Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Little like I don't want entitlements any more than you do....can you not read?
Yet you want the government to pay for everything.

BINGO we have a winner! Government should dole out free health insurance to everyone, paid for by you know the 'rich' and the tooth fairy.

The laws Obama put in place were to protect the ill, that the scumbags rip off and then cut off their treatment.

No one wants free healthcare ( I paid a lot of money for insurance with a high deductible ) Insurance isn't for getting a bandage , its for when you wake up tomorrow and find that you have cancer, or heart problems, diabetes.. Blood Clots. ect.

Don't get sick on Trumps executive cuts .... you will find out really quick just how corrupt it is to get treatment without a pre-existing law.

Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


How? People with pre existing conditions can't be denied what I read in your link.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions.

So short term policies that deny pre existing conditions, but what would be the benefit?

Just keep buying short term policies?
It is up to the healthcare providers and pharmaceuticals companies to donate their services or products to the less unfortunates for tax's write-offs, like they has been doing that for years. But the only reason that they wanted to stop that system? It is because that there has been a big increase of health problems lately, that they cannot survive donating free meds and or giving out free services to the poor. And the health problems are continuously increasing,every day, that even the government will not be able to afford to help the poor, unless they increase taxes and use all of it to only pay.for health services, and completely shut down the government forever. And pharma must lower prices on meds by 85%.

.Just last year, the CDC reported a rate of one in 88, which represented a 23 percent increase since 2010, and 78 percent since 2007. Meanwhile, I remember when the incidence of autism in the US was only one in 100,000—just short of 30 years ago! So what's causing this rapid rise in autism and other mental health problems? The Increasing Rate of Mental Health Disorder in Children

The Gut-Brain Connection, Mental Illness, and Disease

GMO crops produce poisonous gut E. Coli? Many faces of an important bacterium | Genetic Literacy Project

The price of an EpiPen has skyrocketed more than 500% since 2009 — and senators are asking for answers

All that I want for Christmas.....


You obviously don't have a clue what you are talking about... The FDA is in bed with the Pharmaceutical / Medical / insurance all making their own rules while paying off the congress to support them and the Middle class pays for it..not the poor.

The Middle class life savings will be sucked up dry leaving the people to die..this is exactly what happened before Obamacare pre-existing laws..


What exactly is Trump doing Now to stop the BIG Pharma? Or was it another campaign jibber jabber ?

He has done nothing...

Congress is getting their pockets filled with cash to make corrupt laws for the FDA.. I have been studying this for 6 years .. it is bad and the only thing Trump is doing is cutting the safety net for the very ill.

Show me anything Trump has done to stop it..


Little like I don't want entitlements any more than you do....can you not read?
Yet you want the government to pay for everything.

BINGO we have a winner! Government should dole out free health insurance to everyone, paid for by you know the 'rich' and the tooth fairy.

The laws Obama put in place were to protect the ill, that the scumbags rip off and then cut off their treatment.

No one wants free healthcare ( I paid a lot of money for insurance with a high deductible ) Insurance isn't for getting a bandage , its for when you wake up tomorrow and find that you have cancer, or heart problems, diabetes.. Blood Clots. ect.

Don't get sick on Trumps executive cuts .... you will find out really quick just how corrupt it is to get treatment without a pre-existing law.


I still want to know why Obama care don't cover dentistry.. how come?
Little like I don't want entitlements any more than you do....can you not read?
Yet you want the government to pay for everything.

BINGO we have a winner! Government should dole out free health insurance to everyone, paid for by you know the 'rich' and the tooth fairy.

The laws Obama put in place were to protect the ill, that the scumbags rip off and then cut off their treatment.

No one wants free healthcare ( I paid a lot of money for insurance with a high deductible ) Insurance isn't for getting a bandage , its for when you wake up tomorrow and find that you have cancer, or heart problems, diabetes.. Blood Clots. ect.

Don't get sick on Trumps executive cuts .... you will find out really quick just how corrupt it is to get treatment without a pre-existing law.


You are free to continue purchasing an Obamacare plan. What may change is younger healthier people won't be paying part of YOUR premium for you.
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics


How? People with pre existing conditions can't be denied what I read in your link.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions.

So short term policies that deny pre existing conditions, but what would be the benefit?

Just keep buying short term policies?

The short term policy's do not have to comply with the pre-excisting laws. Bear. They will find someway to kick you off long term policies if you are sick...

This is a pro life nation....until birth then it's zippo.
If I convince the right to be pro abortion, will you be okay with ZIPPO?

I support abortion up until the age of 10 years. It's better to kill off worthless people at an early age.
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The plan was always for Obamacare to fail, then tell the American people single payer was the only solution to this 'crisis'. But a Dem was supposed to be president when this happened.
Trump's EO allows younger, healthier people to purchase less expensive plans. Young people say its about time, they are tired of subsidizing the moochers and sick old people.

My son already bought a very inexpensive insurance last are believing the lies .

The only ones that Trump screwed are the Democrats who cast their future on the failing Obamacare.

Boy are you going to get a wake up call The states will decide on the pre-excisting law..Looks like the Rightie Red states will be the ones getting thrown off life support..

The only ones that Trump screwed are the Democrats who cast their future on the failing Obamacare.

Boy are you going to get a wake up call The states will decide on the pre-excisting law..Looks like the Rightie Red states will be the ones getting thrown off life support..


"pre-existing law?" Provide citations and links...explain yourself.
Trump's EO allows younger, healthier people to purchase less expensive plans. Young people say its about time, they are tired of subsidizing the moochers and sick old people.

My son already bought a very inexpensive insurance last are believing the lies .


And your son can keep his plan what are you bitching about?

My other son is in college and is a type 1 Juvenile diabetic insulin dependent ... We are screwing over our younger generation so bad.

Do you know what a pre-existing illness is? I will get the list for you..

People need to think for themselves...not red white and blue.....and not handouts either. I subscribe to neither first....
The only ones that Trump screwed are the Democrats who cast their future on the failing Obamacare.

Boy are you going to get a wake up call The states will decide on the pre-excisting law..Looks like the Rightie Red states will be the ones getting thrown off life support..


Sadly I live in Kentucky where the Governor Matt Bevin made a comment recently that people in Colorado from overdoing on edibles. Yes, he's that stupid.
Trump's EO allows younger, healthier people to purchase less expensive plans. Young people say its about time, they are tired of subsidizing the moochers and sick old people.

My son already bought a very inexpensive insurance last are believing the lies .


And your son can keep his plan what are you bitching about?

My other son is in college and is a type 1 Juvenile diabetic insulin dependent ... We are screwing over our younger generation so bad.

Do you know what a pre-existing illness is? I will get the list for you..


I don't think you know how Obamacare is funded. Young healthy people who don't have a lot of money this early in their careers are paying for your son's pre-existing condition how is that fair?
Trump's EO allows younger, healthier people to purchase less expensive plans. Young people say its about time, they are tired of subsidizing the moochers and sick old people.

My son already bought a very inexpensive insurance last are believing the lies .


And your son can keep his plan what are you bitching about?

My other son is in college and is a type 1 Juvenile diabetic insulin dependent ... We are screwing over our younger generation so bad.

Do you know what a pre-existing illness is? I will get the list for you..


I don't think you know how Obamacare is funded. Young healthy people who don't have a lot of money this early in their careers are paying for your son's pre-existing condition how is that fair?

it's not.... it's Socialist..... where everyone is equally miserable.
Young healthy p.a. who then don't buy insurance and get sick....should we then bother to even let them be seen by a doctor? Hard call.

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