Trump's plan: Repatriation of $1 trillion cash back to the USA...

Obviously you’ve seen his tax returns…oh wait. you haven’t.

What’s he hiding.
You're the idiot who made the accusation, thus the burden of proof is on you. I knew you had none which is why I baited you with my post, knowing you'd double down on your lefty idiocy.

Thanks for playing.

He won’t release his tax returns.
Obviously he’s hiding something.
Thanks for bumping it to da-top.
You're welcome.

Look at it as a PSA to keep folks apprised of your idiocy, tactics, etc. You made the accusation for which you have no proof, so thanks for reminding everyone.

Trump is obviously not paying his fair share. Otherwise your messiah would show his returns.

I haven’t had batting practice today, thanks for pitching
Wrong sport but not surprising considering the source. You're the one who's moved the goal posts from Trump is a tax cheat to now he's not paying his fair share.

Are you sure you're not JoeyB Dolezal in drag?

Not sure about who that is.
I am sure that Drumpf has something to hide.

Where is the tax return?

What’s your messiah hiding?
The offshore money was already repatriated with "Back to Back Loans". So we won't benefit any more by allowing tax free repatriating of money. This is just another hoax to make Workers pay more tax & inflation to benefit the Rich.

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