Trumps lack of ethics

Oh now, you are worried about ethics? Obama was the most unethical president ever. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.
What exactly was Obama unethical about, ]erkoff? make a accusation, furnish some proof or STFU
how about misuse of government agencies?
Would you explain just what that is supposed to mean
IRS targeting conservative groups? A head of the IRS PLEADING THE FIFTH?

The IRS targetted conservative groups because non-profits are not allowed to have a political purpose and so their applications for non-profit status got more scrutiny, dolt. There was absolutely no evidence of Obama targetting conservative groups. In fact, the IRS manager who ordered his staff to search for the word "conservative" for further scrutiny, was a registered Republican.

This was one of several "made up scandals" that the Republican Party FOX News promoted during the Obama Administration because of the dearth of real scandals coming out of the Obama White House. It is a tribute to Obama's administrative abilities that no member of his Administration was ever indicted for a crime.

Trump hasn't even been in office for 100 days and already there are several major investigations under way against members of his administration for conflicts of interest, perjury, and treason. That's a fairly astonishing record.
from my link
That total is much higher than the 298 groups the IRS‘ inspector general identified back in May 2013, when investigators first revealed the agency had been subjecting applications to long — potentially illegal — delays, and forcing them to answer intrusive questions about their activities.
Oh now, you are worried about ethics? Obama was the most unethical president ever. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.
What exactly was Obama unethical about, ]erkoff? make a accusation, furnish some proof or STFU
how about misuse of government agencies?
Would you explain just what that is supposed to mean
IRS targeting conservative groups? A head of the IRS PLEADING THE FIFTH?

The IRS targetted conservative groups because non-profits are not allowed to have a political purpose and so their applications for non-profit status got more scrutiny, dolt. There was absolutely no evidence of Obama targetting conservative groups. In fact, the IRS manager who ordered his staff to search for the word "conservative" for further scrutiny, was a registered Republican.

This was one of several "made up scandals" that the Republican Party FOX News promoted during the Obama Administration because of the dearth of real scandals coming out of the Obama White House. It is a tribute to Obama's administrative abilities that no member of his Administration was ever indicted for a crime.

Trump hasn't even been in office for 100 days and already there are several major investigations under way against members of his administration for conflicts of interest, perjury, and treason. That's a fairly astonishing record.
Also, I find it awfully convenient Obama gets a break because of his staff but trump doesn't.
noun: consistency; noun: consistence; plural noun: consistencies; plural noun: consistences
  1. 1.
    conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness.
When DC Comics made Lex Luthor President he sold Lexcorp. Trump is literally less ethical than a comic book villain.

Remember when news reports said Trump was trying to get Security clearances and he called it fake news? Now he's trying to get his daughter a security clearance.

Taxes? We know the story there...

Won't talk about his business with his own sons...welp, that's out the window too!

Drain the swamp? Goldman sachs? ...sheesh, constant denials about Russian contacts for totally non treasonous reasons...good grief.
Oh now, you are worried about ethics? Obama was the most unethical president ever. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.
What exactly was Obama unethical about, ]erkoff? make a accusation, furnish some proof or STFU

That not how their accusations work. They just say Obama is unethical and when you ask how they respond with a question of belief. For example: are you serious? You don't know? Etc etc.
What exactly was Obama unethical about, ]erkoff? make a accusation, furnish some proof or STFU
how about misuse of government agencies?
Would you explain just what that is supposed to mean
IRS targeting conservative groups? A head of the IRS PLEADING THE FIFTH?

The IRS targetted conservative groups because non-profits are not allowed to have a political purpose and so their applications for non-profit status got more scrutiny, dolt. There was absolutely no evidence of Obama targetting conservative groups. In fact, the IRS manager who ordered his staff to search for the word "conservative" for further scrutiny, was a registered Republican.

This was one of several "made up scandals" that the Republican Party FOX News promoted during the Obama Administration because of the dearth of real scandals coming out of the Obama White House. It is a tribute to Obama's administrative abilities that no member of his Administration was ever indicted for a crime.

Trump hasn't even been in office for 100 days and already there are several major investigations under way against members of his administration for conflicts of interest, perjury, and treason. That's a fairly astonishing record.
Also, I find it awfully convenient Obama gets a break because of his staff but trump doesn't.
noun: consistency; noun: consistence; plural noun: consistencies; plural noun: consistences
  1. 1.
    conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness.

Your post is meaningless. What break did Obama get? He's never been charged with racism, or accused of colluding with Russia. He's never been fined by the IRS for making illegal campaign contributions, or accused of fraud, unlike the current resident of the White House.

Trump has always been dishonest. You think he changed because he got elected President?
how about misuse of government agencies?
Would you explain just what that is supposed to mean
IRS targeting conservative groups? A head of the IRS PLEADING THE FIFTH?

The IRS targetted conservative groups because non-profits are not allowed to have a political purpose and so their applications for non-profit status got more scrutiny, dolt. There was absolutely no evidence of Obama targetting conservative groups. In fact, the IRS manager who ordered his staff to search for the word "conservative" for further scrutiny, was a registered Republican.

This was one of several "made up scandals" that the Republican Party FOX News promoted during the Obama Administration because of the dearth of real scandals coming out of the Obama White House. It is a tribute to Obama's administrative abilities that no member of his Administration was ever indicted for a crime.

Trump hasn't even been in office for 100 days and already there are several major investigations under way against members of his administration for conflicts of interest, perjury, and treason. That's a fairly astonishing record.
Also, I find it awfully convenient Obama gets a break because of his staff but trump doesn't.
noun: consistency; noun: consistence; plural noun: consistencies; plural noun: consistences
  1. 1.
    conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness.

Your post is meaningless. What break did Obama get? He's never been charged with racism, or accused of colluding with Russia. He's never been fined by the IRS for making illegal campaign contributions, or accused of fraud, unlike the current resident of the White House.

Trump has always been dishonest. You think he changed because he got elected President?
I would have skipped the other post too :D
Was it ethical when Obama told us if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor? Or that the ACA would not raise the debt by one dime? Or that the average family would save hundreds or thousands in health care? Was he honest with us when we were told about all those shovel ready jobs that were just ready to be filled when he got his $862 billion stimulus bill? I recall him laughing it off later, I guess they weren't as shovel ready as we thought. No shit Sherlock. Was he ethical when he told us before the investigation was over that there was not a smidgeon of evidence that the IRS did anything illegal or unethical wen they denied or delayed approving 501 status to so many conservative groups? Was he ethical when he lied about Benghazi and left Americans to die in the compound ? Who got fired when the Fast and Furious program went south and Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered? Does anyone think that was handled honestly and fairly?

I could go on and on, the list is long of scandals that were covered up or stonewalled during his 8 years. Which is not to say the GOP doesn't have it's own skeletons and misdeeds to answer for, but let's not pretend that Barack Obama was totally honest and above reproach.

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