Trump's minions communicated via WhatsApp on Ukraine


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Police cannot retrieve messages from Whatsapp.
I just don't get why they would hide their communications , because you see, conservatives are not like Hillary Clinton.

Conservatives want to make sure their communications are kept in the records as mandated by law. Especially conservatives appointed by Trump, who hates crookedness so so much.

Besides, the whistleblower was full of s***. Right?
if the Whistleblower made up the whole quid pro quo thing, I don't get why Trump's minions would hide their communications.

Geoff Bennett on Twitter
NBC: Volker, Sondland & diplomat Bill Taylor used WhatsApp in addition to regular text messages to communicate about Ukraine, according to multiple sources. The use of WhatsApp has raised questions about problems it poses for complying with federal record-keeping requirements.
A 1999 treaty with Ukraine, signed by Bill Clinton, provides a rock-solid basis for President Trump’s request for Ukrainian President Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden for alleged corruption.

The Bidens are in up to their armpits with regard to a potential renewed Burisma Holdings natural gas probe … an overdue investigation that was in fact initially stopped by VP Biden while he was in office … a fact that he subsequently bragged about.

On Thursday, Jesse Watters revealed on “The Five” that he found the treaty that provides solid legal ground for President Trump’s appeal for investigative assistance from Ukraine.

“I have found from 1999-2000 a treaty with Ukraine signed by Bill Clinton,” said Watters. “And the treaty with Ukraine on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, which basically establishes a range of cooperation between the two governments of Ukraine and the United States about making testimony available, making people available, making documents and records available and assisting in the cooperation of mutual criminal matters. And they don’t even have to be criminal. They can just be allegations.

Watters presents Bill Clinton-signed treaty allowing Trump to request assistance from Ukraine on Biden

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