Trump prosecutors putting up a fight to keep cameras out of courtroom

It is correct that the media should be the ones pushing for cameras in the courtroom. It's a first amendment issue, since it is the frontrunner for president that the party in power is going after. Pure politics, so it must be fully covered by a free press.

Absurd that the prosecutors think that they can try to imprison a political opponent, and demand a hidden trial to do it.
exactly,, we have a two tiered justice system and those under progressive protection dont get prosecuted,,
but those that dare challenge the sytem get shit made up about them and treated like they murdered babies in the streets,,
There have always been 2 Justice Systems in this country, one white; one black. I have never heard any white person whine about the Justice System until your orange god got his ass hemmed up.
fihures you would make it about race,,
It's always been about race. The Justice System has been screwing black folks since this country was founded and not a peep out of folks like you. Now that chickens have come home to roost for your orange god, it is a 2 tiered Justice system.
It's always been about race. The Justice System has been screwing black folks since this country was founded and not a peep out of folks like you. Now that chickens have come home to roost for your orange god, it is a 2 tiered Justice system.
maybe you should go back to africa where you can get a fair trial and stop whining like a little bitch,,
Once you take your punkass back to Europe and it is you that is whining like a little bitch over your orange god.
I am happy where I;m at,, its you thats living such a horrible life,,

if I got you the money would you move back the the motherland if you could??

cause me and many other people are willing to help you so you can be happy in your final yrs,,

let me know and I will start the go fund me,,
Only video proof they want is what is recorded and can be edited and released as They see fit

Trump prosecutors putting up a fight to keep cameras out of courtroom

4 Nov 2023 ~~ By Eden Villalovas

Special counsel Jack Smith urged a federal judge on Friday to bar media outlets from televising the election subversion case against former President Donald Trump in Washington, DC.
Last month, attorneys for a coalition of news organizations, including NBCUniversal, asked United States District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan to make an exception to the longstanding rule that prohibits broadcasting and photographing criminal proceedings in federal courts under the Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure.
Prosecutors are trying to uphold the rule that states, “the court must not permit the taking of photographs in the courtroom during judicial proceedings” or broadcasting those proceedings unless a judge rules otherwise.
House Democrats have also pushed for live broadcasting of the court proceedings in the criminal cases against Trump. The former president's defense attorney John Lauro agrees, telling Fox News Sunday in August he “would love to see that.”
“I personally would love to see that,” Lauro said. “I’m convinced the Biden administration does not want the American people to see the truth. And they acted on it by filing this protective order, which is an effort to keep important information about this case from the press.”
Chutkan gave Trump a week to respond to the media request, which he has yet to do, but Smith’s court filing notes that the former president’s counsel “has requested that government counsel convey that he takes no position with respect to these Applications.”
On Aug. 1, Trump was indicted in connection to his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Smith’s years long investigation...
Despite the Justice Department rejecting calls for his trials to be televised, a large majority, 71%, think television cameras should be allowed in the courtroom for this specific trial, according to a Quinnipiac University poll conducted shortly after Trump’s indictment.

The big question that the public asks is; What is the Judge and prosecution afraid of?
Sunshine never hurt anything. It makes everything cleaner and open eyed.
Just what is the DoJ, Smith and Chutkan trying to hide from the public?
Are they hiding the sham and how unjust their courtroom is?
Is it their idea that what people can’t see and hear they can get their Quisling Media to frame the false narrative?
Remember the Sixth Amendment:
"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense".
One reason to justify a public trial is for the benefit of the person accused. But another big reason for public trials is so that the people have the chance to observe (scrutinize) what their government is up to.

Both reasons pertain to why the persecutors in this case should get their efforts denied by the court.
It is correct that the media should be the ones pushing for cameras in the courtroom. It's a first amendment issue, since it is the frontrunner for president that the party in power is going after. Pure politics, so it must be fully covered by a free press.

Absurd that the prosecutors think that they can try to imprison a political opponent, and demand a hidden trial to do it.
Nobody outside your cult recognizes these desperate fantasies. Sorry.
I am happy where I;m at,, its you thats living such a horrible life,,

if I got you the money would you move back the the motherland if you could??

cause me and many other people are willing to help you so you can be happy in your final yrs,,

let me know and I will start the go fund me,,
How about asking the Native American if they would be happy with you moving back to the motherland, since you made their lives so miserable. That's always the racist line about black folks going back to Africa, how about you take your pasty, racist ass back to Europe.
No need for the prosecutors to put up a fight. Rule 3 is on their side. No cameras.
its been a circus from the beginning,, they dont want the people seeing a political prosecution or the railroading they are doing,,
Here's the subhuman ape in all his glory as he shows up in court;
its been a circus from the beginning,, they dont want the people seeing a political prosecution or the railroading they are doing,,
If Trump tries to turn the trial into a circus, here's how he'll end up;


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How about asking the Native American if they would be happy with you moving back to the motherland, since you made their lives so miserable. That's always the racist line about black folks going back to Africa, how about you take your pasty, racist ass back to Europe.
I am native american,,

youre the one that constantly complains like a little girl,,
I just figure you going back to yoyr homeland would make you happy,,

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