Trump’s New Book

What kind of self absorbed asshole puts out a picture of Himself while He's still alive?
You can buy it for $1.50 next year.

You mean like the Obama and Clinton books?

By the way those were scams.

The assholes got some intern to write a book nobody wanted to read. Then the Democrat filthy special interest clowns bought up copies of the books to pay back the influence selling.
You mean like the Obama and Clinton books?

By the way those were scams.

The assholes got some intern to write a book nobody wanted to read. Then the Democrat filthy special interest clowns bought up copies of the books to pay back the influence selling.

Trump bought the 1st 5,000 copies of Art of the Deal to get it on the NYT bestseller list and he hired a writer.
The kind who is a fake billionaire facing crushing debt and who needs to crowd fund his retirement.
Obama did nothing for African Americans except pushing lower IQ's for important positions. A globalist doctrine for total power. I am pragmatic. I know we are becoming regionalized and tribalized. A block captain, a community organizer, a state senator, a federal senator and a president who did nothing. Where are the slums different? Why properties on the beaches that are disappearing from global warming? Oh well!
A picture book.

Has there ever been a funnier, more appropriate, or more ironic book ever released?
There has certainly been more ironic books…but the demafascist are burning them…like Of Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird…novels the demafascist are banning being taught in schools

With that said, I’m sure this book is quite nice Historical moments are often caught on camera and worth remembering, for example Xiden’s infamous press conference creating the Biden Rule, or his speech referring to a African-American pitcher as the n word, his famous “racial jungle” speech..the list goes on
Obama did nothing for African Americans except pushing lower IQ's for important positions. A globalist doctrine for total power. I am pragmatic. I know we are becoming regionalized and tribalized. A block captain, a community organizer, a state senator, a federal senator and a president who did nothing. Where are the slums different? Why properties on the beaches that are disappearing from global warming? Oh well!
You`re angry because you and your low IQ were passed over for an important position. Maybe Biden will let you pick up his dog`s shit.

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