the firefighters and others on the front lines of this tragedy. Your government will do everything it can to assist.”

Instead, it was: “There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor. Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of the forests. Remedy now or no more Fed payments!”
source: latimes .com

Yeah those fires are California’s fault. 100%. They shouldn’t get any money whatsoever as those fires could have been prevented, or made less severe.
if I had any relatives die due to the mismanagement of the underbrush/ chaparral, then I'd sue the state.

Funny, we don't see these kinds of fires on the east side mountain ranges, Appalachian and Smokey's

Even the Rockies, Big Horn and Elk mountains manage to not burn like Cali. Honestly, the bureaucracy that is CDF and BLM needs a purge. The enviro-quacks need to be purged.
Are they predominantly chaparral in a semi-arid climate?

Stop watching MSNBC and go online and have a look. All the stuff you want to know will be there. That said, the forest in those other states are maintained, fires happen yearly and they normally let them burn because forest fire is normal. Forest fire is proper. Go check it out. Cool shit.
Seriously information compromised, those other states. Now the controlled burns will be more intelligent. Trump is correct, the fuel load went bananas. Seemingly, PGE hasn't yet learned how to monitor its transformers and lines efficiently.
Starting to look like California might have intentionally neglected forests so power lines would start fires and then it would be ever-so-easy to bankrupt PG&E and seize it "for the public good". Without, of course, compensation.

Wonder why California's flag has a bear on it? A Russian-Communist bear?
Mamooth, William and Coyote doesn't address what the President said at all, just skirt around it with babble, heck Mamooth ignored my superior post about the state temperature and Precipitation trends.

I addressed it directly, by posting the real data, along with the link to the source (NASA).

In stark contrast, you posted an unsourced propaganda piece. I went to the link on that chart, and it went nowhere, just to a broken page.

So, my stuff has a source. Yours doesn't. That makes your crap inferior and worthless, just propaganda for the rubes.

Seriously, did you really think you could fudge like that and not get called on it?
Mamooth, William and Coyote doesn't address what the President said at all, just skirt around it with babble, heck Mamooth ignored my superior post about the state temperature and Precipitation trends.

I addressed it directly, by posting the real data, along with the link to the source (NASA).

In stark contrast, you posted an unsourced propaganda piece. I went to the link on that chart, and it went nowhere, just to a broken page.

So, my stuff has a source. Yours doesn't. That makes your crap inferior and worthless, just propaganda for the rubes.

Seriously, did you really think you could fudge like that and not get called on it?

The link works fine for me, HERE IT IS for you to look in.

"WRCC Overview
The Regional Climate Centers (RCC) deliver climate services at national, regional and state levels working with NOAA partners in the National Climatic Data Center, National Weather Service, the American Association of State Climatologists, the Regional Sciences and Assessment Program, and other NOAA Research Institutes. We also partner with the Department of Interior Climate Science Centers and Landscape Conservation Cooperatives.

This successful effort has resulted in jointly developed products, services, and capabilities that enhance the delivery of climate information to the American public. As NOAA and Congress work to help society adapt to climate and its variations, these collaborative efforts form a framework for a comprehensive suite of activities encompassing service, data stewardship, and applied research components."

The data used in the charts I posted comes from the NOAA and up to this year, while yours up … he he he… ha ha… 1999.

I notice that even your own warmist/alarmists hardly support you here, because they KNOW you are full of hostility and bullcrap.
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Starting to look like California might have intentionally neglected forests so power lines would start fires and then it would be ever-so-easy to bankrupt PG&E and seize it "for the public good". Without, of course, compensation.

Wonder why California's flag has a bear on it? A Russian-Communist bear?

When the Spanish first came to the area now known as California, Grizzlies roamed everywhere and were the top of the line predators. They attacked native villages and killed children to eat. They lived in massive numbers when Americans first arrived and were the symbol of their revolt against Mexico, The Bear Flag Revolt.

The Grizzlies are almost extinct in the area but still live on in the state flag.
This environmental thread is shaping up. We can link the weather posts, above, to this one:

#Climate Facts
It is like blaming Florida for hurricanes.

don't give him any ideas....
it is how? see underbrush can be cleared out using a control burn and avoid fires. get rid of the kindling.
I don’t see how you can have a controlled burn in the conditions there.
The burns should have been going on all the time. Now that it's all been burned, it might be easier to have those burns when necessary. If we can silence democrats.
What are you saying slimy creep. Spell it out.
don't give him any ideas....
it is how? see underbrush can be cleared out using a control burn and avoid fires. get rid of the kindling.
I don’t see how you can have a controlled burn in the conditions there.
The burns should have been going on all the time. Now that it's all been burned, it might be easier to have those burns when necessary. If we can silence democrats.
English please.
sure, it was really a simple post. Tipsy stated, now that all of that underbrush and chaparral has been burned off, setting up a controlled maintenance schedule for the future should be quite simple as long as demolosers aren't involved.
Why would you think Republicans put people fleeing fires above needy billionaires? They are Republicans.

Come on now, get real.
it is how? see underbrush can be cleared out using a control burn and avoid fires. get rid of the kindling.
I don’t see how you can have a controlled burn in the conditions there.
The burns should have been going on all the time. Now that it's all been burned, it might be easier to have those burns when necessary. If we can silence democrats.
English please.
sure, it was really a simple post. Tipsy stated, now that all of that underbrush and chaparral has been burned off, setting up a controlled maintenance schedule for the future should be quite simple as long as demolosers aren't involved.
Why would you think Republicans put people fleeing fires above needy billionaires? They are Republicans.

Come on now, get real.
Get real. The billionaires are fleeing the fires.
Non-privately owned land vs privately owned land: the question is the amount of fire-prevention labor in California. Privately owned land would be more apt to follow suit if procedures such as continuous controlled burnings were occurring on non-privately owned land. Thus, would it not be a good idea to search for a map showing the possible origin of the Camp and Woolsey fires? Did the citizen report sparks occurring on privately- or non-privately-owned land?

In the report for the mitigation that shows a gap for 2018, the text states: '....A bill approved last September. The bill mitigates liability from fires in 2017 and others starting in 2019, but made no provision for fires this year.'

Webster's New Third International Dictionary: mitigate....disasters can be, if not prevented, at least mitigated (K.S.Davis)

The bill passed in September, requires further scrutiny.
it is how? see underbrush can be cleared out using a control burn and avoid fires. get rid of the kindling.
I don’t see how you can have a controlled burn in the conditions there.
The burns should have been going on all the time. Now that it's all been burned, it might be easier to have those burns when necessary. If we can silence democrats.
English please.
sure, it was really a simple post. Tipsy stated, now that all of that underbrush and chaparral has been burned off, setting up a controlled maintenance schedule for the future should be quite simple as long as demolosers aren't involved.
Why would you think Republicans put people fleeing fires above needy billionaires? They are Republicans.

Come on now, get real.
I wish you would grow up. but I haven't found Aladdin yet.
I just watched Trump on TV standing there with the governor of California saying if they would just rake. They rake in Scandinavia where there’s lots of forests and they don’t have any problems. If they would just rake here there wouldn’t be any forest fires.

What do you say when an ignorant t@rd is leading the country and half the country thinks he’s the greatest thing ever?
At least Trump is doing his homework and using science.. Brown and democrats are just fucking idiots who don't have a clue..

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