Trump's Indictment was Timed to Coincide with the Release of "Shaman" Jacob Chansley


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Q. What was so special about the timing of Trump's indictment?

A. It was set to overshadow the release of Shaman Jacob Chansley's release from federal prison after his innocence was revealed by the public release of the Jan. 6 video tapes.

Does anyone with a three digit IQ believe this was just a coincidence?
Nobody cares he was released. He acted the fool, that isn't a life sentence.
Q. What was so special about the timing of Trump's indictment?

A. It was set to overshadow the release of Shaman Jacob Chansley's release from federal prison after his innocence was revealed by the public release of the Jan. 6 video tapes.

Does anyone with a three digit IQ believe this was just a coincidence?
He was not "released". He was transferred:

The Jan. 6 rioter was recently transferred from a federal prison complex to a halfway house in Arizona and is set to be released on May 25.

Q. What was so special about the timing of Trump's indictment?

A. It was set to overshadow the release of Shaman Jacob Chansley's release from federal prison after his innocence was revealed by the public release of the Jan. 6 video tapes.

Does anyone with a three digit IQ believe this was just a coincidence?
The timing is they needed some idiot to bring an indictment at this time.
They didn't care if the charges are rubbish.
I don't know for sure if they're on a time schedule or if this was to get everyone off of the Nashville shooting, because that was turning into a major shitshow.
The media can only cover one major Democrat created mess at a that's the purpose of this indictment.
Q. What was so special about the timing of Trump's indictment?

A. It was set to overshadow the release of Shaman Jacob Chansley's release from federal prison after his innocence was revealed by the public release of the Jan. 6 video tapes.

Does anyone with a three digit IQ believe this was just a coincidence?
Yeah...the NY prosecutor was making sure that a case he didn't prosecute was buried.

You guys and your conspiracy theories....they're hilarious.
Q. What was so special about the timing of Trump's indictment?

A. It was set to overshadow the release of Shaman Jacob Chansley's release from federal prison after his innocence was revealed by the public release of the Jan. 6 video tapes.

Does anyone with a three digit IQ believe this was just a coincidence?

Were you beaten into retardation or were you born with it?
Q. What was so special about the timing of Trump's indictment?

A. It was set to overshadow the release of Shaman Jacob Chansley's release from federal prison after his innocence was revealed by the public release of the Jan. 6 video tapes.

Does anyone with a three digit IQ believe this was just a coincidence?
You do know you just threw out a big chunk of red meat for every coincidence theorist on the forum, right?
Q. What was so special about the timing of Trump's indictment?

A. It was set to overshadow the release of Shaman Jacob Chansley's release from federal prison after his innocence was revealed by the public release of the Jan. 6 video tapes.

Does anyone with a three digit IQ believe this was just a coincidence?
Yes. I said yesterday that it seemed likely. Chansley was the poster boy for the cause and so letting him go would have positive political impact for Biden.

He acted like an immature clown in the midst of a very serious situation, and he's learned a lesson with a wristslap.
Yes. I said yesterday that it seemed likely. Chansley was the poster boy for the cause and so letting him go would have positive political impact for Biden.

He acted like an immature clown in the midst of a very serious situation, and he's learned a lesson with a wristslap.
When did Biden get a wrist slap for acting like an immature clown?
When did Biden get a wrist slap for acting like an immature clown?
The entire system, including the president is dysfunctional. Justice in America is dealt out according to the power of the offender. Biden is a war criminal but so is Trump.
Were you beaten into retardation or were you born with it?
Whether or not he is right in this instance is secondary to a more general perspective imo .

Critical thinkers are more required than ever to effectively question matters whch are referred to as coincidence , and to dscuss how correlation can be used ( or not! ) as hard evidence to demonstrate causation, or, to present the correct way to report probable causation -- usually at the 95% confidence level..
This is wrapped up in the science behind the Bradford Hill Criteria and the expert understanding and use of statistics -- which only experts and specialists are able to handle correctly .
In this instance where you criticised a poster he was only making a very tentative speculation which probably does not stand up to serious investigation.
However , make your start point as --- never believe in coincdences --- and I know from my experience that subsequent work will invariably yield much more than you initially expected. And , most importantly , results from using a scientific process .
He was not "released". He was transferred:

The Jan. 6 rioter was recently transferred from a federal prison complex to a halfway house in Arizona and is set to be released on May 25.

Informative but irrelevant to the OP.
Informative but irrelevant to the OP.
So sorry.

Here it goes.

NO video showed the Shaman's innocence and his release has absolutely nothing to do with Trump being indicted yesterday. Possible coincidence.

By all means keep crying that BOTH are not guilty and that BOTH are experiencing an injustice. Jury which convicted the Shaman and the Grand Jury going through months of documents and facts about darned.

Whether or not he is right in this instance is secondary to a more general perspective imo .

Critical thinkers are more required than ever to effectively question matters whch are referred to as coincidence , and to dscuss how correlation can be used ( or not! ) as hard evidence to demonstrate causation, or, to present the correct way to report probable causation -- usually at the 95% confidence level..
This is wrapped up in the science behind the Bradford Hill Criteria and the expert understanding and use of statistics -- which only experts and specialists are able to handle correctly .
In this instance where you criticised a poster he was only making a very tentative speculation which probably does not stand up to serious investigation.
However , make your start point as --- never believe in coincdences --- and I know from my experience that subsequent work will invariably yield much more than you initially expected. And , most importantly , results frDo you really believeom using a scientific process .
Nice treatise, but a 95% confidence level is relevant to statistical sampling, not political analysis. The undisputed fact is that both of these events occurred on the same day/news cycle. By definition, this is a coincidence.

I have proposed an explanation for this coincidence that is based on well-known political tactics, especially by Democrats and their media allies. If you disagree with this explanation, please provide a more likely one.

Do you really believe that, in the current political environment, these are just random occurrences??

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