Trump's poll numbers increasing because ... maybe he's doing what he said he'd do?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Ignoring deficits to spend more on infrastructure and cut taxes primarily for the 1%

Spending more on military too.

Lessening our old alliances with our WWII allies.

Protectionist trade.

Judicial appointments who are disinclined to follow precedents on issues such as discrimination against gays.

Like it or not, he may be delivering on some of his promises. Whether they make America safer and more prosperous .... time will tell. And frankly for my kid's financial future, he scares the mutherfuking life outta me. LOL
Ignoring deficits to spend more on infrastructure and cut taxes primarily for the 1%

Spending more on military too.

Lessening our old alliances with our WWII allies.

Protectionist trade.

Judicial appointments who are disinclined to follow precedents on issues such as discrimination against gays.

Like it or not, he may be delivering on some of his promises. Whether they make America safer and more prosperous .... time will tell. And frankly for my kid's financial future, he scares the mutherfuking life outta me. LOL
Yep....appointing judges that follow the laws as written would scare the shit out of most Snowflake Liberals.
Ignoring deficits to spend more on infrastructure and cut taxes primarily for the 1%

Spending more on military too.

Lessening our old alliances with our WWII allies.

Protectionist trade.

Judicial appointments who are disinclined to follow precedents on issues such as discrimination against gays.

Like it or not, he may be delivering on some of his promises. Whether they make America safer and more prosperous .... time will tell. And frankly for my kid's financial future, he scares the mutherfuking life outta me. LOL
Yep....appointing judges that follow the laws as written would scare the shit out of most Snowflake Liberals.
Ah, I don't care about Judges so much, but I realize racism is like mother's milk to you. Trump's deficits scare the shit out of me for my daughter's future.

But it seems to me he is in some ways doing what he said he'd do.

And the funny thing is the liberals seem to be focusing on transgender people in the military and his paying whores for sex. Like people who voted for him, and will have to vote for him to be reelected, will give a crap about that. LOL
Ignoring deficits to spend more on infrastructure and cut taxes primarily for the 1%

Spending more on military too.

Lessening our old alliances with our WWII allies.

Protectionist trade.

Judicial appointments who are disinclined to follow precedents on issues such as discrimination against gays.

Like it or not, he may be delivering on some of his promises. Whether they make America safer and more prosperous .... time will tell. And frankly for my kid's financial future, he scares the mutherfuking life outta me. LOL
Yep....appointing judges that follow the laws as written would scare the shit out of most Snowflake Liberals.
Ah, I don't care about Judges so much, but I realize racism is like mother's milk to you. Trump's deficits scare the shit out of me for my daughter's future.

But it seems to me he is in some ways doing what he said he'd do.

And the funny thing is the liberals seem to be focusing on transgender people in the military and his paying whores for sex. Like people who voted for him, and will have to vote for him to be reelected, will give a crap about that. LOL
You need to become consistent to be any authority on this.

Appears that huge deficit spending only matters to you if it happens while Trump is in office, not when Obama is in office.
And FYI, Trump never seemed to have a racist bone in his body till the Clinton News Network started conflating natural security with racism. The border wall is not racist. And it seems that bathrooms and porn stars are the left's domain, whereas jobs, trade, lower taxes, and a booming economy is ours.

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