Trump's missed opportunity at the G-20, vis-a-vis Putin


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
trump missed a great opportunity to expand his support beyond the 1/3 of right wing republicans.

had Trump really confronted Putin on Russia's meddling, forcibly telling Putin that Russia's behavior would be met by stronger and more damaging sanctions, then many moderates and even some liberals might have applauded his "America-First" rhetoric.....

Instead, Trump meekly "accepted' Putin's denials and even downplayed our OWN intelligence agencies' assessment of Russian hacking, making himself not much more than a Putin stooge.

Right wingers on here need to stop the delusional, "there's nothing to the story of Russian meddling" and join the rest of the planet in decrying the ex-KGB thug's attempts to divide both the NATO alliance and even our own electorate.....

What bothers me the most is that, through Trump's weaknesses, Putin is happy that he is getting all that he could have ever wanted from helping Trump get elected (I have little doubt that fairly soon, there will be a push from the WH to lift the current sanctions on Russia.)
trump missed a great opportunity to expand his support beyond the 1/3 of right wing republicans.

had Trump really confronted Putin on Russia's meddling, forcibly telling Putin that Russia's behavior would be met by stronger and more damaging sanctions, then many moderates and even some liberals might have applauded his "America-First" rhetoric.....

Instead, Trump meekly "accepted' Putin's denials and even downplayed our OWN intelligence agencies' assessment of Russian hacking, making himself not much more than a Putin stooge.

Right wingers on here need to stop the delusional, "there's nothing to the story of Russian meddling" and join the rest of the planet in decrying the ex-KGB thug's attempts to divide both the NATO alliance and even our own electorate.....

What bothers me the most is that, through Trump's weaknesses, Putin is happy that he is getting all that he could have ever wanted from helping Trump get elected (I have little doubt that fairly soon, there will be a push from the WH to lift the current sanctions on Russia.)

trump missed a great opportunity to expand his support beyond the 1/3 of right wing republicans.

had Trump really confronted Putin on Russia's meddling, forcibly telling Putin that Russia's behavior would be met by stronger and more damaging sanctions, then many moderates and even some liberals might have applauded his "America-First" rhetoric.....

Instead, Trump meekly "accepted' Putin's denials and even downplayed our OWN intelligence agencies' assessment of Russian hacking, making himself not much more than a Putin stooge.

Right wingers on here need to stop the delusional, "there's nothing to the story of Russian meddling" and join the rest of the planet in decrying the ex-KGB thug's attempts to divide both the NATO alliance and even our own electorate.....

What bothers me the most is that, through Trump's weaknesses, Putin is happy that he is getting all that he could have ever wanted from helping Trump get elected (I have little doubt that fairly soon, there will be a push from the WH to lift the current sanctions on Russia.)

Trump has seen all the "evidence" about Russia hacking, and isn't convinced because there isn't anything concrete.

Did Russia want Trump to win? Of course they did, why would they want Hillary the warmonger to win? They don't want war with the US.

The EU, Ukraine, communist, and Islamic countries all wanted Hillary to win, and used their influence to sway the election, but you libtards don't consider that bad.

There are many hacking groups all over the world hacking everything in the US. Hillary and the DNC should had been more careful about their email security if they wanted to hide their corrupt and illegal activities secret.

The entire US media tried to rig the election in favor of Hillary, lying about polls and trying to get Repubs to just stay home because it was hopeless. Yet you don't complain.

Nothing Trump or his staff, or family did was illegal in any way. You retards just don't seem to be able to accept that since CNN has programmed you into believing in "collusion".
Putin's impression about Trump after their first meeting:

Putin: As regards personal relations, I believe that they have been established. This is how I see it: Mr Trump's television image is very different from the real person; he is a very down to earth and direct person, and he has an absolutely adequate attitude towards the person he is talking with; he analyses things pretty fast and answers the questions he is asked or new ones that arise in the course of the discussion. So I think that if we build our relations in the vein of our yesterday's meeting, the level of interaction that we need.
News conference following the G20 Summit (Kremlin site)

And I can see nut#4900 and other liberal nuts can't stop trolling the forum with their endless BS.
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Gee, is somebody here obsessed with the fake Trump-Russia story?

trump missed a great opportunity to expand his support beyond the 1/3 of right wing republicans.

had Trump really confronted Putin on Russia's meddling, forcibly telling Putin that Russia's behavior would be met by stronger and more damaging sanctions, then many moderates and even some liberals might have applauded his "America-First" rhetoric.....

Instead, Trump meekly "accepted' Putin's denials and even downplayed our OWN intelligence agencies' assessment of Russian hacking, making himself not much more than a Putin stooge.

Right wingers on here need to stop the delusional, "there's nothing to the story of Russian meddling" and join the rest of the planet in decrying the ex-KGB thug's attempts to divide both the NATO alliance and even our own electorate.....

What bothers me the most is that, through Trump's weaknesses, Putin is happy that he is getting all that he could have ever wanted from helping Trump get elected (I have little doubt that fairly soon, there will be a push from the WH to lift the current sanctions on Russia.)
/---- Oh give me a break. President Trump could have cured cancer at the G 20 and you Libtards would still bash him 24/7 saying he destroyed the Pharma industry. Don't pretend otherwise.
trump missed a great opportunity to expand his support beyond the 1/3 of right wing republicans.

had Trump really confronted Putin on Russia's meddling, forcibly telling Putin that Russia's behavior would be met by stronger and more damaging sanctions, then many moderates and even some liberals might have applauded his "America-First" rhetoric.....

Instead, Trump meekly "accepted' Putin's denials and even downplayed our OWN intelligence agencies' assessment of Russian hacking, making himself not much more than a Putin stooge.

Right wingers on here need to stop the delusional, "there's nothing to the story of Russian meddling" and join the rest of the planet in decrying the ex-KGB thug's attempts to divide both the NATO alliance and even our own electorate.....

What bothers me the most is that, through Trump's weaknesses, Putin is happy that he is getting all that he could have ever wanted from helping Trump get elected (I have little doubt that fairly soon, there will be a push from the WH to lift the current sanctions on Russia.)


now he is off to France

i guessed it must have paid off for the president of France to weasel his way down

from his position to stand by trump for the G20 pictures


As a patriot, I DO post why this country has fucked up in electing an orange charlatan who may be a full-fledged stooge/tool for Putin.....

I can see that right wingers are a bit incensed that their hero is under investigation and so they bury their heads up their asses and pat one another on the back in their collective delusions......

I LOVE it.......LOL
As a patriot, I DO post why this country has fucked up in electing an orange charlatan who may be a full-fledged stooge/tool for Putin.....

I can see that right wingers are a bit incensed that their hero is under investigation and so they bury their heads up their asses and pat one another on the back in their collective delusions......

I LOVE it.......LOL
Stop consuming news from DNC is making you NUTS.

Why do you accept news from 6 billionaire corporations? You have nothing in common with them.

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