Trump's number one lie of the election

For the most part its that way.

NO, that's the way it is, Snowflake. Trump is your new President.

Never said otherwise.
You lie - you said 'FOR THE MOST PART'.

No, Snowflake, in entirety, not in part, Trump is your new President.

for the most part yeah, but trump is not my president until January. Not to worried either. Its only a matter of time until he slips on a banana peel and eats shit.
The Donald is insisting that he won the popular vote (though he did not) and there were millions of illegal votes (though there was not). And you Trumpkins and -ettes are worried about the majority of us who voted against him? Yes, you should be.

Donald Trump closed out the Thanksgiving holiday weekend by tweeting an outrageous lie about the 2016 election.

"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

To begin with the obvious: There is no evidence whatsoever that any of this happened. Why a weekend of raging Trump tweets should give us pause

Wow...the stuff you koooks come up with is mind blowing.
"And you Trumpkins and -ettes are worried about the majority of us who voted against him? Yes, you should be."
What are we worried about? What is there to be worried about?
All I've seen since Trump won are the loony liberal progressives and the un-American's that are worried...They've been scampering around like the human cockroaches they are since the announcement of YOUR new President.....REAL...proud American's have nothing to worry about...we can't wait for the hammer to come down on all the trash.
Actually, if you subtract the supposed 3 million illegals who voted Trump did win the Popular vote....unless Snowflakes want to make the laughable argument that illegals would actually vote for the candidate who has vowed to send them home. :p

You have no proof or clear evidence that 3 millions illegals voted. And yet you spread this kind of lying propaganda. Give me a break. Election is over at least try to be honest once in a while.

The left is scrambling to keep the election going. They are trying recounts in three states to tie up the electoral vote to force it to the House and throw the legitimate winner into doubt. Not very honest. Maybe you should look into that.

What is this has to do with the 3 millions illegal votes? Any proof?
His picks are rejects, controversial and racist. Try to unite this country which is already divided as it is with those rejects then will see what happen.


Hillary lost.
Trump s a poopyhead.


That's true your president won the election...... get over it you won. So stop spreading your lies about millions illegal voters.
Sorry, but analysis of voter rolls proved approx 3 million more registeted than actual US citizens.

Its been proven more completely than 'the Russians hacked the election'.

It is clear now the Libs'strategy of talking so much 'Russian intervention' before this election was to prep for using this BS after Hillary lost.
That's true your president won the election...... get over it you won.
Get over it? :p

Oh libs repeatedly ragged Conservatives how Hillary was gonna win in a landslide. It's just beginning, Snowflake. :p
The Donald is insisting that he won the popular vote (though he did not) and there were millions of illegal votes (though there was not). And you Trumpkins and -ettes are worried about the majority of us who voted against him? Yes, you should be.

Donald Trump closed out the Thanksgiving holiday weekend by tweeting an outrageous lie about the 2016 election.

"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

To begin with the obvious: There is no evidence whatsoever that any of this happened. Why a weekend of raging Trump tweets should give us pause
You being a Hillary supporter, are you seriously wanting to question Trumps honesty? :laugh:
That's true your president won the election...... get over it you won.
Get over it? :p

Oh libs repeatedly ragged Conservatives how Hillary was gonna win in a landslide. It's just beginning, Snowflake. :p

we will see. trump has been going against what he said in his primary and the general election. That will likely be the booby trap the GOP sets for him.
Hey Crixus....

Hillary LOST.

Trump is your new President. :p

Ahyup. I did vote Trump. But i was never a supporter and never will be. But I sure as hell wouldn't vote for a Clinton. Still, Trump is really flip floping on his promises, and staffing his white house with to many ex mayors and governors who supported and ran sanctuary cities.
Actually, we won. You got in on a technicality. And you keep bragging because that is what classless idiots do.

So now the left is claiming that the EV is nothing more than a technicality??

Oh for fucks sake. Somebody needs to ship the lot of you to the moon.


fucking idiot

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