Trump's Letter To Turkey -- One Of The Most Powerful Letters Ever Sent

Trump warns Erdogan in letter: 'Don't be a tough guy. Don't be a fool!'
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"President Trump sent Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan an ominous letter last week after their Oct. 6 call, after which Trump controversially announced that the U.S. would withdraw all troops from northeast Syria ahead of a Turkish military operation in the region. The Oct. 9 letter, obtained by Fox Business Network's Trish Regan on Wednesday after Trump referenced it during a press conference the same day, advised Erdogan not to be a "tough guy" or a "fool" when it comes to his country's fragile situation at the Syrian border."

This is quite possibly one of the most powerful letters ever sent to a foreign leader -- As Trump has warned Turkey before, he will destroy their economy just like he has already destroyed Turkey's economy in the past, like when he obliterated their economy until they were forced to release Pastor Brunson.

The Turkish president supposedly threw the letter in the trash, a BBC article reported that "Donald Trump's mixture of threats and locker-room banter infuriated Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. His staff told the BBC that he threw the letter into the bin and launched the Syrian operation the same day. That could be proof there was no Trumpian green light."

Turkish president 'threw Trump letter in bin'

It definitely is proof that Trump ordered no green light -- the Turkish president wasn't really angry at Trump, he was angry at Obama for partnering with these evil Kurdish terrorists in the first place -- I personally feel Trump shouldn't have written any letter to begin with..

I don't feel Trump should continue to try to rationalize and justify pulling the troops out -- just pull them out and let all of the neo-cons and war hawks keep complaining -- the majority of Americans want no part of further Middle East involvement and multi-generational wars and occupation -- let the people over there sort it out -- we need to only protect Saudi Arabia's oil, for freedom.

Apparently the letter worked.

Erdofag with his tail between his legs bowing to the Trump Administration.

Pence, Pompeo secure cease-fire agreement in Syria after meeting with Turkish president
Erdogan may have thought it was a joke, that an eight-year old wrote it.

The embarrassment continues.
A senior adviser to Erdogan was on the radio this morning. She said about Trump's letter, and I quote, "It was a leaked old letter which was not taken seriously at the time, especially given it's lack of diplomatic finesse."
It's funny how Trump has turned the pseudocons against the Kurds. These are the same pseudocons who vilified Obama for not protecting the Kurds.

Downright Orwellian.
Trump's Letter To Turkey -- One Of The Most Powerful Letters Ever Sent by a 1st grade level intellect.
and still far above your grade level.
See, even you can't defend it.
defend what? hmmmm you ok?
You're slow aren't you.

Trump's Letter To Turkey -- One Of The Most Powerful Letters Ever Sent by a 1st grade level intellect.
it seems it worked. wow, perhaps you're lost.
Well Trump could have sent a letter that would resemble a letter from Obama...or Clinton...or Bush....but that way of getting a message across always fails and leads to us in a war...So Trump sent a direct simple message....don't fuck with the USA...and now we see we have a cease fire and the Kurdish General and Erdogan will meet....that's how its done swamp...take notes if you must libtards....
It definitely is proof that Trump ordered no green light

Wow. This is one of the stupidest things I've heard about Trump's colossal fuckup so far.

When Trump forced our troops to retreat, THAT WAS THE GREEN LIGHT.

It's funny how Trump has turned the pseudocons against the Kurds. These are the same pseudocons who vilified Obama for not protecting the Kurds.

Downright Orwellian.
As we continue to support, fund, equip Israeli genocide in Gaza, Saudi genocide in Yemen, and 73% of the world's dictatorships.

Well Trump could have sent a letter that would resemble a letter from Obama...or Clinton...or Bush....but that way of getting a message across always fails and leads to us in a war...So Trump sent a direct simple message....don't fuck with the USA...and now we see we have a cease fire and the Kurdish General and Erdogan will meet....that's how its done swamp...take notes if you must libtards....
Kindergartenish R US.
It's funny how Trump has turned the pseudocons against the Kurds. These are the same pseudocons who vilified Obama for not protecting the Kurds.

Downright Orwellian.
As we continue to support, fund, equip Israeli genocide in Gaza, Saudi genocide in Yemen, and 73% of the world's dictatorships.

yep bipartisan.
It definitely is proof that Trump ordered no green light

Wow. This is one of the stupidest things I've heard about Trump's colossal fuckup so far.

When Trump forced our troops to retreat, THAT WAS THE GREEN LIGHT.

I also like the absurdity of the postings that Trump had to pull our troops out to save them from being annihilated by the Turkish Army. Right, like Assad's gonna kill a thousand American troops because Trump would be fine with that. Wait a minute ….. LOL

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