Trump's Indictment was Timed to Coincide with the Release of "Shaman" Jacob Chansley

Q. What was so special about the timing of Trump's indictment?

A. It was set to overshadow the release of Shaman Jacob Chansley's release from federal prison after his innocence was revealed by the public release of the Jan. 6 video tapes.

Does anyone with a three digit IQ believe this was just a coincidence?

The video tapes do not show SHEmon is innocent. It shows Dykey Nancy made SHEmon the GUEST OF HONOR.

They say SHEmon is too emaciated to be photo-ed for the public. That is BS. After spending no more than 3 weeks in prison to get to "solitary," SHEmon was let out the back door, and has a really good TAN and hence THAT is why he cannot be photo-ed, tan from being in solitary, something only someone who thinks Tucker is a conservative Republican catholic would be dumb enough to fall for...

Tucker Carlson could expose Chansley, Calhoun, Gardner, Justis and the other clear DEMOCRAT LEFT WING ACTIVISTS here. He won't. The sole objective was to convince MORONS to support Chansley's release, which was eagerly granted because THEY ALL KNOW WHOSE SIDE HE IS REALLY ON and it is NOT the TRUMP side... and neither is Tucker or anyone else at FAUX "News"
Q. What was so special about the timing of Trump's indictment?

A. It was set to overshadow the release of Shaman Jacob Chansley's release from federal prison after his innocence was revealed by the public release of the Jan. 6 video tapes.

Does anyone with a three digit IQ believe this was just a coincidence?

Who gives a fiddler's fuck about Jacob Chansley?

His mom, maybe?

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