Trump's number one lie of the election

The ACA was imposed on the people? WTF does that mean?
Ah, playing your favorite game, I see, Snowflake - 'Dumb'.

We have repeatedly had this conversation in the past, as you know. Playing 'amnesia', though, makes you feel better.

As you know, Barry promised the people at least 48 hours to read any legislation prior to a vote being held. Barry promised every meeting would be held on TV for everyone to watch. Barry promised it would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, would lower the cost of health care premiums, and his award-winning lie - 'if you like your plan/doctor you can keep them.

EVERYTHING he promised / said was a LIE!

Despite Americans 'melting the phone lines' the week before telling Congress not to pass the ACA, the following week, in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept, the Liberals rammed their minority-supported piece of Socialist legislation into law anyway, against the majority will of the American people.

The ACA was IMPOSED on the American people, much like an EDICT. When asked what was in it Despot Nancy Pelosi declared to the American people that they had NO RIGHT to know what was in the legislation until their 'rulers' had finished ramming it into law.

After they did so they UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY exempted themselves from it.

This POS was SO BAD that Obama had to include a monetary punishment that would be imposed on any American if they refused to comply, even if they could not financially afford to do so.

This was not a democratic act carried out by a Congress - 'servants of the people' - representing the people's wishes but instead a Oligarchist collective of despots who IMPOSED their socialist agenda on their 'subjects' against their will.

Democratic? Aren't you one of the nuts who insists we're not democracy?

Aren't you one of the nuts who loves the electoral college because it can ignore the will of the majority?
Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
Actually, we won. You got in on a technicality. And you keep bragging because that is what classless idiots do.

LOL you lost fool and you lost huge. Trump won 30 states including the blue wall of MI, WI, and PA. Trump beat you like a dog on your home turf.

lol, that's what passes for a beating on the right.

Fact remains. Trump is president elect. Hillary is not. And its all legal and happened like it was supposed to. the system worked.
The Donald is insisting that he won the popular vote (though he did not) and there were millions of illegal votes (though there was not). And you Trumpkins and -ettes are worried about the majority of us who voted against him? Yes, you should be.

Donald Trump closed out the Thanksgiving holiday weekend by tweeting an outrageous lie about the 2016 election.

"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," the president-elect tweeted on Sunday.

He went on to directly target states he lost: "Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California — so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias — big problem!"

To begin with the obvious: There is no evidence whatsoever that any of this happened. Why a weekend of raging Trump tweets should give us pause

The goal of propaganda is to destroy the credibility of science and objective reporting so as confuse people to the point where they don't know what's true. This is why they wage war on universities and traditional newspapers like the NYT.

In this kind of environment (where shared methods for accessing truth have been strategically destroyed), the upshot is that scientific statement's on gravity have the same weight as statements about Obama being a Muslim Agent... or statements about 3 million illegals voting.

Again, there is no way to prove the falsehood of these claims because the propaganda system has essentially gotten rid of common standards of truth. This is why religious and uneducated people are so fundamental to the rise of the current Republican Party - because it gives them a rabid crowd of people who are, on some levels, against the scientific method and critical thought (making them uniquely vulnerable to fake news).
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Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
Actually, we won. You got in on a technicality. And you keep bragging because that is what classless idiots do.

LOL you lost fool and you lost huge. Trump won 30 states including the blue wall of MI, WI, and PA. Trump beat you like a dog on your home turf.
But, yet, he lost the popular vote. You guys are bragging about winning on a technicality. That is how low your self esteem is.

There is no popular vote election, it does not exist hence Trump did not lose the so called popular vote. Had the election been decided by a popular vote Trump would have campaigned differently and may have won. You people are being dishonest, its why you lost. Your lies and bias and dishonesty the country has had enough of your BS.
Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
Actually, we won. You got in on a technicality. And you keep bragging because that is what classless idiots do.

LOL you lost fool and you lost huge. Trump won 30 states including the blue wall of MI, WI, and PA. Trump beat you like a dog on your home turf.

Then he should have no problem at all with a recount, should he? But he seems to be panicking about it. Hmmm.....

The election results are not in question, this recount is nothing more than you people having sour grapes about losing. Wouldn't the money be better spent helping the poor? Go ahead we await your hypocrisy response.
The Trump SCOTUS will rule for the next 20 to 30 years! The libs are getting everything they deserve and I for one enjoy rubbing salt in their wounds.

Not after the filibuster gets through with them.

Reid gave us the nuclear option, a simple 51 vote majority suck it!!

No he didn't, not on Supreme Court justices. It's Bork time!

Reid let the Jeanie out of the bottle, now we'll use it to punish you losers. Say goodbye to your hopes of a liberal SCOTUS. That we stole a nomination from Obama makes it all the sweeter.

So here's what you can look forward to, and you're no legend, either: SCOTUS goes totally conservative and Roe v. Wade is repealed. Next step: Baby boom. Lots of unwanted babies whose families cannot support them. Guess who will? You. Your taxes are going to go way up to accommodate a whole new generation of welfare recipients. Happy now?

Trump doesn't pay taxes so it won't affect him, you stupid idiot.

Donald Trump's Supreme Court Would Overturn Roe v. Wade | The Huffington Post

That's a lot of rage and hatred packed into a single post. It defines you.
And we stomped your ass. We took on Hillary and the MSM and kicked your ass on your home turf, the blue wall crumbled. We went into PA, MI, and WI and whooped your ass, it was embarrassing. Poor Hillary bawled her eyes out and the looks on the MSM faces, priceless. :Boom2:
You narrowly won the election. The white working class in the upper midwest is why you won. Trump will not be able to fulfill their job hopes is going to be his problem.

You fascists are already digging a hole from which you can't emerge.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.

It is still the Obama economy.

Trump is negotiating with Ford and Carrier not Obama. He's off playing golf or admiring himself in a mirror and otherwise being useless.
You narrowly won the election. The white working class in the upper midwest is why you won. Trump will not be able to fulfill their job hopes is going to be his problem.

You fascists are already digging a hole from which you can't emerge.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.

It is still the Obama economy.

Trump is negotiating with Ford and Carrier not Obama. He's off playing golf or admiring himself in a mirror and otherwise being useless.

In my opinion doing that is all he will have.
You narrowly won the election. The white working class in the upper midwest is why you won. Trump will not be able to fulfill their job hopes is going to be his problem.

You fascists are already digging a hole from which you can't emerge.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.

It is still the Obama economy.

Trump can't even get the jobs in his cabinet right, much less any other jobs. Seems he's enjoying the infighting that is occurring amongst his transition team. Sociopaths love that kind of shit....watching them scratch each other's eyes out for positioning. Trump relishes his new power and once he gets bored with his team, he's going to turn his tyranny onto the public.

Why because he's not filling his cabinet with liberal Goldman Sachs hacks and political patronage handouts like Obama? You need to come to grips with the fact that your side lost.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.

It is still the Obama economy.

Trump can't even get the jobs in his cabinet right, much less any other jobs. Seems he's enjoying the infighting that is occurring amongst his transition team. Sociopaths love that kind of shit....watching them scratch each other's eyes out for positioning. Trump relishes his new power and once he gets bored with his team, he's going to turn his tyranny onto the public.

Why because he's not filling his cabinet with liberal Goldman Sachs hacks and political patronage handouts like Obama? You need to come to grips with the fact that your side lost.

Steve Mnuchin ? and there are more i believe.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.

It is still the Obama economy.

Trump is negotiating with Ford and Carrier not Obama. He's off playing golf or admiring himself in a mirror and otherwise being useless.

In my opinion doing that is all he will have.

Based on what? You have an opinion what is the basis of your opinion?
Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
Actually, we won. You got in on a technicality. And you keep bragging because that is what classless idiots do.

LOL you lost fool and you lost huge. Trump won 30 states including the blue wall of MI, WI, and PA. Trump beat you like a dog on your home turf.

lol, that's what passes for a beating on the right.

Meh, your side is powerless for the next few years. Maybe you should take some time off.
I am voting WF2020 for the terrorist watch list. Talk about out of control butt hurt whack job.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.

It is still the Obama economy.

Trump can't even get the jobs in his cabinet right, much less any other jobs. Seems he's enjoying the infighting that is occurring amongst his transition team. Sociopaths love that kind of shit....watching them scratch each other's eyes out for positioning. Trump relishes his new power and once he gets bored with his team, he's going to turn his tyranny onto the public.

Why because he's not filling his cabinet with liberal Goldman Sachs hacks and political patronage handouts like Obama? You need to come to grips with the fact that your side lost.

Steve Bannon worked at Goldman. Trump has a number of advisors who were virtually lobbyists. Giuliani's post-mayor life has been filled with lobbying.

Trump's "drain the swamp" rhetoric was made for talk radio drones who don't have access to real news.
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.

It is still the Obama economy.

Trump can't even get the jobs in his cabinet right, much less any other jobs. Seems he's enjoying the infighting that is occurring amongst his transition team. Sociopaths love that kind of shit....watching them scratch each other's eyes out for positioning. Trump relishes his new power and once he gets bored with his team, he's going to turn his tyranny onto the public.

Why because he's not filling his cabinet with liberal Goldman Sachs hacks and political patronage handouts like Obama? You need to come to grips with the fact that your side lost.

Steve Bannon worked at Goldman. Trump has a number of advisors who were virtually lobbyists. Giuliani's post-mayor life has been filled with lobbying.

Trump's "drain the swamp" rhetoric was made for talk radio drones who don't have access to real news.

They also overlook the fact that Trump is going way heavy on appointing folks from the pro amnesty crowed.
You narrowly won the election. The white working class in the upper midwest is why you won. Trump will not be able to fulfill their job hopes is going to be his problem.

You fascists are already digging a hole from which you can't emerge.
Wow. And we need t be scared of the "alt-right" boogie man? You mean the "white working class" who pay all the bills and are being crushed by the ruling class ?
Don't be afraid of the white working class, kid. I am saying that Trump cannot provide those jobs he promised. Thus that class will turn on him.

Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.

It is still the Obama economy.

Trump is negotiating with Ford and Carrier not Obama. He's off playing golf or admiring himself in a mirror and otherwise being useless.

The proof is in the pudding. Trump manufactured many of his products overseas with foreign labor.

China, the Netherlands, Mexico, India, Turkey, Slovenia, Honduras, Germany, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea.

Does Trump play golf?
Trump is already providing those jobs. Just go bake your rainbow cookies while we clean up your mess.

It is still the Obama economy.

Trump can't even get the jobs in his cabinet right, much less any other jobs. Seems he's enjoying the infighting that is occurring amongst his transition team. Sociopaths love that kind of shit....watching them scratch each other's eyes out for positioning. Trump relishes his new power and once he gets bored with his team, he's going to turn his tyranny onto the public.

Why because he's not filling his cabinet with liberal Goldman Sachs hacks and political patronage handouts like Obama? You need to come to grips with the fact that your side lost.

Steve Bannon worked at Goldman. Trump has a number of advisors who were virtually lobbyists. Giuliani's post-mayor life has been filled with lobbying.

Trump's "drain the swamp" rhetoric was made for talk radio drones who don't have access to real news.
They also overlook the fact that Trump is going way heavy on appointing folks from the pro amnesty crowed.
He will only lie and try to build the wall and deport 11 million people.
you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
Actually, we won. You got in on a technicality. And you keep bragging because that is what classless idiots do.

LOL you lost fool and you lost huge. Trump won 30 states including the blue wall of MI, WI, and PA. Trump beat you like a dog on your home turf.
But, yet, he lost the popular vote. You guys are bragging about winning on a technicality. That is how low your self esteem is.

There is no popular vote election, it does not exist hence Trump did not lose the so called popular vote. Had the election been decided by a popular vote Trump would have campaigned differently and may have won. You people are being dishonest, its why you lost. Your lies and bias and dishonesty the country has had enough of your BS.
Trump was not elected by a majority of the American people. He did not expect to be President, he did not want to be President, it happened and he would like to find a way out of it. He will find a way to do a Sarah Palin.
you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
Actually, we won. You got in on a technicality. And you keep bragging because that is what classless idiots do.

LOL you lost fool and you lost huge. Trump won 30 states including the blue wall of MI, WI, and PA. Trump beat you like a dog on your home turf.

lol, that's what passes for a beating on the right.

Meh, your side is powerless for the next few years. Maybe you should take some time off.
I did that 20 years ago, and I have an incredible life.
So far all of Trump's detractors have seen their own demise.

Trump to Jeb Bush during the debates..."Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the stage" LMAO the look on Jeb Bush face was historic. Funniest damn thing I ever saw in a debate. That Trump called Hillary a liar to her face on national tv...well its been one awesome presidential election for we conservatives.

you "conservatives" are nothing more then trend followers.

We stomped your ass. You looking for another beating?
Actually, we won. You got in on a technicality. And you keep bragging because that is what classless idiots do.

LOL you lost fool and you lost huge. Trump won 30 states including the blue wall of MI, WI, and PA. Trump beat you like a dog on your home turf.
And still lost the popular vote.

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